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Mike beat me to it Neil (cheers SM!) but they are definitely Swindon Stock Shed and The Factory at 81A. It is entirely possible they were taken by the same person on the same day, as it's only 77 miles from Padd to Swindon.... ;)


On the subject of Hydraulics in general, I've just been having a 'tidy up' of my railway books and mags, which took longer than expected when I started thumbing through every single Hydraulic publication I can currently get my grubby mitts on, there are several more stashed away elsewhere but perusing all of the 'Heyday Of', 'Power Of' series, the various Strathwood books, the mighty Bradford Barton library, the Norman Preedy, John Vaughan and Roger Geach stuff amongst many others, it struck me what a rich catalogue of images we now have to keep our eyeballs entertained, not to mention the fantastic memories they rekindle in an instant. In the grand scheme of things the Hydraulic era lasted less than two decades yet the coverage is pretty damned good.   

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Some more for the weekend.


The first D1056 in September 1975 backing onto her train at Plymouth North Road- one where the new scanner behaved itself!

attachicon.gifD1056 Plymouth September 1975.jpg


Next D1003 at Newton Abbott on 22nd August 1969 with a motorail service.

attachicon.gifD1003 Newton Abbott Padd-Penz motorail 220869.jpg


The early withdrawals from the class 22 fleet, being scrapped in 1969 are rarely photographed. I was pleased to win these photos recently. 6351 at (edit) Swindon stock shed in 1969 with clear evidence of a recent prang, in the company of Hymek D7010.

attachicon.gif6351 Old Oak Common.jpg


6343 at Old Oak again in 1969.

attachicon.gif6343 Old Oak Common.jpg



D7010 went Blue with Small Yellow and White windows from 21/12/66 so this picture of D6351 is pre the suggested 1969 date.

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If you made an assumption that both locos were there for Works attention then the only time both 7010 & 6351 were together inside Swindon Works is between 20.12.62 and 07.01.63 (6351 20/12/62-14/0163 & 7010 18/12/62 - 07/01/63). In fact, using the same theory as both locos are awaiting entry to Swindon you could actually date it almost as 17 or 18/12/62. If you could see 7010's front end you could date it as it was this visit 7010 had its Yellow end added.

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I'm guessing you caught the 07.30 from Paddington? On the 18th 1015 worked West on 1B15 08.30 Padd - Plymouth, and went back on the 16.10 Penzance - Paddington (1A09) at 18.25 from Plymouth. D1009 came into Plymouth on 4A13 15.22 Penzance - Paddington Perishables. 1036 hauled withdrawn 1028 & 1051 from Laira to Swindon, 1048 worked the 07.40 Leeds to Penzance from Plymouth at 14.23 and 1058 came in from Cornwall on 1M74 13.55 Penzance to Birmingham. Don't suppose you know what came into Plymouth on 1V71, on 1A09 from Penzance to Plymouth and from Plymouth on 1M74 do you please? You also mention 1033 but that had been withdrawn by then? Don't have any info for 1013 tho, Can you help with that please? Thanks



Hello Mark,


I'm afraid that I did not catch the 0730 even though I joined my train at Reading, because I would have waited for a day return ticket to be valid.


The train I did catch arrived at Reading behind 50029 but after proceeding about 20 yards down the platform, we stopped and started a few times and after a lengthy spell of shouting and banging, we eventually left for Plymouth behind 47554.


One thing that confuses me about D1015 is if you look at my original post on this subject (no. 931 I think) you will see my first photo was of D1015 on an eastbound stone train at Westbury. This loco then appeared at Plymouth on a down service about the same time as D1048, but my notes are rubbish with precise times of day.


If D1015 worked the 0830 to Plymouth it must have somehow been detached at Westbury in order to perform freight duties for an unfathomable reason. The other strange thing is that looking at the cab dents on D1015 it appears to have turned to face the opposite direction before backing onto my train home.


I can't comment on D1033 because I only tended to write the numbers down. Presumably I had misread it?


I have no idea of individual workings I'm afraid, but D1013 is listed before D1058 so must have departed around 1500.

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Been scanning a lot this weekend - not getting on too well with the new scanner to be honest, its colour correction is quite naff, and even feeding it "perfect" slides it still does badly. The software that comes with it is none too good, and I still can't get the excellent vuescan software to speak to the scanner.






I have been wondering about this, and thought that if your computer recognises the scanner is connected then Vuescan ought to as well.


Have you trashed all the Vuescan system files, especially any preference folders?


