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Marcus 37

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Car looks great Marcus. I know we have talked behind the scenes but I too am a very much converted BMW fan. Having a bit of muscle under the bonnet doesn't hurt either, 3 litres and well over 200 bobbo's is nice. Mine like your old one is an e46 53 plate. Love the car but is getting to the point where I will have to start looking for a replacement in the next year to year and a half at most. Here's a picture of mine for completeness sake.



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Well a mammoth day in the loft. Only just come down! Managed to lay the two long sidings at the back of the fiddle yard which is fed by the new junction by the bridge.

Having done that I've spent the rest of the day carving yet more PIR to bring the embankment all the way down to the bridge. There's just one small gap to fill in now which I will do tomorrow. The old feet were starting to hurt a bit having been stood up all day and beer was calling as well!!

Anyway here's a few pictures of today's progress.




A busy scene at PDW South Junction. 60074 waits at the Junction whilst 56003 heads past with coal bound for Hope Valley Cement works. Mean while 37418 and 37703 run round a rake of loaded MEA's having just been loaded in Dove Holes Quarry.




37706 approaches PDW South Junction with a train load of PGA's

Must be the weekend judging by the amount of loco's stabled in the sidings.




56037 and 37710 await to depart the sidings with their respective services.




37510 and 37425 await their next turns of duty.




56003 passes PDW South Signal box with the Hope Valley Coal.




60074 departs Tunstead with empty JGA's. These will be stabled in the South sidings until required back at the quarry.




37514 crosses from the up to the down line with a train of empty JGA's destined for loading at Tunstead.




Another shot of 37514 disappearing under the bridge on the branch into Tunstead.




37710 departs South Sidings with empty MEA's. These will be set back into the run round loop and then taken into Dove Holes Quarry for loading.



Finally a quick shot of the fiddle yard just to show the set up. The through fiddle roads, where the 56 is stood, just feed in off the main lines. The two back roads are fed from the junction under the bridge and are dead ends but hold nine bogie hoppers and a pair of 37's so accommodate the longest trains on the layout.


Having the junction and the scenario of trains going into Tunstead means I can use a prototypical Timetable. Will give it a go soon using realtime trains 00:00 to 23:59 and see what kind of a pickle I can get into LOL.

Well that's it for tonight.



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Car looks great Marcus. I know we have talked behind the scenes but I too am a very much converted BMW fan. Having a bit of muscle under the bonnet doesn't hurt either, 3 litres and well over 200 bobbo's is nice. Mine like your old one is an e46 53 plate. Love the car but is getting to the point where I will have to start looking for a replacement in the next year to year and a half at most. Here's a picture of mine for completeness sake.

attachicon.gif2016-02-06 22.00.54.jpg

I do like that motor Cav. Definitely looks the buisness with the nice wheels and the M Sport styling. One good thing I like about BMWs is that the designs age well. Even now your shape and my old one don't look dated. Also they don't seem to develop rattles in the cabin when they get older that a lot of cars do. My old one still felt solid and drove like new. They're certainly very well made. As for muscle under the bonnet you can't beat a few Gee Gee's.

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Car looks great Marcus, I do like a nice BM mate, such a good drive.


Glad the Layouts coming on so well.

Thanks Andy.

Yeah they are nice to drive always hold the road really well due to the 50/50 weight distribution. Did have to be a bit careful yesterday in all that rain though. Give it a bootfull and the traction control warning looks like a Christmas tree. HaHa.



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Another productive day even though a pub lunch intervened.

Managed to finish off the embankment and cut some hanging basket liner to shape although It hasn't been glued down yet.

Will need to get some more so another trip to B&Qs on the cards.

Here's some pictures of close of play today.



A view looking down the sidings with the completed embankment and basket liner in place.



View from the other direction.



37507 running light engine back to the fuel point having delivered empty hoppers to Tunstead.



The Wheeler family having a days tran spotting at Peak Dale.


And finally a new addition to the fleet, 37706, brings a delivery of diesel for the fuelling point. Yes I know another 37.......





