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Marcus 37

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Nice work on the bridge Marcus,

Some nice pics of trains too I do like those POA wagons.


Cheers Peter.

Thanks Peter. I managed to pick the POA's up from that well known auction site a couple of weeks back. All were as new condition for the princely sum of £12.00 each. So nice little bargain and an idea train for the area.



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Thanks Peter. I managed to pick the POA's up from that well known auction site a couple of weeks back. All were as new condition for the princely sum of £12.00 each. So nice little bargain and an idea train for the area.



It doesn't seem that long ago the going rate for a wagon was 10 or 12 Quid, You can't find new ones now for much under 20.


Cheers Peter.

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Hello Marcus, Just dropped in to see how things are going, loved the video, and that bridge is excellent, and very peak forest well done...

Thanks George. Doing a bit on the bridge as we speak, making the coping stones for the parapet walls. If I can pull Anyhony away from his Xbox at the weekend I want to have a go at making a 24 hours at PDW video using the Realtime Trains excerpt I posted last week. Obviously it will be in a few parts but, it will be nice to show the operating potential of the layout.

Glad to see you decided to carry on with your layout thread as I find your modelling very enjoyable and inspirational.



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It doesn't seem that long ago the going rate for a wagon was 10 or 12 Quid, You can't find new ones now for much under 20.


Cheers Peter.

Quite agree. A certain manufacturer I think is really starting to take the P*ss. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind paying the price but, equally I don't like being taken for a mug. Luckily the likes of Dapol and Oxford are being far more realistic. More power to their elbow.

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Quite agree. A certain manufacturer I think is really starting to take the P*ss. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind paying the price but, equally I don't like being taken for a mug. Luckily the likes of Dapol and Oxford are being far more realistic. More power to their elbow.

And it's driving the price of second hand wagons up too :(
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I know there hasn't been any updates for a while but work has been continuing a pace on PDW. Mostly that's because it's been the more mundane stuff such as laying ballast that takes a while but doesn't really do much to transform the layout and makes for some pretty boring pictures if taken every day.

To summarise here's what's been going on over the last few weeks......


The pipe / occupation bridge at the Tunstead end of the layout has had the coping stones added to the parapet wall and the whole bridge has started to pe painted. Still needs a second coat added before a good weathering is applied in the same fashion as he bridge by the station.


More concrete trunking has been addded and the tops made and fixed in place. Since completion the whole lot has been painted which has enabled the ballast laying to be finished on the main line.


As well as finishing the ballast on the mainline a far chunk of the yard has been ballasted and the areas between the tracks built up with fine stone. This was laid dry and then given a liberal dosing of PVA. Once the PVA had soaked in it was worked over with a damp paint brush to smooth it off. The plan is now is to purchase a Static grass appicator so I can add some grass randomly round the yard and between the rails.


Finally with the ballast and trunking finished this meant the hanging basket liner on the embankment between the main line and the yard could be teased up, trimmed to shape and some flock added.

All in all, although a lot of time consuming work, the above has really transformed the layout. Seeing the majority of the yard now covered gives the mojo a huge boost. Not a lot of bare base board to seen now!!


Apart from having a good tidy up today we had a nice little running session this afternoon.

Here's a few pictures of the state of play so far......

















I've now got a couple of weeks off at least from driving trains due to being called for jury service. Hopefully I should have some evenings free to myself to get some more done. Hoping to make a start on the area of the yard behind the signal box next.



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Cheers Andy.

Out of interest where did you get your static grass applicator from. Sure you told me before but it was a while ago. Getting to the point where I want to start adding some on various parts of the layout.



It was FMR, Finescale Model World, see review in Hornby Magazine. www.finescalemodelworld.co.uk 69mm @ £25.99 / 119mm @ £32.99

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Looks great Marcus


Cheers mate. Getting there bit by bit. Its good to get the hardcore of the scenery out of the way so I will be able to start on the smaller details. Also there's the buildings in the quarry that still need cladding and more work on the station building. It is nice to run trains though now and see them running through the landscape.

thanks for looking in.



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Good God Marcus, you've moved on somewhat.........


The whole thing is looking excellent, I've not been doing much lately but you certainly have!!!


For static grass, have you seen the World War Scenics stuff. Lots of different shades, and all types of lengths too. No connection, just a satisfied customer.




Jinty ;)

Edited by Jintyman
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Good God Marcus, you've moved on somewhat.........


The whole thing is looking excellent, I've not been doing much lately but you certainly have!!!


For static grass, have you seen the World War Scenics stuff. Lots of different shades, and all types of lengths too. No connection, just a satisfied customer.




Jinty ;)

Thanks Jinty.

I seem to go in fits and starts although, I have managed to crack on just recently. Thanks for the info on the static grass. Will certainly take a look tomorrow.

Really need to pop over to your thread and see how you're getting along.

All the best 



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Hi Marcus


Regarding static grass machines - if you fancy a mini challenge and are handy with a soldering iron, I made a static grass applicator for just over £5 using a negative ion generator from ebay. A few pic's here. I originally powered it from a 9v battery but upgraded it to use the12v layout accessory lights feed which improved the results no end.



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Very nice work Marcus !

I know what you mean about prices - I've defended the rise to some extent but now I'm getting much pickier .

The 4CEPi brought on a whim in 2013 for £99, will be retailing at £240 RRP when it comes back -

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