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Man has walked on the Moon.

We've sent craft that have landed safely on Mars.

We can accelerate particles to a great speed and collide them in the LHC.


But is it possible to open a paper wrapper containing two Shredded Wheat without spilling any crumbs?


Strangely enough Peter I have similar problems with Steak and Pepper pies from the local Spar. Open the plastic wrap then try to catch it before it hits the floor! Thanks to Clive I now know the answer but I think I'll still keep the pan and brush handy, just in case! :O





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Weetabix crumbs are a nightmare, I'm forever getting shouted at, but there are worse things.


My name is Dave and I throw things.


I spend a lot of time retrieving kitchen utensils, teabags, pies, sausages and other similar sized objects from around the kitchen. I also make a good job of coating everything in sight in sugar, coffee, nesquick milkshake powder. I'm also very good at dropping 2litre milk cartons.


My hands are lethal weapons, I have no control over them at times.  :haha:



Looking at the stars around here is difficult, as the level of light pollution is very high. When I was young we used to go across the road into the park and avoid the park patrol motorcycles (Triumph Saints)  to set my friend's small telescope up in the bowling green. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I've just missed my mouth with my spoon full of Cornflakes, off to change my shirt again now.

Cor blimey, that would be a triple telling off in my household, one the mess, two another shirt to wash and three wasting food. :rtfm: :shout: :ireful:

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  • RMweb Premium

Weetabix crumbs are a nightmare, I'm forever getting shouted at, but there are worse things.


My name is Dave and I throw things.


I spend a lot of time retrieving kitchen utensils, teabags, pies, sausages and other similar sized objects from around the kitchen. I also make a good job of coating everything in sight in sugar, coffee, nesquick milkshake powder. I'm also very good at dropping 2litre milk cartons.


My hands are lethal weapons, I have no control over them at times.  :haha:



Looking at the stars around here is difficult, as the level of light pollution is very high. When I was young we used to go across the road into the park and avoid the park patrol motorcycles (Triumph Saints)  to set my friend's small telescope up in the bowling green. 


My name is Jeff, and I throw things!!


Glanced at my mobile and discovered a lot of activity on here. Switched the laptop on.... It's taken over half an hour to get to this point. "Installing update 1 of 21...", followed by a requested Scandisk.


Bl**dy hell!


And after tales of cereal woe, you've scared me SO much that I don't think I dare try to open my new box of Fruit & Fibre!  :O  :O  :O  :O



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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry I missed all the activity on here last night. I was outside until nearly 3am. Had some of my best-ever views of Saturn and 3 of its moons. 


ISS, too.


Hope you had fun, Bill.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Guys, Jeff say's its quiet on here but I've been out all day, but now looking forward to seeing some of Bill and Jeff's pics very soon now, It'll make a change from Loc*****.  WHOOPS NEARLY.


My IMPLIED spellchecker/"kettle"-related device is watching you....


.... Beware, the Spanish Inquisition!  :O  :O



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Blimey! I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition.  My wife says I'm very predictable...


I switched my laptop on yesterday and got nine updates to install. Downloading 9 updates 0% ...     ten minutes pass ...  watch paint dry and grass grow ....  18 minutes later I get the reboot message. By that time I'd completely forgotten about the update. So I rebooted and then it decided there were another two. Downloading 2 updates 0% ...     ten minutes pass ...  watch paint dry and grass grow .... no reboot required this time, so I didn't see the updates were complete until I was switching the machine off.


It seems like "Patch Tuesday" is with us for one more month, then who knows what is going to happen. Micros**t don't seem to know thmeselves.

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Oh dear YET AGAIN :O , out for a nice but short walk with the Dogs along the Canal, had a nice sit down with a Magnum Ice Cream (other makes available) now NEED TO CHANGE MY SHIRT AGAIN. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no:  


Time to put the shorts on and back into the safety of the Potting Shed and work on one of the Layouts that are taking shape. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh dear YET AGAIN :O , out for a nice but short walk with the Dogs along the Canal, had a nice sit down with a Magnum Ice Cream (other makes available) now NEED TO CHANGE MY SHIRT AGAIN. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no:  


Time to put the shorts on and back into the safety of the Potting Shed and work on one of the Layouts that are taking shape. :sungum:


You mucky pup!


Enjoy the modelling...(and I've seen those adverts with the women who eat Magnums....)



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  • RMweb Gold

Yeah, apparently I was just born clumsy, I didn't need any special training for it.

They say with boys that one of the reasons that most are clumsy as a teen is that during puberty they tend to grow so fast that their brain doesn't keep up with the new dimensions of their limbs.


So Andy, you'll be fine when you finish growing up  :jester:

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Sorry I missed all the activity on here last night. I was outside until nearly 3am. Had some of my best-ever views of Saturn and 3 of its moons. 


ISS, too.


Hope you had fun, Bill.