It maybe that your old scanner has left some id on your computer and the software is still looking for that, but cant find it?

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Jonny - I'll look further into it, but I still think the scanner itself is the problem as the software shouldn't be needed with excellent starting slides.It is needed when the slide is faded or underexposed -see below.


Here's one of the problem slides,

D1001 at some point in 1962, OK slightly out of focus but captures an early Western well.

Colour balance not too good because slide was faded - I had a play with the Mac software and although it looks slightly surreal I was pleased with the background! Anyone know where this is?



original slide, slightly manipulated



surreal D1001

Edited by Downendian
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Jonny - I'll look further into it, but I still think the scanner itself is the problem as the software shouldn't be needed with excellent starting slides.It is needed when the slide is faded or underexposed -see below.


Here's one of the problem slides,

D1001 at some point in 1962, OK slightly out of focus but captures an early Western well.

Colour balance not too good because slide was faded - I had a play with the Mac software and although it looks slightly surreal I was pleased with the background! Anyone know where this is?





I hope you don't mind but I had a little "play" with the image.  Sorry, but I've no idea where it is.






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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning, some recent acquisitions


First, for some reason there's not much demand for preserved hydraulics in service. I got this one rather cheap.

832 Onslaught West of Newton Abbott in august 1969



Secondly a brace of 1960s Westerns at Cholsey, date unknown


D1020 Western Hero





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Cracking shots as usual Neil! I'd wager the D1020 shot is the Summer of '64, and D1031 is standing in for a Blue Pullman with the old 'Wells Fargo' set.


Before reading your caption for the 832 at Aller shot I thought it was 821 running light from Laira to Didcot in May '73 on its way to being preserved at the GWS, this was the very last run of a Warship on the mainline in BR days.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Nidge

Thanks for the info - re the '"Wells Fargo" BP replacement set - just noticed one of your posts on this subject from five years ago

http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/13135-blue-pullman-replacements/?p=117282again this was D1031, I wonder if this was the up service, same day?

I did think the same as you when I saw the slide of 832 near Aller junction, there's always the possibility the date is wrong - I've seen a shot of her on her last BR sortie somewhere edit : ah it was 821.


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Hi Nidge

Thanks for the info - re the '"Wells Fargo" BP replacement set - just noticed one of your posts on this subject from five years ago

http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/13135-blue-pullman-replacements/?p=117282again this was D1031, I wonder if this was the up service, same day?

I did think the same as you when I saw the slide of 832 near Aller junction, there's always the possibility the date is wrong - I've seen a shot of her on her last BR sortie somewhere edit : ah it was 821.



Five years ago.... blimey, I'd forgotten all about that Neil!


Just checked the Bradford Barton Warships album which has a shot of 821 at Taunton en route to Didcot on 24th May '73, it still has its numbers at both ends so your shot is definitely not 821. Checking 'The Book Of The Warships', 832 was released off Swindon in that later version of BFYE in November '70 so the date of your slide could be wrong. Is it definitely 832 mate...?

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  • RMweb Gold

Five years ago.... blimey, I'd forgotten all about that Neil!


Just checked the Bradford Barton Warships album which has a shot of 821 at Taunton en route to Didcot on 24th May '73, it still has its numbers at both ends so your shot is definitely not 821. Checking 'The Book Of The Warships', 832 was released off Swindon in that later version of BFYE in November '70 so the date of your slide could be wrong. Is it definitely 832 mate...?

Will take a closer look Nidge - unusual as just one number - and date definitely wrong if it's 832.


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  • RMweb Gold

Just checked it looks like 832 onslaught which of course 832 had class 43 scavenger grilles as you say Stovepipe. It does appear to have Swindon pattern marker lights too, so a class 42 and 832 the only one like this.

Will need to dig for more in service photos of 832 - didn't twig that she had numbers at just one end.


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  • RMweb Gold

Are those signals in the distance in the up direction colour lights? If so, I wonder when they were installed?


Edit: Answering my own question - sometime after 15/08/1969, if the date is to be believed.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning, some recent acquisitions



Secondly a brace of 1960s Westerns at Cholsey, date unknown


D1020 Western Hero

[attachment=610622:D1020 Cholsey 1960s.jpg





Sorry but you have been misinformed - that is not Cholsey but is in fact Moreton Cutting with the train on the Down Main Line (thus matching the headcode in terms of direction if nothing else).  I obviously can't positively date it but I can be positive that it was taken prior to 8/9 May 1965 because that was the weekend when the signal visible on the left was taken out of use.

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