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  • RMweb Premium

At the risk of boring you all, here's a couple of tonight's moon photos. At the gibbous phase I can't fit the whole thing into a single frame - hence the top and bottom bits!







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Fun and games on YouTube where a number of people have uploaded identical videos of the failed SpaceX launch this afternoon and are now sniping at each other for stealing their copyright material! Strangely enough none of them have yet mentioned the fact that NASA are responsible for filming the launch! The one exception is a chap who is chastising them all for arguing over ownership and ignoring the loss of poor, innocent lives! Any volunteers willing to explain the meaning of the word 'unmanned' to him?






PS: Still can't see the Man in the Moon Jeff!

Edited by Mythocentric
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Appears that it would have been worth filming as it has just been reported that it blew up after take off, immolating all the supplies expected on the ISS! I thought it was an unmanned flight?! There is a statement on the NASA site and footage on BBC news 24. Edited to say that I've now just read Bill's post mentioning the disastrous event - perhaps they'll let the Russians send up the next shopping!

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Appears that it would have been worth filming as it has just been reported that it blew up after take off, immolation get all the supplies expected on the ISS! Luckily it was unmanned!! There is a statement on the NASA site and footage on BBC news 24.

Kind regards,



Hi Jock!


I've just watched the footage and will be logging onto the NASA site shortly to watch the press conference, though I doubt if there will be much in the way of information at this stage. According to the telemetry the explosion occurred just over 2 minutes after launch in the Max-Q phase (the period when the vehicle is at it's most stressed). SpaceX are expecting the next supply mission to launch on schedule early July but the NASA site has a Soyuz supply launch listed during the same period.





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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff and all.

Hope all is ok i've been busy with life and not much ra*#way modeling. But things are getting good for me (1st in a while ). lol just keep smiling and keep well.




Cheers Mark. You are always positive and I wish you well on the domestic front!


As for railway modelling, well, it's not the be-all-and-end-all so chill out and enjoy yourself. But I warn you, Jason is on his way round to sort you out!!  :jester:  :jester:



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Evening Jeff,

Absolutely beautiful moon here tonight, when I took Archie the Westie out for his last 'comfort real' of the day! Building up to the full on the second of next month, if it's as well illuminated by the Sun then, and your skies are as clear as ours, you should get some fantastic images. Good luck, I'm very impressed with the results so far!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Some great shots of the moon Jeff. My favourites are those of 23rd and 25th. As it gets closer to full moon you lose the shadows because the sun is behind us and to me that flattens the image too much. A full moon may me more magical, but to me a crescent moon is darker, almost sinister, more mysterious and appears far more ancient.

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Some great shots of the moon Jeff. My favourites are those of 23rd and 25th. As it gets closer to full moon you lose the shadows because the sun is behind us and to me that flattens the image too much. A full moon may me more magical, but to me a crescent moon is darker, almost sinister, more mysterious and appears far more ancient.


Mind you! Even a full moon can hold the occasional surprise...............









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  • RMweb Premium

Some great shots of the moon Jeff. My favourites are those of 23rd and 25th. As it gets closer to full moon you lose the shadows because the sun is behind us and to me that flattens the image too much. A full moon may me more magical, but to me a crescent moon is darker, almost sinister, more mysterious and appears far more ancient.


Cheers Neil. I agree with you - the photos around 5-8 days (post #997 was around 7 days) have my favourite features and plenty of shadow/contrast.


I'm especially excited with the results - in terms of being able to do much better - because:


The Moon hasn't been above 20 degree altitude in any of the pics so far, and


I've only just discovered that my focusing skills can definitely be better. I was using the DSLR in LiveView mode, but judging focus at magnification x1. I'd not realised there was the facility to zoom on a particular part of the image at x5 or x10. That'll make crater focusing a bit easier! And yes - silly me!!


I'll be avoiding pics at the full phase, so roll on with a few clear nights next week!


Btw, Venus and Jupiter are only 19' of arc (about half a full moon width) apart in the NW sky this evening.



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I thought the moon was made of cheese.


I wouldn't be surprised Mark. This is the Asylum where anything can happen after all! Only last week Andrew was wondering where the mice had got to! :scratchhead: :scratchhead: :scratchhead:





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Mind you! Even a full moon can hold the occasional surprise...............







Jeez Bill that freaked me out. Where are the "Jeebs that uncalled for" and "NO MORE PLEEZE!" buttons?



Meanwhile back in the doghouse ,,,


Way, way back in the nineties, SWMBO and No1 son got into a game called Ultima Online. They played for many years, at first on the official servers, then on several private ones. I got sucked in to playing after one shard was having scripting problems. I finished up doing  a lot of scripting and GMing (Moderator, trouble shooter, event organiser and banner of miscreants) there for years. Then it all went to pot when the owner became ill, so I finished up scripting and building my own shard, which ran for about five years until my server went up in smoke about five years ago. This,  followed by a house move, I never got around to resurrecting it,


Fast forward to this week, when No1 son turn sup with the installer for another server, run by one of his friends. Yours truly has the job of installing and setting up account and game play for 'er indoors. bu99ered if I can remember any of the commands, controls or anything else to be honest.


Hence doghouse. Laugh now, you know you want to. Go on, go on go on.

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Morning all,

A bit gutted here because the closest moments were to the West of us here and although visible, the view was completely spoiled for me as that is the direction in which Clacton Town lies, complete with its light pollution!

Did you take any pictures Jeff?

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A bit gutted here because the closest moments were to the West of us here and although visible, the view was completely spoiled for me as that is the direction in which Clacton Town lies, complete with its light pollution!

Did you take any pictures Jeff?

Kind regards,



No, no pictures I'm afraid. But it was a fine sight in a low power eyepiece (x 40) with a thick crescent Venus at one side of the field of view and Jupiter at the other (3 moons on one side, 1 on the other). You can imagine how such "conjunctions" could be taken as portents for good or evil in earlier times.


I did take a load more pics of the nearly full moon, including some crater close ups - first ever go at eyepiece projection. The detail was there, albeit with terrible atmospherics because of the heat. However, I got my exposure times all wrong. But, lesson learned, so you may see one or two on here when the Moon's phase and position are more conducive to success!


About to head off to the local B&Q to get some more cans of tile adhesive for Bunker flooring.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well Guys,  


Thrilled to have seen Jupiter and Venus ... but, at present Jupiter is hidden by cloud.




Glad you caught a glimpse - such occurrences are always fairly eye-catching. Though the average "man in the street" - who never looks at the sky - probably didn't even notice.



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