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Could Mr Franks or anyone else tell me if he does a buffer suitable for the discontinued Parkside LNER brakevan, as featured in the second prototype photo in this link? 



I had a feeling they'd been announced on this thread, but I can't find them. I'd be grateful if anyone could supply the product number as I know nowt about buffers - I just build what I'm told by the dad.  




Hi, just to clear up the quoted pictures, the first van has standard RCH type four rib buffers 1'81/2'' our B004 and the second van has the LNER two rib buffer of the same length and is very similar to our GWR B019. The model pictured I'm afraid has a type of buffer I've never seen on these vans and do look a little bit over long maybe a coach type buffer.


Hope that helps.


Dave Franks.

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Buffers - the moulded buffers look like the long RCH type but I wanted sprung buffers and the long, rather plain type, for which there is a near equivalent from MJT via a GWR carriage type, married with 13" buffer heads. It needs a little fettling when setting up or it will droop.



Just below the model close up photo.



Thanks for the link and information. I've got a couple of these in the pile and since Parkside has also just announced the Toad E then I'll soon be in need of some buffers and other parts.




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  • 1 month later...

Pleased to announce, at last, our latest bufferstop, BS21 Great Northern Railway Type 'C' is available to purchase on the website.





On these bufferstops the uprights have no joggle in them so the diagonals splay out to meet them, most odd.


As far as the website is concerned we've now added a date on the top right corner of the home page so you can check you have the latest version as it appears that some search engines are not updating the links. It seems that the home page updates okay but if one goes to say 'Google' to search for a certain item the link is old and an old version of the website is opened (apparently a common problem with Google).

If you use a favourites link please re-new your link to be sure of finding the latest version by clicking on www.lanarkshiremodels.com and saving to favourites.


Any problems please tell me know.


All the best,

Dave Franks.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After a few requests since the previous 4mm bufferstop was released I've done the earlier timber beam version of the GNR Type 'C'. It is different enough to have had to make completely new masters.




The brackets for the timber beam are unusually held together with long bolts as per photos taken in recent times of the real stops at Doncaster.



The rear view.



BS22 will be on the website as soon as I can finish the instructions.


Work on the Great Eastern Railway bufferstops is progressing too.


Dave Franks.



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Was it? I used the service yesterday, and there didn't seem to be anything untoward.


First thing yesterday morning. You would get so far and it would freeze. Tried several times before abandoning and using my debit card instead.

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Have updated the website today to include the latest GNR bufferstop BS22 and fix a couple of bad links. The date on the home page would now be 15 January so if you've got an older version from your favourites link please update your history and use the link at the bottom of this message or Google for Lanarkshire Models and Supplies.


All the best,


Dave Franks

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Have updated the website today to include the latest GNR bufferstop BS22 and fix a couple of bad links. The date on the home page would now be 15 January so if you've got an older version from your favourites link please update your history and use the link at the bottom of this message or Google for Lanarkshire Models and Supplies.


All the best,


Dave Franks

The date at the top is January 2017. But in the middle it says " as of today 18.07.16 "

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  • 5 weeks later...

 Some pedantic people, like the one from Spain, were asking a while ago about a buffer for the BR 4 wheel CCT.  Well, just to let you know, I've been burning the midnight oil and the master is finally finished so it will be in the next mould for multiplying up.

It was mostly turned a while ago but I was too busy to finish it, an email enquiring about it has spurred me into action, and this was on Valentine's day as well. Must have used up a few brownie points tonight but all to keep you lot happy.

Will post a piccy tomorrow/today...


Dave Franks.

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Ooh! Goody.


Not a lot of work for you to adapt the pre-fabbed CCT buffer to the stepped jobby that will be ideal to replace the incorrect version on the forthcoming Bachmann BR Horsebox. (If It's anything like the TMC version).






(Just trying to keep the wolf from your door).

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Hi Porcy, that is odd because the pictures of CCTs in my books don't show a rib on the underside and the mounting flange is wider than it is high, this pic looks to have the flange almost square with the corners snipped. If this is the more standard one apart from the step I'll need to rethink.


Dave Franks.

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Hi Porcy, that is odd because the pictures of CCTs in my books don't show a rib on the underside and the mounting flange is wider than it is high, this pic looks to have the flange almost square with the corners snipped. If this is the more standard one apart from the step I'll need to rethink.


Does this pic help? (Just to time warp us back to earlier conversations).






Ps there should be a few more pics winging their way to Glasgow. Out of that batch I've sent you, E 94114 seems to be the odd man out in that it has a cast in step to the top of the body as well as the drop flap support.

Edited by Porcy Mane
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Somes bolted on and somes nutted on, hope you're doing them both.



What a poor effort. (Photographically I'm meaning)

You could at least have tried showing two types of fixings on one headstock.





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