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Hi Jeff and Andy and thank you for your greetings!


I've pretty well decided on a Celestron NexStar SLT Series 130 (so far!). I needed it small enough for me to move it easily when I need to, but still large enough to be useful and that one fits the bill (no pun intended!). Happily for me our local church which has a large open field attached has offered me space and access to keep it there. It's only a few minutes walk away so very handy!



Scott does make a very good point about handling the camera you've chosen even if it will spend its time attached to your scope! The handling and 'feel' of a camera is something most people don't think about but it really is important! One of the main reasons I chose the camera I'm using now, an Olympus E-520, is that I can attach it to my scope and handle everything from the back using its large view screen and two buttons to control everything from set up to exposure! That's something I wasn't aware of until I actually went into the shop and picked it up. For normal hand-held or tripod work I just switch back to the viewfinder. Either way, with the EOS you've chosen a superb piece of kit! (Urrrgh! Do you know how hard it is for a Nikon fan to admit that!)



Those emails you're getting from Facebook are most likely coming from hackers. If you click on them you'll get even more crap (usually very nasty stuff to hurt your computer) than you do on Facebook itself. Just hit the spam button and let Microsoft deal with them or better still tell your email provider to send them there automatically!





Thanks Bill, I ALWAYS just delete without opening, Cheers.

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I am on Faceduck although I wasn't keen on joining. I did so because more and more of my mates started using it to upload photos and videos from when we'd been out on the mountain bikes, and started to use it to organise rides rather than use the admittedly crap forum we set up (99% taking the p155 out of each other and everyone else, 1% about riding bikes). We set a group up on there and it was far easier to manage, invite people to join the group, etc. for a while, I used to check up on there quite often but soon realised that most people's lives are as dull as ditchwater and I really didn't give a crap what their bloody cat had for tea. Most of my updates were silly ones, full of obscenities (my Mum and Dad were horrified when they read some of them :D) and never about what my bloody cat had for tea.


I very rarely go on there now and have friend requests and stuff awaiting my approval but I just can't be arsed, so people probably think I am rude but hey ho, that's life. A mate of mine is obsessed with having as many friends as humanly possible on there, to the point whe I see he is 'friends' with mates of mine who he has never met; proper odd behaviour if you ask me. Another mate and I set up a fake account for a made up person called Crispin, partly to bod up some reality for an Internet troll we started on a really cheesy mountain bike forum. Within one month, Crispin had 250 friends, which kind of says it all. He had more than me :)


It could be worse though, as Friends Reunited, it's rather poor predecessor, did not allow replies so apparently everyone was really successful and their wives and children were all beautiful. Can't get away with that on Facetruck as if your wife is a hippo, someone will post a photo.


I once got an email through Friends Reunited from a lad who went to our primary school, a lad who wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. His opening line was "Hello Jason, remember me? You once caught me and Bob Smith touching each other's willies in his coal shed". I declined to reply but it was so funny that I *might* have forwarded it on to a few people and I *might* have printed a copy of it off as a keepsake to cheer me up on dull days :D

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Thanks Bill, I ALWAYS just delete without opening, Cheers.


Interestingly enough Andy, just before I logged on to RMWeb I checked my emails and found one from 'Facebook' telling me that I could have a really big 'JOhnsoN' (their spelling!) and that I no longer needed 'blue pills' to remain active. Ah! The wonders of modern technology! I'm thinking here of that little button that sent it directly to the crap bin and oblivion!


I am on Faceduck although I wasn't keen on joining. I did so because more and more of my mates started using it to upload photos and videos from when we'd been out on the mountain bikes, and started to use it to organise rides rather than use the admittedly crap forum we set up (99% taking the p155 out of each other and everyone else, 1% about riding bikes). We set a group up on there and it was far easier to manage, invite people to join the group, etc. for a while, I used to check up on there quite often but soon realised that most people's lives are as dull as ditchwater and I really didn't give a crap what their bloody cat had for tea. Most of my updates were silly ones, full of obscenities (my Mum and Dad were horrified when they read some of them :D) and never about what my bloody cat had for tea.


