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Rapido/Locomotion Models GNR Stirling Single


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I noted 40 per bin and approx 40 bins which gives 1600 for a production run.


I was informed a while ago that Heljan production runs are 2000,  so having a run of between 1500-2000 would seem about right for such a niche loco.


You're reading WAY too much into this by assuming that I photographed all the bins.... :>)



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Have you SEEN the Hornby 8 May announcement thread.... RMWeb = reading way too much into everything.


OK, so we are under on the batch size....

Not trying to be coy, but it's not my place to announce Locomotion's production numbers. I'll let them do that if they wish.


As for the Hornby thread - Seen the thread? Yes. Read any of it? I'll just wait for their announcement. To be perfectly honest I'm up to my eyeballs in making our own models, commission and otherwise, including at least three..four,,, .errr.... make that six.... seven.... I mean.......... never mind... that have not been announced yet.


Read what you want into that ;>)



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Not trying to be coy, but it's not my place to announce Locomotion's production numbers. I'll let them do that if they wish.


As for the Hornby thread - Seen the thread? Yes. Read any of it? I'll just wait for their announcement. To be perfectly honest I'm up to my eyeballs in making our own models, commission and otherwise, including at least three..four,,, .errr.... make that six.... seven.... I mean.......... never mind... that have not been announced yet.


Read what you want into that ;>)



I wouldn't expect you to reveal production numbers...! I'm surprised you commented on our gestimations at all

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  • RMweb Premium

To be perfectly honest I'm up to my eyeballs in making our own models, commission and otherwise, including at least three..four,,, .errr.... make that six.... seven.... I mean.......... never mind... that have not been announced yet.




There's two, there's four, there's six, there's eight...

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Not trying to be coy, but it's not my place to announce Locomotion's production numbers. I'll let them do that if they wish.


As for the Hornby thread - Seen the thread? Yes. Read any of it? I'll just wait for their announcement. To be perfectly honest I'm up to my eyeballs in making our own models, commission and otherwise, including at least three..four,,, .errr.... make that six.... seven.... I mean.......... never mind... that have not been announced yet.


Read what you want into that ;>)




Right oh. What, besides the GNR single was at Shildon when Bill and his right-hand man announced the APT-E? Hardly the ​GWR freighter, as that’s been done. Same for the Black 5. A fireless loco? A big USA Austerity? Lots of pre-grouping stuff?


I know! Coaches to go with the single, complete with lighting & magic wand @ £150. :jester: 

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Right oh. What, besides the GNR single was at Shildon when Bill and his right-hand man announced the APT-E? Hardly the ​GWR freighter, as that’s been done. Same for the Black 5. A fireless loco? A big USA Austerity? Lots of pre-grouping stuff?


I know! Coaches to go with the single, complete with lighting & magic wand @ £150. :jester:


What makes you think that the only scanning Rapido does/has done was at Locomotion way back then? AND, Rapido can work without scans - witness the Model Rail 'J70'. Should be enough there to go at.......... (CJL)

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  • RMweb Gold

Locomotion? Hmm. That NE snow plough strikes me as just the sort of thing that might appeal to Canadians!  Then there's the NER M Class, LNWR Hardwicke, LNWR Cornwall, Furness No.20 ....


And some modern stuff I don't clearly recall.


Plenty there to tempt.


Then we just need to show Bill the way to Darlo's North Road station ...


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  • RMweb Gold

I ordered one last week (I'm not a believer in paying upfront so left it until the last minute) and having had the chance of seeing the latest pre-production one running yesterday trailed by the latest pre-production version of the dynamometer car plus a number of wagons(!!) I consider my money is being well spent (on something which is really not my era or neck of the woods).  It very definitely looks even better with something behind it so 'the right kind of coaches' strikes me as an excellent idea even if the bank manager might not be quite so keen.

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  • RMweb Gold

I ordered one last week (I'm not a believer in paying upfront so left it until the last minute) and having had the chance of seeing the latest pre-production one running yesterday trailed by the latest pre-production version of the dynamometer car plus a number of wagons(!!) I consider my money is being well spent (on something which is really not my era or neck of the woods).  It very definitely looks even better with something behind it so 'the right kind of coaches' strikes me as an excellent idea even if the bank manager might not be quite so keen.

