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North Cranford


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I'd suggest cutting and filing a clear cd case to size. Takes a bit of trial and error, but gives a good end result.

I have a hall with cloudy (varnish damaged) windows on which I need to do it, but have done the same in the past on a Hornby 14xx

CD cases (jewel cases) are fantastic for glazing, especially large areas where they are structurally strong.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hattons have kindly sent me this update about 4707:


Our latest information from the supplier suggests this item will arrive with us between January 2018 & March 2018


Nice to get an update and the speed at which they are being received by others around the world suggests they are individual emails to pre-order customers and not a group email.  Thank you Hattons for putting the effort in.

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  • 2 months later...
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"Time flies by when you're the driver of a train........."    From the 70s kids TV Trumpton - or was it Chigely or Camberwick Green?


My last update was in August!!!!  Lots of water under the bridge.  Sorry for that.  Brief summary:


To get the  house I was after, I had to rent it, move in, move out of the old one and simultaneously do some work on the "new" one to make it more habitable.  I was also doing trips to horrid places for work at the same time.


I have now managed to purchase it!   3+ years of searching, offers, and gazumpings from  house builders.


I have no central heating (!!) but hot water aplenty.  The house is now (finally!) secure and there is, after 2 months of being there, a comfortable, useable, clean bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and snug. 

Yesterday the derelict double garage got demolished to make access to a new "drive" right through the garden to the field.     I have done zero modelling as I have been fence building, built 4 temporary stables with lights and power, demolished rotten sheds, sledgehammered down failed garden walls.....I promise not to turn this into a builder's thread.


The NC news.  John Dew has planted a large seed of doubt in my mind with regard to DC operations for NC.  Life will be much simpler on DCC - I know it's not "just two wires" but at the same time, there is no need for isolations and sectors and a switch panel other than one for the points.


Anyone want to buy a pile of unused mini 2 pole lever switches............??????


The projects box, tools and paints chest are in the house, accessible but I haven't been able to justify doing a session with so much other stuff going on.   However, with a contractor on site doing the stump pulling and road laying, there is not a lot I can get on with this weekend............


I hope you are all happy and healthy.

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. The house is now (finally!) secure and there is, after 2 months of being there, a comfortable, useable, clean bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and snug.



I am really delighted that after all the fret everything is sorted......however I must question your priorities.......what about the train room?


Concerned in Vancouver

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Military basing principles still apply:  Security, warmth, a place to rest, and somewhere to begin the break out............


Will have a pre-emptive meeting with the planner soon to work out the art of the possible.It will happen - it's just a question of where.

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Luckily the place came with seven sheds and structures that looked in good nick but overgrown.  I took photos and measurements before I knocked them down - they were all very wormy on close inspection.  So putting a similar structure or amalgamation together shouldn't be an issue.

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Luckily the place came with seven sheds and structures that looked in good nick but overgrown.  I took photos and measurements before I knocked them down - they were all very wormy on close inspection.  So putting a similar structure or amalgamation together shouldn't be an issue.

You could rebuild all seven and put a station in each, running the main line between them...

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That would be some layout - the distance betyween the furthest 2 is well over 100m!


That's bigger than Retford I think  (:


Plus I don't "do" stations - there isn't one at NC - shed , brewery, furniture depository, factories, scrappy, but no stations.

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View # 20 000 and an epic time to announce that NC has officialy "gone DCC" thanks to tons of assistance and a bit of badgering by John Dew of Granby fame.


Lenz chips x 14, some "wireless" Prodigy handsets, and a control box gizmo thingy are in brown boxes and headed for Essex............


There are some engines in the loft and a length or two of flexi track.  Some engines are "DCC ready" and some older than that, so I I hope to grasp the nuances of fitting/soldering and setting up beginning with something easy, and leaving the split chassis engines until last......