I very rarely go on there now and have friend requests and stuff awaiting my approval but I just can't be arsed, so people probably think I am rude but hey ho, that's life. A mate of mine is obsessed with having as many friends as humanly possible on there, to the point whe I see he is 'friends' with mates of mine who he has never met; proper odd behaviour if you ask me. Another mate and I set up a fake account for a made up person called Crispin, partly to bod up some reality for an Internet troll we started on a really cheesy mountain bike forum. Within one month, Crispin had 250 friends, which kind of says it all. He had more than me :)


It could be worse though, as Friends Reunited, it's rather poor predecessor, did not allow replies so apparently everyone was really successful and their wives and children were all beautiful. Can't get away with that on Facetruck as if your wife is a hippo, someone will post a photo.


I once got an email through Friends Reunited from a lad who went to our primary school, a lad who wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. His opening line was "Hello Jason, remember me? You once caught me and Bob Smith touching each other's willies in his coal shed". I declined to reply but it was so funny that I *might* have forwarded it on to a few people and I *might* have printed a copy of it off as a keepsake to cheer me up on dull days :D


There's not much you can add to that Jason! I think Mister Spock came closest when he said, "It's life Jim, but not as we know it!"





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Morning all,

Dammit you chaps, I'm looking at my insignificant little Tasco scope and now you've set me thinking - how do I sell the idea to Joanna that my eyesight could do with a better performing device?

I avoid Farcebook and Twatter like the plague - I've seen some terrible misunderstandings develop into angry feuds, even on the edges of our own family, caused by a careless post or tweet! It seems that many people are happy to type some sort of carp on a keyboard that they wouldn't dream of putting to 'followers' if they were meeting face to face.

I like to report the type of e-mails that Andy mentioned to the Internet providers security team, whether it be Apple or Microsoft, or in the case of my PC, BT. The more information these agencies receive, the better the chance that they might catch these aerosols! I reported a recent attempt at phishing which used a very convincing e-mail purporting to come from PayPal and asking for log-in data etc. the give away was some abysmal grammar, and the fact that PayPal guarantee to never ask you in that way! Apparently BTs experts are close to locating the source, thought to be in Nigeria. BEWARE is the only advice, and just as Andy does, bin it without opening if you are at all unsure!

Kind regards,


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I'm on Facecrack, under my own name.  I've had an account since 2006 or so, fairly early adopter.  One of my friends worked on one of the competitive programs, so I have a bit of an idea as to how crap it is, and how much fishing it does.  (lots).  If I wouldn't say it in public, I won't post it on facecrack.


No photos of food on there- I eat it too fast !


(but I might get a video of the LRC up tonight, with 5 coaches on.  I'm not quite sure how the LRC made it across the atlantic, but apparently, it runs fine on Long Marton.  (I'll post it there & in the Rapido thread).



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Talking of phishing, I had a pishing phone call recently, with a PPI scam. A lady rang me up and said she was from the Ministry of Justice and that I was due two grand payout for insurance sold on past loans. I told her that I didn't believe her, and that she did not work for the Ministry of Justice. She swore blind that she did and told me she could get her manager on the line to prove it, to which I replied that her getting some bloke to say that it was the MOJ didn't prove a thing and that I wasn't born yesterday which she didn't get; she said "you were born in 1970 Mr Thomas, not yesterday", which suggested even more that this was a scam (she was either in India and really didn't understand phrases such as 'born yesterday' or she was truly thick as shite).

She kept prattling on that she did work for the MOJ and that I had money due to me so I asked her what the MOJ's website was, whilst looking it up myself. "www.ministryofjustice.com" says she, to which I replied "No it's not, I'm looking at it on my screen right now".

She hung up.


Although the above is quite funny, I imagine that a fair few people may have been taken in by the above and think that because it is a Govt department that this must be official and important. Next step would have been them requesting bank details to make the payment to and before you know it, your bank account is empty.


Be careful out there folks.... :)

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We suddenly started getting annoying phonecalls just after Christmas. It started off slowly but quickly built to dozens a day, and sometimes night. Short of turning the phone off there was no peace.


Mum had the same problem last summer and my sister got her a phone that blocked the phonecalls, so I decided to do the same.


So I went and bought a set of BT 8500 telephones. Best £50 I've spent in a long while. Not a single unwanted call since February 23rd. * see below



My sister, sister-in-law, my daughter and two daughter-in-laws all go around with phone in hand, bumping into wall, doors, furniture and people while "updating" each other and friends on every flipping move they make.   :scratchhead: SWMBO has no interest, but spends inordinate amounts of time just phoning or being phoned.


The blokes go down the pub and have a chat once in a blue moon and are more than happy to remain ignorant on the whole  :no:

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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I have a number of simple remedies to all the selling/phishing type 'phone calls, some examples 


We are calling you about the accident you had recently


'Oh no you're not, get lost'.


