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Marcus 37

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An update at last. Just been far to warm to spend any prolonged periods up in the loft. Anyway since the storms on Saturday it's been far cooler so I've been cracking on in earnest on the corner next to the quarry. As they will be largely unseen, due to the overgrowth in front of them, I've used the stone walls I've made already rather than waste them.

Also I've added to the abbortoir with another carcass. It's a representation of the Peak Dale products building which is next to the line at Peak Forest. Again it's a compromise due to space and curvature but hopefully it gives a feel of the area surrounding the line.

Here's a few pictures of the progress of the last few days.

First off the surrounding area was built up further with more PIR plus some rocky outcrops added into the hill sides.




After adding filer to the PIR to smooth it out I've started added some greenery. This has been a mixture of flocks and hanging basket liner. I'm planning on getting the FMR static grass applicator to further add some depth to the undergrowth having watched Andy Ps video.






Once the glues dried later I shall make a start at the front on the hanging basket liner.

Cheers for now


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just to add a touch more realism and set the location better...you may need to change the sides of the road the people are driving on or does it change 'up north'.  They're mighty strange up there :jester:

Last time I was over there, it seemed the locals based their driving on "I like how I drive, and I drive how I like"!


The rocky outcrops, walls and greenery look spot-on to me, very White Peak.

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Thanks for the compliments Grimley. Once the layouts a bit further forward the 60 fleet might increase a bit. A 3TG Construction liveried example will certainly be on the shopping list. At the moment I'm trying to channel available funds into the layout although I succumbed to a rake of PGA hoppers and 37242 in Mainline Blue in the last couple of weeks. Must resist!!

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Thanks chaps for the compliments.

Another progressive day was had today with more work done on the corner as well as priming the brickwork on the gable with PVA ready for a coat of white paint.

Jobs today included:

Adding white lines to the road

Placing some Hornby Road signs

Carving some PIR for the embankment next to the line side.

Adding a line side access point from the road as per the one at Peak Forest


Here's a few pictures of today's additions.....









Cheers for now


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