Having seen it on Friday while Andy was doing his Spielberg bit on Rails High Level line,my bank manager is also to suffer paroxysms of angst. Quick phone to Stuart this lunchtime and I am now a "late entrant" in the Single Stakes.( handicap back of the field ) Be rude not to really.....well I have to be convincing....Seriously this is quite something is it not ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not wanting to be impatient, but with such a beautiful model it's very difficult! I see from the Model Rail magazine Facebook page that a Stirling Single has just arrived there. Do we have any news on whether they made it onto their intended ship/when the ship's due in? I'm wondering whether I should be saving up this month or if I can spend the money on other things.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I am pretty (very) relaxed about release dates (and I didn't even mind when I went all the way to STEAM for the Star release event at a model railway show there, only to find it still wasn't ready! - it was still a good show),


All things being equal, however, it would be good if the arrival of the Single in Shildon coincided with the next model railway event, which, IIRC, is next weekend.


Is that a possibility?

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I see from the Model Rail magazine Facebook page that a Stirling Single has just arrived there.


And great pic of the finished item. Certain aspects of the finish and assembly (running plate horizontal, buffers silver and big end brassed, tender coal rails true) are improvements on the pre-production. It really really looks fantastic.


Given I've just paid for a Dapol B4, I'm happy to wait a few more weeks for the Single, assuming they are on the slow boat, and the review samples were flown in... :-s


EDIT: can I register my annoyance at the 'Railway Museum' branding on the box. Which railway museum, whose railway museum????.... at least the word 'National' is in there in the NCIM logo! :-p


While being prepared to wait I AM excited. The first steam loco from Rapido, and a prototype which was often spoken about as being 'impossible'. A fitting follow-on to the APT.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not wanting to be impatient, but with such a beautiful model it's very difficult! I see from the Model Rail magazine Facebook page that a Stirling Single has just arrived there. Do we have any news on whether they made it onto their intended ship/when the ship's due in? I'm wondering whether I should be saving up this month or if I can spend the money on other things.

"There IS money.

Spend it :

Spend more.."


Ford."The Merry Wives Of Windsor" Act 2,Scene 2......W.Shakespeare.

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The next model railway event at shildon is tomorrow and Sunday and yes I do have a Stirling Single production as we had a couple specially flown in this week the rest of them are coming by sea in the following weeks, everyone who has one on order I will be in touch very soon with confirmed dates etc



Anyone who wants to see the single please ask for Stuart at the shop tomorrow and sunday at the Shildon Model Railway Club Exhibition which is on at Locomotion (open 10-5 both days with free entry)

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One of the many challenges with this model has been the smokebox/cylinder interface (i.e. seamless). One thought occurs to me - how on earth was the boiler lifted off the locos? Was the cylinder cladding lifted off with the smokebox, or was the extended smokebox sheeting cut? If so, how was it rejoined? Was welding advanced enough in the 1870s?

I'm guessing that the overhaul in the 1980s did not involve a boiler lift - I have not seen a picture of a dismantled Single!!!

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One of the many challenges with this model has been the smokebox/cylinder interface (i.e. seamless). One thought occurs to me - how on earth was the boiler lifted off the locos? Was the cylinder cladding lifted off with the smokebox, or was the extended smokebox sheeting cut? If so, how was it rejoined? Was welding advanced enough in the 1870s?

I'm guessing that the overhaul in the 1980s did not involve a boiler lift - I have not seen a picture of a dismantled Single!!!


I can show you a picture of my Kitmaster kit if you want? Still unmade.



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One of the many challenges with this model has been the smokebox/cylinder interface (i.e. seamless). One thought occurs to me - how on earth was the boiler lifted off the locos? Was the cylinder cladding lifted off with the smokebox, or was the extended smokebox sheeting cut? If so, how was it rejoined? ...

First, the boiler is a separate component from the smokebox which was built up on the frames at this time. (On some classes the boiler could be lifted out leaving the smokebox behind, not sure if that's true of this Single.)


The 'continuous' cladding over the smokebox down and around the cylinders. It is multiple pieces of sheet metal, flush riveted, and then 'stopped' in all the joints and rubbed down until a smooth finish is achieved. (Same technique on Mrs Queen's HMS Britannia, looks like a one piece hull.) Highly labour intensive, but that was what was done when producing a work of engineering art.

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First, the boiler is a separate component from the smokebox which was built up on the frames at this time. (On some classes the boiler could be lifted out leaving the smokebox behind, not sure if that's true of this Single.)


The 'continuous' cladding over the smokebox down and around the cylinders. It is multiple pieces of sheet metal, flush riveted, and then 'stopped' in all the joints and rubbed down until a smooth finish is achieved. (Same technique on Mrs Queen's HMS Britannia, looks like a one piece hull.) Highly labour intensive, but that was what was done when producing a work of engineering art.

I thought all naval ships had switched to welded hulls by 1950.

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