You could benefit from the latest Government scheme to install solar power' insulate your house ... etc, etc


'Already got it, bye'. 


This is Microsoft calling about the problems with your Windows computer


'Idiot, get lost'


Fortunately in more recent years I seem to get very few begging emails or news of how I can make millions helping to get a dead General's funds out of an account in Bermuda etc - and oddly at least half the ones I do get are in French.  The way I used to deal with these was to create a separate AOL screen name and send them the letter appended below, slightly dated now but it might amuse -  (spacing has gone slightly adrift on the headings)




                                    Foucough   &   Gettstuft


Attorneys at Law


                                                                                                            From Chambers at:


                                                                                                                                                                  Lincons Inn,



                                    +44 (0) 209 467 3298


Email: As attached


Date : As email

Dear Sirs,


re Movement of Moneys to and From The African Continent


You have recently been in communication by email with our client regarding movement of monies between Europe and the African continent.


You may be aware that communications such as yours are being regularly received in Great Britain and it is transpiring that many of them are emanating from criminal people. Obviously we would not include your goodself in that category but because of the criminal behaviour of a small number of people in African countries it is now necessary to institute a special procedure and a number of checks in cases such as this.


These checks are not onerous but they do enable us to quickly identify any criminal involvement and report such people to the authorities in both Britain and the originating country. I am sure you will agree that it is sensible to deal with such criminals and that the prison sentences of 25 years which they receive are not too harsh for such appalling fraud as trying to rob people of money by pretending to seek their help with moving money from Europe to Africa or between other countries.


Our procedure is extremely simple and designed to protect the integrity of everyone involved in the movement of the money. In order to start the process you must make the following arrangements:-


  1. Proceed to the nearest British ambassadorial or consulate office and state that you wish to make a Fund Unlocking Control Contract (FUCC) with a person in Britain.
  2. The embassy etc staff will easily understand what you mean if you use the abbreviation and say that you want an FUCC with someone in Britain.
  3. You will also need a Bond Open Loan Leading Order Contract (BOLLOC) for both yourself and the person with whom you are dealing in Britain. Again the officer at the embassy will understand exactly what you want if you ask if you can have two BOLLOCs for your FUCC.
  4. You will also need to explain to the embassy officer that you are dealing with us in Britain. So when he inquires who your British contact is you simply say to him the name of our practice as shown at the head of this letter. As you might not be familiar with English pronunciation  you should note that the word ‘cough’ is pronounced as ‘koff’.
  5. You will need to supply a Contract Order Number (CON) to the embassy officer – simply tell him these words ‘The CON is Foucough and Gettstuft 69’ and he will immediately take the appropriate action giving you everything you will deserve for the rest of your transaction.
  6. After the embassy and police checks are complete you must email back to us to confirm the CON and that you have two BOLLOCs.
  7. Once we have this information we will be able to tell you what to do next with your FUCC.
  8. In the meanwhile we immediately need certain information to complete our security checks, so can you please email back with the name and number of your current bank account together with your home address and date of birth..
  9. We will also need a sum of money equal to US $10,000 deposited on bond or released to us from the account from which you wish to transfer, a suitable release note and code might be sufficient. This is called a   Fee Leading European Cash Exchange (FLECE) and once we have you details it will be possible for us to FLECE  you.


We trust that you will not find these requirements too onerous and that you will understand the need to take such care with security in arrangements such as these.  We will, of course, have to raise a professional fee for our service but that need not worry you as it will be deducted from each amount we transfer under the FLECE process.


Should you wish to discuss any part of the arrangements please don’t hesitate to contact our specialist International Transfer Money Assistant (ITMA). All you need to do is call the number shown at the head of this  letter and  ask for Mr Conmi.  (Yew Conmi, is very experienced in international finance having joined us from the Far Eastern offices of the well known and respected Barings bank.)


We look forward to a long and profitable mutual business association.



Yours Faithfully,

on behalf of Foucough & Gettstuft




I.R. Stealer

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We are calling you about the accident you had recently


Which one the broken leg or the hand amputation as someone else rang last week and they weren't sure?


We have been trying to contact you about your PPI refund, our records show that you are due quite a large amount.


Wow, how much is it and if your records show anything they should include my name. Why didn't you say "Hello Mr Jones"?


Can I speak to the house owner?


I think you have the wrong person, I live in a tent.


Hello I am calling from Microsoft, there is a problem with your computer.


