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NHY 581

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4 hours ago, JustinDean said:

I’m happy to confirm Ewe is as wonderful in real life as it is in photographic form. 
Gronk in the wild….








It looks absolutely wonderful. I'm missing working on mine more than ever now!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all  


To be fair, I was rushed off my hooves........as you can tell. 

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Good work there Rob. Very atmospheric, nice and tranquil.

To be fair all the layouts at the SWAG do were different, but they all managed to capture the atmosphere of time and place. Thanks to you, and all the other exhibitors, for making a very enjoyable show,



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1 hour ago, JustinDean said:

How long till your move Rob?


We moved in officially today. Boxes everywhere. Even though they are all marked up you still have to root through them to find anything.

Last night was a case of sleeping on a mattress on the floor at the old place, for me it was like being a student again. The Memsahib says it's the closest to camping she ever wants to get.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Sherry & I spent more time talking to Rob - who turns out to be even more personable than his already friendly writings suggest - than looking at Ewe, actually. 


Thanks again for your excellent organising skills for a show that has been rightly praised in its own thread. 


Top bloke.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, 


Thank you all for your kind words. To be fair to Spams,  I really did spend more time chatting than operating. It was that sort of day. 


It so very nice to meet you and Sherry, Old D.  SWAG provides the perfect enviroment to put faces to names and that's just one of the reasons that if I had to name my five top model railway events, SWAG would be there along with Railwells and Larkrail. 


The reason SWAG is such a wonderful day out is the generosity of those who travel  to the event and plonk their layouts up simply to be part of the event. I asked and they came. It was very humbling indeed when one took into account how far many had travelled and the personal costs in terms of time and money they incurred. 


And not only the exhibitors. We had many visitors who had travelled considerable distances to attend and enjoy the day. It was lovely to finally meet you, Jay but to name everyone who introduced themselves is simply not possible. Thr least we could do was to ensure we had something worth seeing. 


Plans are already well advanced in respect of 2023. 

The layouts are pretty much sorted and moves are afoot to have a number of demos on the go. 


What I would say is if you were unable to make it this year, make a note of April 23rd 2023. That's the corresponding Sunday next year when SWAG will once more be held. 


I hope to formally announce the line up sometime in November. 




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  • RMweb Gold

Let face it if you cycled down to Ewe with your bottle of Tizer a sandwich and a couple of squares of chocolate you would count yourself lucky to see much moving about. So I suggest Rob is atually trying to create an accurate feel of a normal day at Ewe.


I was very sorry to miss the day (family thing) and miss the chance of seeing you and Ewe. It does look superb.


PS were you a stand in for Black Rat?



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  • RMweb Gold
9 minutes ago, Donw said:

Let face it if you cycled down to Ewe with your bottle of Tizer a sandwich and a couple of squares of chocolate you would count yourself lucky to see much moving about. So I suggest Rob is atually trying to create an accurate feel of a normal day at Ewe.


I was very sorry to miss the day (family thing) and miss the chance of seeing you and Ewe. It does look superb.


PS were you a stand in for Black Rat?





I wasn't the only one with an exciting shirt. I notice Spams is keeping his head down on the subject. Wiggers was a tad 'summery' as well.........

Edited by NHY 581
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I must say Sheepish person it sounds like a jolly good WhizzBang and I'm most sorry that I was unable to attend but needs must and I cannot afford to get on the wrong side of the Devil Dog. She had a very nice day at the sea side, before you ask, along with another hundred DD's so it was somewhat 'noisy'.


Will see what can be done for next year though.



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1 hour ago, NHY 581 said:



I wasn't the only one with an exciting shirt. I notice Spams is keeping his head down on the subject. Wiggers was a tad 'summery' as well.........


I thought it had a rather William Morris theme to it. Can't fault that at all. 

It also fits well with your reputation for replicating classical herbiage.

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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, NHY 581 said:



I wasn't the only one with an exciting shirt. I notice Spams is keeping his head down on the subject. Wiggers was a tad 'summery' as well.........


Did Monsewer Blackrat, put in an appearance and out do everyone?





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  • RMweb Premium
17 hours ago, 2ManySpams said:

Here we have SheepBloke in full pelt busy operating Ewe...




Hands free operation?



didn’t need hands free he was ably assisted by his assistant operator for most of the day as demonstrated here. 😄

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  • RMweb Gold
42 minutes ago, AdeMoore said:

didn’t need hands free he was ably assisted by his assistant operator for most of the day


I thought Spams had picked up the wrong controller by mistake...



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