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Oxford Road - 1980s/90s NSE

Rich Papper

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Another small update. Just to prove that there are other bits to these DMUs. Had a spare few minutes the other day to start on the chassis for the 101/121 hybrid set. All of these are being done on the cheap as with two children under 2 I no longer have any disposable income that isn't spent on plastic tat to scatter widely across the house and garden for me to tread on at night! Anyway, in the spares box I happened to have a spare Limby 101 power car underframe minus bogies, a spare Limby 121 motored chassis, a Lima 117 dummy motored chassis, and a pair of Bachmann 108 bogies. Long since forgotten how. So 101 has gained the bogies from the 121 since they are substantially the same Limby mouldings. I thought I might as well use the DCC socket since it had one so have had to run all the wires from pickups back to that, as well as connecting all the lighting wires while the socket was upside down. Also added cast buffers. Other detailing like lamp brackets and bogie steps go on later as I will break them while fiddling otherwise. Progress so far:




Also a quick one of the production line of the interiors. Still much to do here:




More when it happens. Bodies have gained grey, blue currently drying. 


Still unsure on whether I need a workbench thread.



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  • 1 month later...

Hello All,


Decided to start a workbench thread for all the bits and pieces that could apply to both layouts or neither. Will concentrate the rolling stock adventures there unless there are pictures of them on the layout. Link is here or in signature below.





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  • 7 months later...

Good Evening, 


Well after what seems like an eternity, Oxford Road has been dug out and I'm beginning to dust it off. It hasn't had many bookings to be honest, and I'm not really sure how many it will get, but I quite like taking it out. I really would like to start thinking about a replacement, but the home layout is keeping me happy enough at the moment. As it is, I was asked to the Yate show (3rd February if anyone is nearby) about two years ago, but then missed one due to ill health and the next due to the imminent arrival of my daughter, so really looking forward to it.


It usually lives here underneath the home layout:




This is built on Ikea Ivar frames so it was easy just to leave a bigger gap at one point to slot it underneath.


First problem encountered. The glue has gone where the retaining wall meets the baseboard and it has sort of leaned back on itself. There is actually a hidden siding under here which fits a two car DMU and a point allowing attachment of a small shelf with one track to take things on and off behind the scenes. This was a last minute addition before it's first show where I didn't have a fiddle yard! Soon became apparent that I needed one.




Didn't want to take everything apart so drilled holes in upper level (hidden under houses anyway) and screwed some small blocks of wood behind to brace. Not brilliant, and it isn't quite vertical but you can't really tell from the front.




Problem two. The platform edge seems to have lifted ever so slightly away from the baseboard surface. If you push on the front of the platform there is a little give in it. The ballast hides it and, again, from the front I don't think you can tell. Lucky really as I'm not at all sure how I'd sort this. Going to set the whole thing up next weekend and power up the Underground too to test the shuttle. Will make a decision then.




Couldn't resist a quick photo opportunity. 50032 Courageous and 47602 Glorious Devon. The 47 rarely comes out. A Heljan repaint, I was really pleased with it until I put it next to a Bachmann one and then it just looks fat!




Hopefully get some pictures at the show with better lighting and more space. Also intending to run the Camtruck around as never have on here.


Have a good weekend.



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Good Evening,


Been putting Oxford Road together this evening for a quick test ahead of the Sodbury Vale Model Railway Club show at Yate next weekend (details here). A bit of a mad rush as had to get it up and down again in one evening to keep it out of the way. Everything seems to be working as expected. A bit of a strange experience to be honest as it has been a long time since it's been out and about - nearly two years. I had to give a lot of thought as to how to put the frame it sits on together. Took a few photos. First a couple of the underground station building that you can't see into from normal angles (unless you happen to have a neck like a giraffe), but just to prove it has an interior:






Then a few bits of stock out for a test. L207 and L211 rattling around in the shed. These have now gained windscreen wipers. Badly. Been dreading trying to put them on - anyone have any tips for next time?




And the other ends.




Finally 47602 Glorious Devon rumbling around testing all the points and sidings. One good use of a Heljan 47 - you can be sure that if anything is in the way it will hit it.




As usual, seeing the layout is equal measures of 'ooo I'd forgotten about that' and 'good grief, that bit looks terrible I could do that better now'. Will probably always be the way.


Sleep well.



Edited by Rich Papper
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All packed up and ready for the Sodbury Vale MRC show in Yate tomorrow. Do pop by and say hello if you're around, particularly if you know how my camera truck works because I've lost the instructions! Very excited although the usual paranoia about forgetting something is creeping up now. Last booking for Oxford Road so not sure what happens next. Probably just stash it for now and work on the home one until my son is old enough to help (and I mean the level of help where I can turn my back on him!)


Have a good weekend.


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Rich


Hope the show goes well. Its a shame I can’t make it, maybe next time eh, after you get some invites today. Tidworth is at Romsey in a few weeks if you can make it.

Edited by Temeraire
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Hi Rich


Hope the show goes well. Its a shame I can’t make it, maybe next time eh, after you get some invites today. Tidworth is at Romsey in a few weeks if you can make it.


Would love to but probably a bit far for me with these little people still (+ used up all my husband points this month now!). Thanks though, I will get to see it one day.


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Good Evening,


Fantastic day out with Oxford Road at the Sodbury Vale Model Railway Club exhibition in Yate. A thoroughly nice group of people and a lovely venue - strongly recommended if you can make it next year. Was quite busy so didn't manage many photos, but did manage to get the camtruck going for a quick tour.