On the anniversary of Blackbeard's capture, and Concorde's first fee earning flight, I hope that you are all happy and healthy.     Ah harrrrrrrrrrrr

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If you fancy a day out, DCC Supplies just outside Worcester do DCC Courses including fitting Decoders. Tis fun and makes a good break from other tedium. Quite a long way but worth it. Maybe there is somewhere nearer you that might do something just for you?


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Worcester is a trek at the moment - When I am not up to my elbows in it at Phear House I have a trip to (nearly) the North Pole and another back to somewhere hot and dusty.


John Dew has given me some excellent guidance and I will start with some easy ones to build up the confidence.


I was going to go for a nice round "10" and approved the funds in my head.  A quick google around highlighted a supplier selling much cheaper (Track Shack, Isle of Man - no connection other chip suppliers are available etc etc ), and 14 hit my budget.


A Happy Thanksgiving to all in the 'States.  I know Canada has had theirs already.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

"I'm Sitting On Top of The World..............."    the late guitar genius Les Paul and his wife Mary Ford.


I really am stuck up here on top of the World, in the land of Polar Bears, and the flight out has had to turn back due to bad weather.  ):


With the concreting on my driveway going on, there was very little to do this weekend but try and fit my first chips.



I have a good book, a bed and much free hot food.  Many other ex soldiers don't.  I count myself lucky.



On the 76th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, I hope that you are all happy and healthy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Back in the UK and a short post to wish everyone a safe and warm festive season wherever you are.


Thanks to John Dew's inspiration, a 72XX detail kit is on its way from Brassmasters.  


The lull of driveway work passed whilst I was on top of the World, so this holiday will be a full on outdoor experience at Phear House (trees to plant and move, and more tidying and cleaning up....)  I will do something NC related i promise.


Ride Big Dog on Christmas day as usual, and finish at the (new to us) village pub for a pint at 12.  Big Dog doesn't touch beer so he'll get me home.


On the day of Winter Solstice  when the nights  days are getting longer, I wish you all a great time and thank you for your company.

Edited by M.I.B
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well the long Christmas break whizzed by like a Castle on full steam, and despite the promises of doing "something" I was way-layed by 2 roof leaks, a major speed hump to log burner fitting, the discovery of some asbestos, and subsequent clear up, 


So although I worked flat out I got nothing NC related done other than to move it in it's crated form from the rented shipping container, to my very own shipping container, at it's new home.  


Now that I have managed to get rid of the saddle racks (don't ask) from the study and into the new shipping container tack room, I have dug "The Cabinet" out of storage and it is headed for the house.  I am hoping that this will be the thin end of the wedge and a catalyst........


Sadly I am away somewhere sandy and "dodgy" so putting "The Cabinet" up will have to wait.


On the 110th anniversary of Shackleton planting a Union Flag at (almost) the bottom of the Earth, I hope that you are happy and healthy.

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I have just done a quick "cruise and peruse" around my usual RM Web pages and found a post saying that the Bachmann steam crane , which I have on order and have had for some time, is going to arrive with a£212 price tag!


I realise that it will be significantly more accurate that the Red Box alternative, but "Ouch" is a word that springs to mind.  I did have a clear out via Ebay when this was first offered for  pre-order, and I also bought a few things in to "work up" and punt on via the Evil bay.  All in the name of paying for the steam crane.  But not two hundred sheets worth!


Now that NC has made the move to DCC, and the dust has settle in the grey cells, I have come to accept that I do need to move one or two engines on, as they will not ever get chipped or work well with chips.  This lessens the chip bill and should pass some of the folding back into something more useful.


But the carriage kits, including the very elusive O13 Milk Brake, will not change hands.  That's for sure.

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Back from the deserts again to find that Bachmann want to charge the earth for the Warflat and panzer.  How much?????


£50 for a bogie wagon is too high.     I flinched a little at the steam crane and the 47XX "price revisions" but they are also quite fiddly multi part items with a small sale volume etc etc etc and they will be a limited run no doubt, so I am prepared to dig a little deeper.