Cheers for telling me mate, I am the bugular, so I won't be stealing it if it dosen't work.


Anything like these above really don't serve any point, but are nearly as helpful to me as telling the person the other end to F O.  Just putting the phone down works the best.

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Having been outside and screamed (scaring more than one elderly neighbour), partaken of a Glenfiddich Special Reserve bracer, I'm going to lie down for an hour.


Larry's ripping his track up again!!!


I thought we'd got past that after his "ripping" activities (I lost count!) of 2012-13!!


At least it makes me feel I'm making progress, as I've currently nothing to rip.


Any further discussion of this genuinely interesting news - in the Lounge, please.  :D



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Some excellent tips on dealing with the scammers, lads. As usual, Jason had me in hysterics. The eloquence of his English language usage is unrivalled. It must be the Storth enclave in northern Lancashire that supplies the required gene pool.


And Clive, I can never think quickly enough when these bu99ers ring. So I just put the phone down.


Finally. Looking forward to some photos of your Sunday lunch, Andy.... But don't post them on Facebuk!



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Sorry Jeff. I know it's Sunday but I have a question! (Nothing to do with That Which Shall Not Be Named honest!) I've just been catching up on exoplanet's and updating my figures, i.e. now 5,500 potentials with 1,850 confirmed. Now I know that a lot of them are Jovian-type gas planets but is there any figures/information available out there which indicates how many are terrestrial, Earth-like (at least in size)? Nothing (I can find) on the NASA site and my brain is aching already!





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Difficult question to answer, Bill, as the planetary count seems to be changing all the time. I did see a figure a while back quoting anywhere between 10-50 BILLION Earth-sized (not gas giants) orbiting in potential Goldilocks Zones around Sun-type or cooler stars in the Milky Way alone. That's a lot of planets!


The Kepler spacecraft has been largely responsible for recent discoveries, but I think it had run into stabilisation problems a year or so ago. Not sure if it's still making measurements.



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Does railway dismantling (repeatedly) still count as modelling or does it come under 'personal satisfaction' or the search for the grail?


Mike, in Larry's case it almost constitutes a new form of hobby.


So it may be a valid topic for discussion in the (in this case) apt-named Asylum!!  :O  :O



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I was in a shop a while ago, and the phone rang, one of the owners answered it and after a second or two said some unrepeatable words and said I cant even understand you so *    *     . About an hour later a Man of Asian origin came in with his Wife and about 10 Kids and said, I tried to ring earlier to find out what time you closed. It all went silent for a while.

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Mike, in Larry's case it almost constitutes a new form of hobby.


So it may be a valid topic for discussion in the (in this case) apt-named Asylum!!  :O  :O



Can I rip up my UNMENTIONABLES and discuss that in here as well?

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We had a lot of calls asking for someone of a different name and kept telling them there was no one by that name. The calls got more demanding and by their comments I realised it was debt collectors. When the next call threatened action I took some. I phoned the BT malicious calls unit explained the problem and that they had become threatening the lady said leave it with me. We never received another call from them. Obviously such action would do little against the foreign scammers but useful to know.


Edited by Donw
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Today has been a very successful one.


I've had a clean out in the Bunker - didn't throw much out, but at least I can start working in there (details in KL2 tomorrow).


And - Bill will like this - I've set up my 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cass for the first time in about 5 years. Roughly polar-aligned, it's currently tracking Jupiter with the Great Red Spot in view. I thought the optics would need adjusting, but they're still spot on and the drive system is running like a dream. Yippee! I'll show a pic of the set up tomorrow.



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Today has been a very successful one.


I've had a clean out in the Bunker - didn't throw much out, but at least I can start working in there (details in KL2 tomorrow).


And - Bill will like this - I've set up my 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cass for the first time in about 5 years. Roughly polar-aligned, it's currently tracking Jupiter with the Great Red Spot in view. I thought the optics would need adjusting, but they're still spot on and the drive system is running like a dream. Yippee! I'll show a pic of the set up tomorrow.




Right! I'm drooling now! ;)






Edit: Quick update. Kepler appears to be alive and well and is currently observing a Type Ia star (white dwarf) which is about to go supernova having caught the UV flash around mid-May. This is it's third so apparently a new role!

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As promised, a couple of pics of my vintage 1982 Celestron 8" telescope. I was outside until 3am this morning - great views of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and a host of double stars and globular clusters.






Another clear night forecast for this evening. Looks like I won't be getting much sleep!





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