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There was what looked to be a rather tatty Mk1 in the background of one of the 'Bittern' shots but - yeah - the rest was rather disappointing in that respect.


( What's more, there wasn't the slightest hint that anything new is likely to be announced in the foreseeable future.)




I took the comment in the Looking Ahead closing paragraph "and some we haven't even discussed yet" as a slight hint!

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  • RMweb Gold




I took the comment in the Looking Ahead closing paragraph "and some we haven't even discussed yet" as a slight hint!


Maybe a slight hint that they have actually taken notice of what has been said about the downgrading and censoring of The Engine Shed since the new ancien regime took over.   Maybe LCD's words in this week's Final Results really do mean things are going to change on the marketing front and it will cease to be a time of back to the past?

Edited by The Stationmaster
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After all the delay and anticipation created by the delay it is massively underwhelming! I’ll probably get shot down for being negative but it says very little other than it’ll be once a month but when we feel like publishing and when we can be bothered!!!

I don't know what link you looked at and what were you expecting??? We saw upto date images of 2 EP samples and 5 painted samples.


What were you expecting?


I really feel bad for Hornby, people missed the blog, we shared our dismay over the delay. Then Hornby publish a blog and people moan about it. Perhaps 2 EP samples, 5 painted samples and write up about Bittern and their latest track plans book isn't enough.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think it's my imagination, but the knobs on the boiler for the handrail on the J36 look like they are at the correct angle rather than horizontal as per the 700 Class and others.

Knobgate returns ? No I don't see any cause for complaint here.Don't honestly think we could expect more in all fairness. Do I detect a faint breeze of a return to normal ?

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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe a slight hint that they have actually taken notice of what has been said about the downgrading and censoring of The Engine Shed since the new ancien regime took over.   Maybe LCD's words in this week's Final Results really do mean things are going to change on the marketing front and it will cease to be a time of back to the past?

And a lot has been said in the name of sweet reason with much justification. The punters would like their dialogue returned to them.


D notices and their like belong in the last century.Until the end of last year,Hornby's R&D team were doing wonders for the image of the company and sharing ideas on a two way basis.Getting us all involved can surely only be good publicity which should be reflected in product sales.Being shut out causes unnecessary exasperation and creates a negative image.


Can it be that the door is opening to let the fresh air and sunshine in ? It is midsummer'sday after all.

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The Engine Shed could be the most fabulous showcase for Hornby and the EP and painted samples are certainly welcome but it needs to be complemented by Facebook, Twitter, attendance at shows, website images and updates and talking to customers and retailers. Don’t get me wrong ES is great but it’s become virtually the only form of marketing communication at a time when Hornby needs to get its good news message out there and encourage sales consistently. Every new release by a competitor should be followed by a complimentary post from Hornby. For instance, the Heljan 47xx is out but Hornby should have followed that with “hey what about our toad from last year”. Hornby need to be in your face . Hornby Mag do it with their train formations pages and Hornby could follow that lead.


Lyndon eloquently expressed his chairman’s message earlier this week in a straight forward way but the ES should have expanded on that and said here is our plan, this is the new way and here are the fantastic models, aren’t we great. Instead it starts with a negative message/apology, shows their wares and then says it’ll return next month but we don’t know when. I think my earlier post tried (poorly I admit) to say this months ES was a missed marketing opportunity.


I am Hornby biggest fan and I hope they survive embracing the digital world is part of that.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice to see it back. Ok there’s nothing totally new in it , but it’s giving a good update. Didn’t realise so much of the J36 was diecast. Looks impressive. I’ve got Maude on order , might go for the L&NER one too . Having been starved of true Scottish locos for so long it would be a shame not too.


Given by lots of references to its absence , I suspect that someone at Hornby at least reads RMweb

Edited by Legend
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What a pity they didn't check the coupling rod/wheel alignment on the bottom J36 photo.

Why? It's an EP... EP samples are known to have parts fitted loosely or not fitted properly. That's the whole purpose of an EP, to check how parts fit. And then if the EP is handled too much, things get loose.


What a pity you had to remark uselessly about an EP

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Precisely! So what evidence is there that some people don't seem to realise that?

Upon the fact that you don't seem to understand that EP samples are those that are usually hurriedly put together and basically to check the fit of all the parts. That EP probably isn't a running one so the people putting it together won't worry too much about quartering. When they need to have it running someone will fix that. It does no harm apart from raise comments like yours which was absolutely of no use.


Be happy they are showing us EP samples and not hiding the entire development process.

Edited by MGR Hooper!
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Why? It's an EP... EP samples are known to have parts fitted loosely or not fitted properly. That's the whole purpose of an EP, to check how parts fit. And then if the EP is handled too much, things get loose.


What a pity you had to remark uselessly about an EP



Upon the fact that you don't seem to understand that EP samples are those that are usually hurriedly put together and basically to check the fit of all the parts. That EP probably isn't a running one so the people putting it together won't worry too much about quartering. When they need to have it running someone will fix that. It does no harm apart from raise comments like yours which was absolutely of no use.


Be happy they are showing us EP samples and not hiding the entire development process.


