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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry John I disagree. You don't have to view them if you don't want to, I've posted these entirely due to altruism, no personal gain here whatsoever. Most slides I collect and buy at my personal cost are for personal memories, and some for stuff I wish I'd had seen but was just too young. yes and I agree they should be in the public domain but who pays the price for buying them?

It's posts like yours that make me wonder why I bother.





That was not my intention at all - and if that was the impression that I gave I apologise unreservedly.


It was the with copyright that I questioned; in fact, the whole issue of marketing copyright as associated with historical images bothers me.


The guy who took the photograph had a device that was sensitive to the light energy that was around him at the time, and he composed a pleasing image.


It is right that he should have (had) copyright of the images that he composed, but it is the concept of passing on that copyright to third parties for money that bugs me - especially when the photographer is no longer with us.


I know that this is a can of worms, and I don't wish to kick off that furore again, but I do feel that the extraordinary lengths that some posters go to to protect 'their' copyright, when they didn't take the image in the first place, is over the top.


I go first on this forum to the image threads, and I am extremely grateful to those who post them, but I cannot get worked up about people, including myself, who download them.


Any posted image can be downloaded if you know where to look, and I do so with every image that I think may be useful to me as reference in the future. I currently have 65,531 images stored, and indexed by vehicle number. I can pull up every photo of any specific loco, coach or wagon of which I have ever come across a posted image.


Is that a crime? I do not knowingly post copyrighted images, and I appreciate the efforts of those who post them, but I do not see that the sale of images with copyright enhances the historical record at all.


In fact, I have started posting my entire railway slide collection, despite it being poor quality in the main, and anyone can use the images as they see fit - so long as they don't pretend that they took them or try and charge others for them.


I suppose that I should have kept my own council, but this time I didn't.


Again, apologies for any offence unintendedly caused.



John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold




Any posted image can be downloaded if you know where to look, and I do so with every image that I think may be useful to me as reference in the future. I currently have 65,531 images stored, and indexed by vehicle number. I can pull up every photo of any specific loco, coach or wagon of which I have ever come across a posted image.


Is that a crime? I do not knowingly post copyrighted images, and I appreciate the efforts of those who post them, but I do not see that the sale of images with copyright enhances the historical record at all.


In fact, I have started posting my entire railway slide collection, despite it being poor quality in the main, and anyone can use the images as they see fit - so long as they don't pretend that they took them or try and charge others for them.


I suppose that I should have kept my own council, but this time I didn't.


Again, apologies for any offence unintendedly caused.



John Isherwood.

Many thanks John, your post is appreciated. Whilst I'm certainly no expert on copyright law, yes I think you're right you can download images to keep for personal use. In any case if that's not right, anyone from RMweb I'm very happy for them to download any of my images, and wherever a request is made I'm happy to email a higher resolution scan.


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Detail alert! Just noticed that D1067 (above) has a wonky left-hand buffer.


Don't get me off on copyright. Not quite as simple as just 70 years from death of the photographer. As part of my job I manage a large collection of images (some on glass negatives) and copyright is a right pain at times. Well, it's a pain most of the time.....

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  • RMweb Gold

The location of that D63xx has me beaten. Any idea folks?

Alas I have to agree Paul.  The other three are easy but that one is a right puzzle to me and demands some research, which might start not over far from Gloucester - I may be sometime.

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That was not my intention at all - and if that was the impression that I gave I apologise unreservedly.


It was the with copyright that I questioned; in fact, the whole issue of marketing copyright as associated with historical images bothers me.


The guy who took the photograph had a device that was sensitive to the light energy that was around him at the time, and he composed a pleasing image.


It is right that he should have (had) copyright of the images that he composed, but it is the concept of passing on that copyright to third parties for money that bugs me - especially when the photographer is no longer with us.


I know that this is a can of worms, and I don't wish to kick off that furore again, but I do feel that the extraordinary lengths that some posters go to to protect 'their' copyright, when they didn't take the image in the first place, is over the top.


I go first on this forum to the image threads, and I am extremely grateful to those who post them, but I cannot get worked up about people, including myself, who download them.


Any posted image can be downloaded if you know where to look, and I do so with every image that I think may be useful to me as reference in the future. I currently have 65,531 images stored, and indexed by vehicle number. I can pull up every photo of any specific loco, coach or wagon of which I have ever come across a posted image.


Is that a crime? I do not knowingly post copyrighted images, and I appreciate the efforts of those who post them, but I do not see that the sale of images with copyright enhances the historical record at all.


In fact, I have started posting my entire railway slide collection, despite it being poor quality in the main, and anyone can use the images as they see fit - so long as they don't pretend that they took them or try and charge others for them.


I suppose that I should have kept my own council, but this time I didn't.


Again, apologies for any offence unintendedly caused.



John Isherwood.



Don't apologise, John.  You haven't offended me at all. I accept that people will have widely varying views and life would be much poorer without these views being aired.


I can see your point, and it depends on why people wish to have the copyright. As I have said above, for me it is purely re-assurance that I am not infringing someone else's rights to display the image in public.  I suspect there are people who would like to believe pretend that having copyright is the same as having taken the photo, but why that might be, except to appear more important, I don't know.