Great fun Jeff! It was pretty cloudy so we only got glimpses of a short transit so we're going again tomorrow night, weather permitting! What tickled me was that Sara was absolutely buzzing about being allowed to stay up so late! So much so that mum was dispatched home in the car while we walked home along the prom (with her chattering all the way!) I must confess to being knackered by the time we got there (about 3 miles) but it was a joy to share in a whole new experience for our Sara!


On kids and food: One of my neighbour's has a two-year old boy (Simon). They also have a front-loading DVD player! He hasn't figured out how to run it yet, but he does find it a handy place to stash his choccy biscuits between snacks!





Edited by Mythocentric
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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry I missed all the activity on here last night. I was outside until nearly 3am. Had some of my best-ever views of Saturn and 3 of its moons. 


ISS, too.


Hope you had fun, Bill.



Is it visible with the naked eye Jeff?.  I keep seeing something extremely bright in the westerly sky moving gradually northwards and declining as the night goes one - probably shifts through about 10 degrees (maybe a bit more) over the evening/up to 01.00 by which time it is almost down on our horizon (which is comparatively high).  The odd thing is that it appears to be a bright object with several smaller ones close by.

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They say with boys that one of the reasons that most are clumsy as a teen is that during puberty they tend to grow so fast that their brain doesn't keep up with the new dimensions of their limbs.


So Andy, you'll be fine when you finish growing up  :jester:


Hey! Don't say that Neil! What about if he gives up modelling and starts chasing GIRLS? He's bad enough as it is!





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Is it visible with the naked eye Jeff?.  I keep seeing something extremely bright in the westerly sky moving gradually northwards and declining as the night goes one - probably shifts through about 10 degrees (maybe a bit more) over the evening/up to 01.00 by which time it is almost down on our horizon (which is comparatively high).  The odd thing is that it appears to be a bright object with several smaller ones close by.


It's quite highly visible Mike, though the magnitude (brightness) varies. If you go to this site http://www.heavens-above.com/and click on ISS you'll be taken to a table which gives you the times, direction and duration of it's passes for the next ten day period. The site also gives similar information on other satellites and heavenly bodies!





Edited by Mythocentric
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  • RMweb Premium

It's quite highly visible Mike, though the magnitude (brightness) varies. If you go to this site http://www.heavens-above.com/and click on ISS you'll be taken to a table which gives you the times, direction and duration of it's passes for the next ten day period. The site also gives similar information on other satellites and heavenly bodies!






Or have a look at: www.isstracker.com/


The space station - when visible from the UK - takes a minute or two, passing from a westerly direction towards the east. The length of time it's visible depends on the track across the sky - if it's fairly far south you may only see it for 20-30 seconds.


The ISS is very bright - around the brightness of Jupiter (say, -2). I once (around 1997) watched it transit the sky and on the following pass (about 90 minutes later) there were TWO bright objects. The space shuttle had just undocked, ready for its return to Earth.


I think the aliens are in your vicinity, Mike, if you're seeing multiple flashing lights. As Shaun said in a recent post - beware the anal probe!!  :O  :O



Edited by Physicsman
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Or have a look at: www.isstracker.com/


The space station - when visible from the UK - takes a minute or two, passing from a westerly direction towards the east. The length of time it's visible depends on the track across the sky - if it's fairly far south you may only see it for 20-30 seconds.


The ISS is very bright - around the brightness of Jupiter (say, -2). I once (around 1997) watched it transit the sky and on the following pass (about 90 minutes later) there were TWO bright objects. The space shuttle had just undocked, ready for its return to Earth.


I think the aliens are in your vicinity, Mike, if you're seeing multiple flashing lights. As Shaun said in a recent post - beware the anal probe!!  :O  :O






An intriguing scenario Jeff! Will Mike become the first human to encounter an extraterrestrial civilization? Keep your eyes on the skies......







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I get complaints about not being able to eat without getting it all round my mouth probably due to shovelling too much in. It has been absolutely beautiful this afternoon we are camped near Hundred House on a great site. Marion opened the fridge and the pot of cream fell out landing on the lid so she picked it up and placed it on the small cupboard. However the pot was only half full so the seal had been removed some cream had got under the edges of the lid. I only realised this when a small dog with a spot of cream on its nose was licking the side of the cupboard. Saved me cleaning it up. Remaining cream polished off with apple pie. Beautiful sunset promises well for a walk in the hills in the morning.


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Very good, Bill. My goodness - my image will be circulating through endless star systems! 


Brings to mind - for some reason - the old Smash advert....


"First they some potatoes and boil them in water in a pan..... then they smash them all to bits...." Aliens falling around with laughter. Same scenario as they look at that idiot in the photo wearing the mankini. Who is he?!



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To think, alien civilizations throughout the Cosmos could be scanning the third planet of the Solar System right now looking for that elusive flash of bright green (in the V spectrum) which will confirm that there is indeed life on Earth! Perhaps you should paint the Bunker roof with a large flourescent green V sign against a black background as a marker Jeff. I'm sure you would get a grant from SETI to cover the work!


Don't worry Scott! He'll be thanking you when he becomes the world's most famous scientist!**







**Providing he can still walk after the anal probing!

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