This seems to boil down to a question of standards.  The top Hornby photo shows the left side coupling rods to be perfectly acceptably aligned.


The bottom photo totally detracts from the top two and I certainly would not have released it in that condition.


And, quite simply, that is the pity of it!


There again we all have different standards .

Edited by DugaldDalgetty
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  • RMweb Gold

This seems to boil down to a question of standards.  The top Hornby photo shows the left side coupling rods to be perfectly acceptably aligned.


The bottom photo totally detracts from the top two and I certainly would not have released it in that condition.


And, quite simply, that is the pity of it!


There again we all have different standards .

Some of us have been posting for several months to encourage,coax and cajole Hornby into reinstating The Engine Shed as its former self. This latest issue appears to show that Hornby have listened and that our efforts have had the desired effect.


Now this.......You seem blithely to ignore the obvious and that is that its purpose is to let us in to the model development process and to encourage comment on what we as enthusiasts see.Comment should ideally be constructive and take into account that these are NOT the finished articles soon to be arriving.This I am sure you already know but it has not stopped you from making an the injudicious declamation that they should not have released such an image and then loftily insinuating that your standards are higher than the experienced members of this forum who have recently posted.


You must also be aware that Hornby read what is posted on RMWeb. Indeed one of their number is...bravely...A forum member of some 18 months standing. Your post is hardly an encouragement to continue a meaningful dialogue. If Hornby show us images not to your taste on The Engine Shed either accept what you see warts and all or else don't bother to look if it offends your sensibilities.


Most of us don't want another period of poor communication.

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Now this.......You seem blithely to ignore the obvious and that is that its purpose is to let us in to the model development process and to encourage comment on what we as enthusiasts see.Comment should ideally be constructive and take into account that these are NOT the finished articles soon to be arriving.This I am sure you already know but it has not stopped you from making an the injudicious declamation that they should not have released such an image and then loftily insinuating that your standards are higher than the experienced members of this forum who have recently posted.


 If Hornby show us images not to your taste on The Engine Shed either accept what you see warts and all or else don't bother to look if it offends your sensibilities.






So Freedom of Speech is not an option then?


I give praise where it is due - I have both emailed Hornby, and verbally thanked Simon Kohler at Glasgow, and mentioned it in other fora for offering the J36.


We can all interpret things differently - I stand by my comments.

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Some of us have been posting for several months to encourage,coax and cajole Hornby into reinstating The Engine Shed as its former self. This latest issue appears to show that Hornby have listened and that our efforts have had the desired effect.

Now this.......You seem blithely to ignore the obvious and that is that its purpose is to let us in to the model development process and to encourage comment on what we as enthusiasts see.Comment should ideally be constructive and take into account that these are NOT the finished articles soon to be arriving.This I am sure you already know but it has not stopped you from making an the injudicious declamation that they should not have released such an image and then loftily insinuating that your standards are higher than the experienced members of this forum who have recently posted.

You must also be aware that Hornby read what is posted on RMWeb. Indeed one of their number is...bravely...A forum member of some 18 months standing. Your post is hardly an encouragement to continue a meaningful dialogue. If Hornby show us images not to your taste on The Engine Shed either accept what you see warts and all or else don't bother to look if it offends your sensibilities.

Most of us don't want another period of poor communication.



Well said!

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  • RMweb Premium

All that image of the J36 shows, is that they have had the loco running, it has been placed back on the track and moved backwards during the process, leading to the rear wheel rotating slightly. The ungeared axle always rotate more than the geared axle. You have a problem with that Dugald?

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  • RMweb Gold

So Freedom of Speech is not an option then?


I give praise where it is due - I have both emailed Hornby, and verbally thanked Simon Kohler at Glasgow, and mentioned it in other fora for offering the J36.


We can all interpret things differently - I stand by my comments.

If used wisely freedom of speech is an excellent concept. It is however in these days of social media an occasionally misused and overrated virtue.


I similarly stand by my observations on the matter.

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He's quite right though.


Hornby are a major manufacturer, maybe it would be in their own best interest if they checked their photos before distributing them on social media. Check for things like misplaced rods, derailed wheels, etc.



The days of "Oh it's only a EP" are well gone I'm afraid. That photograph has the potential to be in millions of peoples hands instantly and should be as perfect as possible. First impressions count.


Check before hitting send. It takes a few seconds.





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  • RMweb Gold

If used wisely freedom of speech is an excellent concept. It is however in these days of social media an occasionally misused and overrated virtue.


I similarly stand by my observations on the matter.

Freedom of speech is IMHO often used as an excuse for not thinking before communicating. As I told my boys, You may have the right as a first year to tease a sixth former, that does not mean that you'll be able to do it with out getting a wallop.


It's a new irregular verb:

I use freespeech,

You are fake news,

He is an idiot,

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All that image of the J36 shows, is that they have had the loco running, it has been placed back on the track and moved backwards during the process, leading to the rear wheel rotating slightly. The ungeared axle always rotate more than the geared axle. You have a problem with that Dugald?


My whole point is that they should have ensured it was straight - why wasn't that shot taken immediately after the first one I wonder?


And thank you Jason for your support.

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