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Marcus 37

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I'm sorry to report that Peak Dale Wood part 5 will be delayed due to bad video quality which will have to be re-filmed :banghead: . In the mean time there is always this ...





Been there Done that, but coming on well.

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I'm originally from Leeds, Dad was the in Army, when he left we decided to buy my Nans' house in Dronfield and shortly after decided to move to Canada. That was in 1990, as I was 18 at the time I didn't really have the finances to stay in the UK so moved with my folks and siblings. 

It does indeed look a bit like Dronfield Mr Farmer. I didn't realise that you originated from so near to my manor!

Spent many a day in Chesterfield, lovely town. 

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Hi Brit Farmer

Thanks for the insight. If you were 18 in 1990 you're the same age as me then. Although I've never visited, not a good flyer unfortunately, I should imagine Canada is a lovely place to live. Chesterfield is a nice town as you say. I've lodged up there a few times when I've gone to pick the 20's up from Barrow Hill early in the morning.

I do love the Peak District in general though hence the layout. Regularly stop in Bakewell when we go up there.

Have been cracking on again this weekend so I'll pop a few pictures up again later.



Edited by Marcus 37
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A nice big yellow beastie EWS sticker over the mainline emblem would be perfect ? (for me anyways) love the video mate, great stuff...

A big yellow sticker over your mouth would be better and then paint it in construction sector triple grey! :D
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Anyway, with the usual Bank Holiday weather today it seemed like a good time to get stuck into some modelling. And, with 3/4 sheet of PIR looking for a home in the shed it would have been rude not to.

So it seemed like a good idea to start on the depot.

Armed with a few pictures of the real thing the landscape behind the depot alternates between rock faces and overgrown embankments.

The ground level has also been raised in the yard to platform level. This was done with a sheet of foam board supported by batons about every 3".

The access road has been basically carved into the PIR which will eventually get a layer of filler to smooth it off.

Anyway here's a few pictures of progress so far.





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That's just about the biggest compliment I can think of coming from the Yoda of modelling. Cheers Cav.

Don't forget who gave me the idea though........ Plenty more to go at yet. Who's idea was it to model the Peak District, it's all rock!!!

Andy, yep Quite agree about the PIR. It's the first time I've used it and it's just so much more workable than polystyrene. Not quite so much messy either.

Anyway here's a few more pictures I've just taken after running trains for an hour.post-18515-0-71826400-1441051776_thumb.jpg


These last three show the progress on the corner which is now fixed in place




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Yes I've used PIR for years. I find it lovely to work with compared to expanded polystyrene. It also breaks with a cleavage fracture like real rock so even a stab and prise off will get you good rock structure.

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Great job Marcus, after spending the bank holiday walking in the Peaks on DofE the layout certainly captures the scenery perfectly, it gives the impression of a quaint little slice of countryside.....despite being shattered by some of EE's finest locos! :locomotive:


Keep up the great modelling!


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Hi Marcus,

Some great progress on the scenery, it's always nice to see a few trains in shot too. 


Cheers Peter.

Thanks Peter

I always like to stick a few trains in shot as it adds a it more of a feel for what it will be like when it's finished.

Managed a bit more today before going to work and I'm off tomorrow so hopefully will get a bit more done.



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Great job Marcus, after spending the bank holiday walking in the Peaks on DofE the layout certainly captures the scenery perfectly, it gives the impression of a quaint little slice of countryside.....despite being shattered by some of EE's finest locos! :locomotive:

Keep up the great modelling!


Have you dried out yet?? That was a truly typical bank holiday washout. Hope you still enjoyed yourself though.

Thanks for the compliments. Its nice to know that it's capturing the feel of the place which is what I really wanted.



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Yep. It's called TASTE!!! HaHaHa

Absolutely 100%!


Seriously though that livery was pure genius and I dont think that there has been or ever will be one to match it in both function and iconicism.

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