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NHY 581

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, BlackRat said:

Ewe got BSE?


Nope but I can confirm that I am again feeling ropey. One step forward, two steps back. On a positive, LFTs are negative. 

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  • RMweb Gold
Just now, NHY 581 said:


Nope but I can confirm that I am again feeling ropey. One step forward, two steps back. On a positive, LFTs are negative. 

I too am lurgified....not Covid but a very unpleasant cold and cough....normal illnesses have returned....

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, Gilbert said:

I too am lurgified....not Covid but a very unpleasant cold and cough....normal illnesses have returned....



Indeed. Flippin rubbish. 

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  • RMweb Gold

The planking on the J70 is a trick of the light by the way....





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  • RMweb Gold

No, really. I made a horse's arse of the photo......

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A brilliant model. I’ve had mine sat in the box for two months as I still need to sort out a decoder and stay-alive for it.


Initial impressions are incredible. The level of detail is second to none.




I look forward to seeing your photos and weathering!

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1 hour ago, NHY 581 said:

The planking on the J70 is a trick of the light by the way....






My brain went completely sideways and thought that pattern was a 1950s studio couch.


The drugs aren't working.

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10 hours ago, LDM34046 said:

A brilliant model. I’ve had mine sat in the box for two months as I still need to sort out a decoder and stay-alive for it.


Initial impressions are incredible. The level of detail is second to none.




I look forward to seeing your photos and weathering!

I ran my pair for the first time in two years yesterday and they ran as well as they did when first out of the box.


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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, wiggoforgold said:

I ran my pair for the first time in two years yesterday and they ran as well as they did when first out of the box.




I've been quite impressed with my example. My earlier two, bought new from Kernow had minor issues in that the outside motion, albeit in abbreviated form on the skirted models, rubbed on the inside of the skirts. 


My latest does not suffer from this. 


I'll be giving some thought now to weathering and adding the appropriate detailing bits and bobs........the books are therefore coming out...




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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all. 


Not sure about this here lurghi. 


I thought J was getting over it yesterday but totally washed out today. Such was the general malaise that I again did a LFT which proved negative. 


Proper blurgh. 




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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, NHY 581 said:

Evening all. 


Not sure about this here lurghi. 


I thought J was getting over it yesterday but totally washed out today. Such was the general malaise that I again did a LFT which proved negative. 


Proper blurgh. 




You and me both - feeling grotty but Covid -ve...

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  • RMweb Premium
On 24/05/2022 at 19:18, NHY 581 said:

Well, with the lurghi receding, I thought I'd leave this here. 














Ah you said you’d lost the faith when we chatted at SWAG good to see another and a good one we hope.

Looking forward to seeing it exit the weathering shop as and when.


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  • RMweb Gold
8 hours ago, Gilbert said:

You and me both - feeling grotty but Covid -ve...



Morning Chris. 


To be honest, I wouldn't have bothered with the LFT had it not been for a conversation on the week end with a chum. His son contracted COVID early April, pretty much when I had it for the second time. It was also his son's second dose. Like me, his son is triple jabbed. 

His son however contracted COVID for the third time last week, passing it on to his wife and young son.  He initially put it down to a cold( as did I )  but decided to test out of curiosity and was positive. Subsequent tests on different days remained positive..... so much for anti bodies etc....


I'll see what today brings. Too early to be fully aware of one's surroundings but not too bad a nights kip. 



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  • RMweb Gold
8 hours ago, AdeMoore said:

Ah you said you’d lost the faith when we chatted at SWAG good to see another and a good one we hope.

Looking forward to seeing it exit the weathering shop as and when.




Morning Ade. 


Quite. Not my intention but the J70 came up at an alright price and a deal was struck. I did regret passing on both of my earlier examples. However, I  do need to concentrate on readying Sheep Dip and Bleat Wharf with SD off to Exeter in four weeks time............but, it's a bit of a drama tying my shoe laces at present.........


And no, that's not normal for me before anyone gets any ideas.....



Edited by NHY 581
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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, westerner said:

 Rob, it took me the best part of two weeks to get over my version of the lurgi.



Morning Alan. 


That's in a way reassuring. It will be a week  this Friday when I first felt wonky. 



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  • RMweb Gold

On a positive, the dribbling snots, sneezing and coughing have subsided but I am somewhat woolly headed............. again arguably normal and, yes, I'm aware of my avatar......

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