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Whittaker St, Western Region

Andrew P

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l need to get some as well mate, also need some more wagons, any progress today  on WS...

Hi Mate, no none on WS today as we had Mother for Lunch today, (and very tasty it was too, hahahha). but I've just been out there for an hour this evening whilst the good Lady watched the soaps.


So this evening 6 more Point Motors have had the 6 wires soldered on each one ready for fitting, I still need one more Motor which I'll collect on Wednesday.

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It's nice to see you can still invite Mother over for dinner, Andy.


My mother inlaw was always welcome in our house.


As long as she left her broom stick outside......... :jester:


Can't wait to see the first loco movement on Whittaker Street.

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It's nice to see you can still invite Mother over for dinner, Andy.


My mother inlaw was always welcome in our house.


As long as she left her broom stick outside......... :jester:


Can't wait to see the first loco movement on Whittaker Street.


You know, it was because of my mother-in-law that I developed such an interest in military aircraft. It all started the day the police turned up and informed us that the RAF had shot her down over Pendle Hill!


Looking forward to the first video Andrew. I've got YouTube on standby...





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It's nice to see you can still invite Mother over for dinner, Andy.


My mother inlaw was always welcome in our house.


As long as she left her broom stick outside......... :jester:


Can't wait to see the first loco movement on Whittaker Street.


You know, it was because of my mother-in-law that I developed such an interest in military aircraft. It all started the day the police turned up and informed us that the RAF had shot her down over Pendle Hill!


Looking forward to the first video Andrew. I've got YouTube on standby...






Hope to see something running on Saturday ?

Hi Andy, Bill and George, there will DEFINATELY be something running on Sunday, the Main Board is already done and 4 of the 7 points on the Station boards are also done. I may even be able to do a Video before weekend, WATCH THIS SPACE.

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Today, other than wiring up the four Point motors I have been doing some more weathering for a friend, this time its a rake of 8 Tilcon PGA Hoppers. After checking on Paul Bartlets web site and in a couple of books I have done them in Dark Grey, Light Grey, Light Tan, and white.
















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Wagons look the part mate, did you use Acrylics ?

Thanks George, yes just Acrylics, really easy. Just posted on BS about the Layouts I'm looking forward to at the weekend.


Out all day today so will catch you later Mate.

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Impressed with progress, you to get up early don't you I vowed once I was retired no getting up before 9.00am its great!!!!!

9am??????? been up 2 hours fed and watered and ready to get out in the Shed, hahhah.


If I lay in bed I get back ache.

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O.K. so tomorrow its the last 2 Points to wire and fit, then I can put the two boards together and do a full test. Things will then slow down production wise, but will increase picture wise as I run various bits of stock over all the Layout and ensuring all the uncoupling magnets are in the right places, and the sidings work as planned.  


Once fully satisfied, (and that could take a couple of Months) I will paint the track ready to start the ballasting process.

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OK! Cancel your appointments and stock up on food essentials for the next few weeks guys, Andy's going to start playing...aah! carrying out a period of exhaustive testing for purpose! Actually, I believe I can already detect a certain amount of well-deserved satisfaction emanating from the direction of The Potting Shed and rightly so. I only hope George can persuade you to let go of the controller on Saturday. R & R is important you know!


Looking forward to seeing the layout in it's entirety!





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Thanks Bill, Gorge and I will have an Hour or so Playing Testing before we go to DEMU on Saturday / tomorrow, but I have another surprise in store for him when he gets here as well, and all will be revealed over the next few weeks.

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Thanks Bill, Gorge and I will have an Hour or so Playing Testing before we go to DEMU on Saturday / tomorrow, but I have another surprise in store for him when he gets here as well, and all will be revealed over the next few weeks.

l bet you are going back to O gauge ? hahaha    (l am waiting for MMP to bring out their new improved Class 31 O gauge kit)

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