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Marcus 37

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Thanks for all the compliments chaps. Back to more mundane duties today such as painting rail sides and ballasting as I progress towards the Tunstead end of the layout.

Having got the scenery to the stage I have at the moment in the vicinity of the station and the fuelling point its bugging me when I look at the end where the scenery runs out. Although I said once I had the station building in place and the bridge done I would return to the quarry area I think its time for a change of direction. So I think the new plan will be to do the bulk of the major scenery / earthworks all the way to the end and then concentrate on the details afterwards. Plus every time I start chopping and carving up PIR it gets everywhere so it will be nice to have one major tidy up when its finished.

Unfortunately due to dodgy rail head conditions (paint) today's service has been suspended.  :D   





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Evening all,

  It seems like an eternity since the last video but good news ! After ages of editing Peak Dale Wood Part 7 is now being uploaded to youtube and should be done by the time you are reading this. The new video editor I am using is quite different from the last editor so I will have to try and get the hang of things again. Apart from that I hope you enjoy the video. (the link will be below when its has finished uploading)










Video Link: 

Edited by Anthony 37411
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Hi Marcus,

Lots of lovely shots there.  The whole layout is drawing together beautifully.


You may be about to cause panic in Gov't Security circles, with identically numbered Flasks  ......    :scratchhead:  :scratchhead:  :nono:

When the Response Units arrive, just don't make any sudden movements, arms straight up and listen very carefully to  what they say!  .....     :hunter:  :scared:   :hunter:


Looking forward to seeing today's play work.


Regards and thanks for the views.



Hi Julian

Ah. you noticed. I'm wondering if I can strategically turn one of those 8's into a 3.





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I watched the video with one of my sons and it brought a rush of nostalgia.

"That's Grandpa Tom's box" he said.

He was remembering how 40 odd years ago we'd call in to "help" on the 2 till 10 back shift. We'd bring along with us some of Grandma Litchfield's Christmas cake (which we still bake).

They used to say in Peakdale Club "Looky booger owd Tommy Litchfield - if he fell off 't Stores roof (the Co-op), 'eed land int Divi".


But poor old Tom spent long hours (I think he he said longer than 24 hours sometimes) at the back end of WWII in Peak Forest box without any relief and admitted to us how he'd sometimes got hallucinations during the night.

He suffered from Tourette's disease before he died and often would shout out "F%kin Japanese!".

The grandchildren would rush in saying "You what Grandpa Tom?"

"Nothing Love, didn't say Nothing." he'd say, not taking his eyes off the TV screen.


His retirement clock sits on the mantepiece in the room our grandchildren sleep in when they visit.


Thought you'd appreciate a post - sparked by your excellent model - about a long serving railwayman, born at Wormhill, who spent all his working life in your model signal box.



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Well I feel quite humbled and proud at the same time knowing that I've brought you back some good memories.

We moan now about doing 12 hour shifts on the railway but forget how long the hours really were back then and usually for a pittance as well.

I currently drive for GBRf but I have quite a few friends who are signallers. A few of them used to work in manual boxes but have been transferred to the new signalling centres. Most of them don't like it now as the only trains they see are the little blocks moving around on a computer screen. Hopefully with PF being as remote as it is it will be one of the last locations to succumb to being re signalled. It will certainly be a sad day when it does.

Thank you very much for sharing that lovely tale and I'm glad you enjoyed the video.

All the best


Edited by Marcus 37
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks

Just in case you thought I had fallen off the face of the earth and PDW had fallen by the wayside I can assure you it's not the case. Just been really busy at work since Christmas. Plus I've diverted my finances to a nice new car. Well nearly new, but it's great fun all the same.

I have been doing a little bit here and there such as painting rails sides and laying ballast.

Well I had a day off from work today so purchased another sheet of PIR and got cracking on the earthworks behind the south sidings.

Here's a few pictures of progress today.


First of all The corner pieces were cut roughly to shape and checked that they fitted.



Each piece was then carved into shape and glued down.






More pieces were then added in the same way to extend the embankment down along side the sidings.





So as you can see PDW is alive and well and is still progressing nicely. Now things have calmed down a bit hopefully I'll keep the thread updated a bit more frequently.

Cheers for now.


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Great to see you carving the PDW again. Instant landform and a very satisfying way of quickly transforming baseboard to scenery.


Coincidentally I have been working on the same embankment on Peak Forest Revived where I have been trying to reproduce the complex ground cover.


Keep up the good work, it drives me forward.



PS What's the new(ish) car?

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Morning chaps.

Thanks for all the comments. Spent last night putting the new junction in at the Tunstead End of the layout to allow trains to go off scene into to two long sidings in the fiddle yard. This will allow me to run to a prototypical timetable with the trains that arrive / depart Tunstead Quarry. Intentions today are to go and get some more track so I can lay the two long sidings.

I'll post some pictures up later.

Cheers for now


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Nice bit of work there Marcus, I also enjoyed the video part way up. I'd missed it previously. The sound effects definitely add to the atmosphere!

Hi Cav

Can't take the credit for the video as that was Anthony's idea. He's a bit cleverer than me when it comes to that sort of thing. Must admit it was rather effective.



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Great to see you carving the PDW again. Instant landform and a very satisfying way of quickly transforming baseboard to scenery.


Coincidentally I have been working on the same embankment on Peak Forest Revived where I have been trying to reproduce the complex ground cover.


Keep up the good work, it drives me forward.



PS What's the new(ish) car?

Hi Andy

Just been looking at your thread. must admit that ground cover looks very effective. I've been using the hanging basket liner technique on mine as the base material. I'm trying to get that sort of dead look with the least amount of green possible. Although I've got trees planted at the moment I really would like the to go for the autumnal feel eventually with the trees being a mixture of red and orange. Will have to master the tree building skills or invest in a lot of Sea Moss.

Must admit I feel exactly the same when I look at your thread. Really gives me the incentive to crack on when time allows.







BMW 325i. Decided to spoil myself.

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Hi Marcus,

I was wondering where your long fiddle yard sidings fitted in.

Have you posted a trackplan? Your thread is now so lengthy its difficult to check back!





PS. Spoilt yourself for sure. What model year. I've been tempted by an E36 Coupe, or a 330d Touring over the years.

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Hi Andy

I'll pop some pictures up later when I finish laying the track. Never posted a track plan as I've got nothing electronic. The layout was all planned out full size on wall paper prior to building using Peco templates. The old fashioned way HaHa!!


As for the car she's a 59 plate. Dec 2009.

Here she is in all her glory. I absolutely love it. Had a 318 53 plate prior to this and that was the first BMW I had ever had. They really a nice well made car but superb to drive as well. Definitely recommend. Cavs got a lovely 330i M Sport which looks the bees knees. That one really goes!! Sure he will recommend as well.







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