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Voie Libre magazine


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Voie Libre is a fantastic French quarterly magazine about modelling secondary and narrow gauge lines in France. It has been going for more than 20 years. Each edition will, from now on, be available (by subscription) in English. Until now an English text version was only available as a digital download subscription, readable on your computer. Or, if you bought the French printed edition, the publishers LR Presse would (if you wanted) send you the text in English on separate bits of paper. Now you can have the real thing in your hands, in English, which I think will be wonderful. I wonder how many they expect to sell to make this worthwhile? I suppose if they have already translated the text, and type-set it and laid it out for the digital version, there is not much extra effort involved in just printing the thing.

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There has been a full digital version of the magazine in English for a couple of years. It used to be possible to have a quick look at one time online, and it looked and felt like the French version. I still like the French version as it helps me with my French, just annoying to have to wait for the translation online.

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Has the English version ever been available online, direct from LR Presse? As far as I can see it has only been available two ways in English - a downloadable (sorry for that horrible world) full version of the magazine distributed via the Zinio online magazine distributor, or just the printed words in English on paper to accompany the ordinary French printed version of the magazine. Now we are being offered the printed version of the full magazine in English. Hurrah.

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  • RMweb Premium

Originally the magazine came (on request) with a two sheet English translation.  Latterly this translation was only available on line for download from the Loco Revue web site.  Now we have for the first time, an opportunity to buy a full English version of the French magazine.

Not surprisingly I will stick with the French version, but I am sure many modellers will be delighted with the English one.

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I know they have had problems with the online translation and finding it on the website, but there is now a page with all the available online translations. When I last looked no 80 was not there yet.

I prefer the French version, but sometimes want to double check what I am reading, in this case the article about 3D printing.

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