With regard to Ebay prices, "with copyright" will command a premium in price simply because of the extra freedom it gives to use the image.

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  • RMweb Gold

Alas I have to agree Paul.  The other three are easy but that one is a right puzzle to me and demands some research, which might start not over far from Gloucester - I may be sometime.

Ah yes - the clag is in front of the station name board! Don't recall ever seeing 22s on Gloucester area passenger workings but never say never!





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Steadfast at Worcester? Wonderful Peter! was that the same day as D6331?



Hello Phil,

In my "combine", D843 is Sharpshooter.....


Might've been the same week as D6331, or possibly a year earlier, as we tended to do a Midlands Railtourer for a week early in the summer hols.


There were a couple of Class 03s on shed that day - what duties did they do around Worcester I wonder? 

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Phil,

In my "combine", D843 is Sharpshooter.....


Might've been the same week as D6331, or possibly a year earlier, as we tended to do a Midlands Railtourer for a week early in the summer hols.


There were a couple of Class 03s on shed that day - what duties did they do around Worcester I wonder?

And correct of course - Sunday morning blues! Thanks for correction.


As for 03s - Worcester started off in steam days with 03s and also for a brief period in 66 also had 04s. At that time there was only one 08 - D4118 - but by my era in 68 there was little or no work for the 03s as the depot usually had 5 08s - an 03 used to trundle around aimlessly with a couple of wagons occasionally or shunt the shed yard - remember watching 2128 struggling manfully to shunt a dead 47 around the depot one day - but largely they all sat in the goods loco (boiler washout) shed until taken away for scrap or further use in industry.


That they were largely good to go was evidenced by certain individuals climbing in to one at the open day in 69 and pressing the start button - they jumped out again quickly when it started making noises like it might fire up....












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  • RMweb Gold


That they were largely good to go was evidenced by certain individuals climbing in to one at the open day in 69 and pressing the start button - they jumped out again quickly when it started making noises like it might fire up....





Tut tut Phil, naughty boy!



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  • RMweb Gold

Just a very quick comment from me on copyright.


I own the copyright to anything I post or have permission to post the image,  either because I took the photo or Dad took it, he specifically  left his collection to me together with the rights to the images.  I have permission to use Mum's photos if I ever get that far, though as she is still alive she owns the copyright.


Apart from that I have a very few images  from other people, obtained as swops where we had more than one image of a location/loco.  So far three of them were posted in my black and white thread.


Some years ago I sold a lot of my black and white negatives, I retained the right to use some of them on my own flickr site, again I've used a handful and have no intention of using more as I have colour slides of most of the locations.


If anyone downloads a copy for their own use I'm not bothered, I get annoyed when I find them elsewhere on the web without an acknowledgement.  In those cases I normally contact the person and ask them to remove the image or credit it correctly. 


I'm happy for publishers to use the photos with my permission.


I just hope people enjoy the photos and find them useful.  Putting the images on here, flickr etc also means I do the colour correction etc which means I can sit and get a great deal of enjoyment when i watch them on my TV using my laptop.


I have to admit I'm not sure how I would feel about use of my images by others if I was running a business using my photos, though I assure all of you that I do pay tax on any used by publishers!



Edited by DaveF
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  • RMweb Premium



That was not my intention at all - and if that was the impression that I gave I apologise unreservedly.



John Isherwood.


Just to show that I do post images as well as download them, I have just added some more technically duff but, in some cases, historically interesting photos from 1979 :-


http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96229-photos-of-br-and-preservation-in-the-1960s-70s-80s/page-2, post 37.


I have now scanned all of my old railway slides, and am uploading them all into two or three threads here, depending on subject.


Nothing more than passing snaps, but some have an interest nowadays, beyond their workaday subjects at the time that they were taken. Do with them as you will - if you consider them worth it !!


For those interested in European narrow gauge, an extensive photograpic record of a 1981 trip on a metre gauge, Mallet-hauled mixed train up the Tamega Valley in Portugal, including images from the footplate, will be added in the next few days to :-





John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thought I would pop these in, all I can say is it was definitely summer 76!  Edit - all mine, taken on a Railrover that summer. Apologies for awful quality - Zenit E!


The last one JUST has a Wessey in it - and also the Co-Bo.






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  • RMweb Gold

Does anyone know what happened to D1068 which resulted in that small rectangular repair to the front between the headboard clips? I've always wondered since I saw the loco arrive at Reading that way back in 1976.


Depending on how far back the photo's of this damage appear, Reliance went into Swindon works in January 1970 in MFYWP, with nose, apron and bodyside skin punctures due to accident damage, emerging in BFYWP in April 1970, so maybe it was then?




Edit to add dates.

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  • RMweb Premium

Depending on how far back the photo's of this damage appear, Reliance went into Swindon works in January 1970 in MFYWP, with nose, apron and bodyside skin punctures due to accident damage, emerging in BFYWP in April 1970, so maybe it was then?




Edit to add dates.


Interesting thanks; you'd have thought Swindon would have done a better repair job back then.

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