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Oxford Road - 1980s/90s NSE

Rich Papper

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A fabulous layout in itself - and the model of Modelmania deserves a special place, but...


...there is so much more. Teenage years in Bristol (yes, Modelmania too...) 1970s, Oxford (girlfriend) early 80s - I was still at Uni in Bristol), London (mid/late 80s - well, Northern Line) and so this layout tugs at many very personal memories, emotions and senses it has gone from being a 'layout' to an 'experience' and a much welcomed one at that. It just goes to prove that time travel is possible!


Yes, I too must add that the modelling and execution is superb.


Thank you so much for this,



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Thank you. Just had a test run - I think I've found all the bits - and much NSE paintwork in evidence.

Might be the last time out for Oxford Road for a while - baby on the way.

Good luck with the new baby, life is never quite the same afterwards but in a good way. A little tip for any parents of new borns, buy some "Infacol" for 2 reasons:

1) I nick named it "Easy Burp" as it made winding so easy after feeding

2) The bottles come with handy droppers which is great for ballasting as you have a ready made glue holder and dropper in one

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I like your layout on rmweb and seen at derby roundhouse and you know which magazine of railway modeller?


Thank you


Not quite sure I follow you. I haven't ever had a layout in a magazine, although my sister was once in Model Rail. More than happy to if anyone is reading.


Just working on the shopping list for the DEMU Showcase tomorrow - only the fact that I am stewarding is going to keep the purchases down!




PS Thanks to all those above for the kind words - Derby show was excellent.

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  • 7 months later...

It will be making (so far its only) appearance this year at the EBMRS show in Biggleswade later this month (http://www.ebmrs.org.uk/show.htm) so hopefully some more pictures then. Has only just dawned on me how long it will take to get there from home - good sign for a Geography teacher! At the moment it is packed in its travelling boxes underneath the home layout while I've been working on that (not that there's much time with a five month old baby!!).




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Hello All.

After quite a big gap (baby and home layout development), I have at last got around to doing something towards Oxford Road, at least in terms of rolling stock. Still with the unshakable belief that you can never have too many DMUs, half a 115 is coming together from some Lima bits. I know there are a million things wrong with the Lima model, and that the new Bachmann 117 will undoubtedly be a better starting point - but I already had all the bits and I'm just really enjoying doing it. Some areas I will bother to correct (first window, headbox etc.) others I can live with on the grounds of either cost, uniformity with the rest of the fleet, or to avoid it being so fragile that my son destroys it! Hopefully more soon. Also working on:

  • centre car for Kernow Thumper (+ full repaint)
  • class 121DTS/101DTCL hybrid set (Lima bits again - spares allowed me to do Daisy DMU for the boy!)
  • class 101 repaint into NSE (from Lima version of NSE) + chassis / motor upgrade
  • class 121 repaint into NSE

In all the spare time that comes with having a 1 year old and another one on the way!

Hope everyone had a good Christmas and is planning a peaceful new year.





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  • 3 weeks later...

A small DMU update. 115 bodies nearly there. Large front window filled, much filling and filing, roof vents, lost the corridor connections, rebuild brake connections, building headcode box up a bit (looks straighter in real life I promise), more primer to come to see if more filler is needed.


So half a 115? Good question. Inspired by a picture on Martin Loader's excellent site hondawanderer.com. You'll have to type it in to search, as you can't link to it. Do go and have a look if you've never seen it, it is fantastic but VERY addictive.







Edited by Rich Papper
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Hello All,


An Underground update as a break to the many and varied DMUs (OK not that varied). Have been asked a couple of times recently about the platform surface for the Underground. It's about 10 years since I did this now and there may be something better commercially available, but at the time I couldn't find anything so i just knocked something up on Paint. Vaguely based on Oxford Circus or Charing Cross for colour, tactile strip, 'Mind the Gap' markings. Some have requested a print / copy. I just ran it off on photo quality paper on my home printer and it looked OK, same for the wall tiles to give that enameled effect. If it is of any use to anyone anywhere it is attached below. Please feel free to share at will, I'm not going to make my fortune this way!







Underground Platform Surface.doc

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  • 2 weeks later...

A quick update. I thought I'd done quite a lot: filling, priming, sanding, and repeat on the 115, but now I look at these pictures it doesn't look a lot different to those above. All filling now done, including some very narrow gaps in the cut and shut joins. Attention has now turned to the interiors - trying to match a colour to the formica used on refurbishment, bufferbeams and bogies. Latter will take some thinking as I need electrical pickup. Have managed to successfully stretch the chassis for the TS. Quite enjoying myself. 






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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Do you have the sizes of the tubes you used for the tube platform walls and tunnel?


Platform tunnel is about 10.5cm diameter, approach tunnels about 5cm in diameter. Lined with plasticard the approach tunnels are snug (but then should be), but I do worry if I ever do get some 1967/72 stock it might be a bit close. Both tubes were standard sizes sold in my local post office. Was a few years ago now but I can't think why they'd have changed them much. Hope this helps.


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  • RMweb Premium

The Underground 'tube' tunnels are a nominal* 12' in diameter, double that in stations, some modellers use 50mm drain pipe for tube tunnels.

*Some of the tunnels have been enlarged over the years by inserting spacers which means that the tunnels are not circular.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello All,

Apologies for the delays with updates - baby 2 taking up most of the time at the moment. Anything layout related seems a very long time ago. I do remember sleep....


A quick update on DMU bits as I seem to have a silly number of things on the go at once:


Lima 101 repaint is just about complete. Is in gloss varnish awaiting transfers. Did order these from a custom supplier about 6 months ago but think he's a bit busy. Interior half painted, chassis has new buffers and a Hornby motor but otherwise unchanged.




Class 115 has made it to the paint shop and gained primer, NSE white, grey and light blue. Just the red and black to go. Interior is painted. Chassis awaiting new buffers and couplings. Did test with Kadees but without corridor connections they look peculiarly far apart and you have to mount the boxes so far out they look ridiculous. May resort to tension locks. 




Class 121 has reached same stage as the 115. Not as much to do on the chassis for this one as I had previously had it running under something else.




Hybrid 121 DTS / 101 DTCL has got as far as NSE white, so a bit to do here. Got a bit stuck trying to get the resin silver fox bits to stick to anything else!




Aim is to have them all with interior lighting and head and tail lights (use Black Cat for these - very good). Have all the bits, and replacement wheels for the Lima ones, but need to fit DCC concepts pickup springs and get on with the conductive silver paint. Need to set up a production line I think. Looking at all this I wonder whether I should set up a workbench thread. I have thought about it in the past, but consider myself a ham-fisted amateur compared to the great and the good here. Suggestions gratefully received.


Happy Easter all.


Edited by Rich Papper
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