Make the Warflat a little cheaper, without the tank, and with the livery options over their long life, and high probability that people will want lots of these whatever era you are in,,,,,,, and Bachmann could be onto a sure fire winner. 


I cannot see NC without a large steam crane and the same goes for a 47XX.    My white-metal 47XX was disappointing for the price I paid and it certainly wouldn't pull a long van train.


But sorry Hattons, my Warflat pre-order is cancelled.  The money put aside for that will go towards the next pile of Lenz chips..........


Anyway - NC is moving again - into the loft in it's crated form.  The idea for building the Shed 2 project has stirred once again in my mind.........


On the 27th anniversary of Operation GRANBY's D Day, I hope that you are all happy and healthy.

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Back from the deserts again to find that Bachmann want to charge the earth for the Warflat and panzer.  How much?????


£50 for a bogie wagon is too high.     I flinched a little at the steam crane and the 47XX "price revisions" but they are also quite fiddly multi part items with a small sale volume etc etc etc and they will be a limited run no doubt, so I am prepared to dig a little deeper.


On the 27th anniversary of Operation GRANBY's D Day, I hope that you are all happy and healthy.


I do agree with you about the steepness of the most recent price increases. When I was involved in marketing, admittedly in the last century, there was a clear correlation between price and units sold. We would estimate the demand for an item in monetary value. If we were obliged to increase the selling price by 10% the sterling estimate remained unchanged but the unit estimate was reduced by 10%. If we had to increase the sp by more than 10% and particularly if we breached a critical price point the sterling estimate was reduced resulting in an even greater reduction in the unit purchase. We were buying from a number of manufacturers and not shackled with a significant minimum order requirement. I do wonder what effect these increases will have on Bachmanns inventory levels.


I did a double take when I read your anniversary tag........how did he know that I first started modelling in January 1991 (Granby I) I asked myself.....then I realised you were writing about a rather more significant anniversary :scratchhead:


Best wishes



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I think it was named after the Marquis of Granby - UK Operation names are arranged in advance and picked from a pre-prepared list.  


The list is extremely strict in what names are used.    They are always one name:  Op MARKET GARDEN in reality never existed, it was two operations - MARKET and GARDEN: one for the land push and the other for the airborne & air-landed.  


It is never made up of two component parts - "black smith"  " wind mill" would never be allowed , and they never reflect the activity.  


US Op names are quite the opposite:  we used to say that US Op names described the job to help them remember what they were doing:  Op "DENY FLIGHT  Op DESERT SHIELD Op DESERT STORM   etc



In theory they should never be repeated as well but we have had one repeat in my time - the early atomic tests and an op in the 80s had the same name.....



You are right on the possible effect on inventory levels - keep your eyes peeled for a sell off later perhaps?

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The thin end of the wedge.............AT LAST!


A 72XX awaits detail kit fitting, and chipping,


Some limited edition milks and CONFLATS,


the new Oxford 24 ton 6 wheeler TOAD, which is a great model - thanks Oxford!


and the LMS short bogie CCT.  



Putting this up raised morale and prompted the decision that we are close to being finally "set up" here. Not finished by a long way, but we are now going to make the conscious effort to do "fun" things as well as property related things.   Decorating can wait a while, but life doesn't.


I hope that you are happy and healthy.




Right - off to finish wiring up the workshop......




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Updates are a little slow - photos to follow:  


LMS 12 wheel restaurant and 2 Stanier coaches are winding their way to Phear House.


This is a coincidence because over on John Dew's marvelous Granby thread, a photo of a mixed company rake appeared, sat at Kingswear on a summers day 1947.  And an OOC Hall is in shot too.  The identity of the new NC Hall has thus been selected.


Not sure how half a rake of LMS stock has made it past NC, but Rule 1 definitely applies.


On Valentines Day, I hope that you are all healthy and happy.

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