Cheers for now


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Hi Andy

I'll pop some pictures up later when I finish laying the track. Never posted a track plan as I've got nothing electronic. The layout was all planned out full size on wall paper prior to building using Peco templates. The old fashioned way HaHa!!


As for the car she's a 59 plate. Dec 2009.

Here she is in all her glory. I absolutely love it. Had a 318 53 plate prior to this and that was the first BMW I had ever had. They really a nice well made car but superb to drive as well. Definitely recommend. Cavs got a lovely 330i M Sport which looks the bees knees. That one really goes!! Sure he will recommend as well.







Peak Dale Wood meets Piston Heads..


Thought I'd get in before the moderator shuts down this alien offshoot.



Not all German cars come from Munich. The above is Gti number seven: two MK1s, two Mk2 16v, three Mk4s, and the last one was sold at 187,000mls.

Thought the above was possibly the last, but the they brought out the Mk 7R - a match for most BMs without an M on the boot.


Some of those Class 60s may have to wait.




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Peak Dale Wood meets Piston Heads..


Thought I'd get in before the moderator shuts down this alien offshoot.


attachicon.gifIMG_0017 (2).POB.jpg

Not all German cars come from Munich. The above is Gti number seven: two MK1s, two Mk2 16v, three Mk4s, and the last one was sold at 187,000mls.

Thought the above was possibly the last, but the they brought out the Mk 7R - a match for most BMs without an M on the boot.


Some of those Class 60s may have to wait.




Very nice Andy. Never owned a Golf but must admit to having thought about one a few times as I've had the standard model a few times as a hire car at work. They are a nice solid comfortable car. Mightily impressed by the quality of the sound system in the new ones. Nearest I've got to owning a Golf was a MG Maestro turbo which had the Golf gear box. Now that was a car that shifted in its time!! Unfortunately that got took out by a bus which slid into it on an icy road. Ironic really as the way I used to drive it it should of ended its days in a ditch.LOL.

My mate used to have a Mk 2 Golf van that was kitted out with the GTI running gear and engine. That used to be amusing at the lights when the boy racers used to try and take him on. Actually quicker than the standard GTI as it was a hell of a lot lighter.

Good old days.



Edited by Marcus 37
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Not dropped in for a while Marcus, WOW button pressed, great to see how much more you have done, really impressed...

Cheers George. I hadn't been on for a while either. Just managed to have a bumper weekend.

Hopefully might get a few more in the not to distant future.

All the best


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Well I've had four days off work so have hit the layout hard over the last couple of days. The basket liner has now been teased out and a dusting of mixed flock added to the top. I've also purchased some stone walling which has been added to the top of the embankment.

Having done that it's definitely started to bring the South sidings to life. starting to look more like a layout rather than a bare base board with some track on.

Here's a few pictures of progress so far.












The plan for tomorrow is to cut the rest of the PIR that's left to shape for the opposite side of the main line which means the heavy earth works will be virtually complete. Should look the part as the trains will run prototypical running down the cutting towards the pipe bridge.

I'll pop up some pictures tomorrow hopefully.

Cheers for now


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  • RMweb Gold

That's an absolutely cracking bit of scenic work Marcus, those first two photos are getting hard to distinguish from reality - except it looks far too bright :D


I thought it was always grey and cloudy at Peak Forest, and either raining or snowing!


The HBL with the added flock really looks good, I think I've got some catching up to do.


Nice one mate,



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It doesn't always rain at Peak Forest Al, George and I were there one day and we walked the footpath down to the sidings and got really burnt, it was a scorcher.


Marcus, I cant believe just how good that looks mate, truly inspirational and I feel I'm there when I look at the pics, great memories from visits past.

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Hi Marcus,

Some great pics, the new bit is coming together well. The track on the far right in pic 4 looks like it has a bit of a kink part way down. Might be worht a look before you ballast it.


Cheers Peter.

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Starting to look the business now Marcus. It's always nice when some scenics start to land.

Thanks Cav. Yep it is nice when the Scenics start as it gives you a great incentive to get cracking. When Ive got the track down on the bare board I always tend to get a bit indecisive as to where to start next. Once you've got the first bit done it tends to sort of steer you in the right direction and you can build on what's already there if that makes sense.



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