Lots if interest in this van. Think it was a Kernow comission but can't remember.




Some very kind gentleman asked me how I had a Bachmann 117 already. Still looks like a Lima to me but very kind nevertheless.




These two performed faultlessly on their debut.




And footage from the camtruck. Apologies for the slapdash editing.




Has to be said that this wouldn't be possible without the help of my glamorous assistant (who did occasionally stop eating the backscene). Very handy to have around though - her fingers are the right size for the buttons on the Powercab.




Have a good evening,






Edited to try to figure out how to embed a little video window to make it easier to see - still no idea how!

Edited by Rich Papper
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The video is brilliant Rich, I especially like the trip through the shed and the HST on jacks...plus the man laid down! I’d love to see this in the flesh but alas, I live at the wrong end of the country. :no:




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The video is brilliant Rich, I especially like the trip through the shed and the HST on jacks...plus the man laid down! I’d love to see this in the flesh but alas, I live at the wrong end of the country. :no:



Thank you. I went through the whole show without noticing that chap! Don't think anyone else saw it as you can only see the inside outward facing wall from the front so it's the only bit I really detailed. that is one issue of the camtruck - it does show you all those things you thought you'd painted but haven't.


Funnily enough the layout was mostly built in Lancashire. I lived for 5 years in Lytham near Blackpool and found myself in a very small house with need for a bookshelf. Based near Gloucester now, but I do miss having gravy with every meal.



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Hi Rich


Fantastic work mate just catching up on a few threads on RMweb and Oxford Road is one of the best in my opinion.


All the best


Darren NSE DAZ

Thank you. It's no North Street but people seem to like it at shows. It was nice getting it out yesterday after so long, but there are lots of bits that I would do quite differently now. The upper level has no alignment dowels, just one M8 bolt between each one, so if the floor is uneven it is a bit of a fiddle. There are also no copper sleepers at the board joins so I have to be a bit careful taking it apart at the end of a show. I think I would use something other than 12mm MDF for tops next time too so it would weigh less than my car. Electrically it seems pretty resilient. Really do need to plan the stock more carefully for shows - took far too much yesterday.


Would love to see North Street again sometime.


All the best.



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Hello All

Just spotted another YouTube review of the show here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc34KFKlKkI OR from about 8 minutes. Genuinely didn't notice anyone filming at all, so thank you to those that did and apologies if you were trying to get a shot and I was oblivious. In my defence I was wearing a sleeping baby for a large part of the morning!


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  • 7 months later...

A great little layout, with lots of attention to detail. I really like this, as it gives a great sense of the hustle and bustle of our Capital.


They say the best things come in small packages.


Very kind, thank you. Size was very much dictated by the very small flat I lived in when I started it. Home layout now has a whole converted garage, so naturally I have tried to fill it. Wrongly. It'll never be finished, but it will be fun!



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Nice video , interesting stock.


I like the model, sometimes single track platform and TMD doesn’t look right, but it does here.


Thank you. I'd been a while without a layout and just worked on the odd piece of stock when I had the time, all of which ended up just sitting on my desk. The layout was originally just supposed to be a glorified shelf to stick them on, but we all know how these things get out of hand. I did find a few random old pictures in the computer the other day while looking for something else, so here's a selection. Apologies if I already posted them and have forgotten.










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  • 11 months later...

Well nearly a year has passed since I've last been to Oxford Road, but have just spent the evening dusting it off and finding all the pieces ahead of an appearance at the Lydney exhibition in a couple of weeks. I've probably said it above before, but it is a strange sensation getting it out having not seen it for so long. The same mixture of 'that looks good, how did I do that?' and 'I could do that so much better now'. Discussion with the boss of what I should do with it over the longer term. I'm not sure it is up to some modern standards, and that might explain why it doesn't get that many invitations, but it still makes me happy and I'm not about to change era, location or scale any time soon. Can't think of where else I would model if I did a new exhibition layout, so thoughts turned to whether or not I'd rebuild this to a better standard. Not at all sure. Some pictures though:


Can one fit two layouts in the same room? Yes, as long as you don't turn around quickly. Can't attach fiddle yard though so careful shunting needed that end!



Many details I'm still very happy with. The scene itself, opportunity to park up DMUs, locos etc. Houses at the back have faired well despite being card and stored for a long time. Still like the shed, originally built for another layout nearly 25 years ago now!





Track work has held up well. Is all Peco code 100 and virtually all setrack. DCC control of the points proved a bit of a faff as the board that controls them (can't remember the manufacturer) is about 12 years old now and a bit primitive. At exhibitions I tend to change them by hand underneath anyway.




Still loving the tube. Automated, but have never managed to work out how to get it to stop in the platform!




Electrics and lights all seem to work OK.





This last one shows my biggest regret. Wish I had built it with alignment dowels and copper-clad sleepers at the board joins. Gaps are a bit noticeable.



Might stick some trains on it tomorrow!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've put all the bits I can find in the car so hopefully I will be able to reconstruct it and get it going at the Forest of Dean Model Railway Show in Lydney this weekend. Full show details here. Do say hello if you're nearby, it might help me figure out what I'm doing. I'm on my own for most of the weekend apart from a guest bit of driving from my 4 year old son tomorrow morning (and anything could happen there!). 


Just beginning to feel a little nervous of arriving without something!

Have a good weekend.




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Day one went well despite a few teething troubles with the tube. Thank you to all those who said hello, and my apologies for anyone who was trying to film something without my son's constant commentary. Thumper went down well, not sure anyone noticed that the 115 wasn't a 117 but I like it! More tomorrow.






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