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NHY 581

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14 hours ago, NHY 581 said:

Well  that's been a fairly productive day. 


Layout wired. 


NCE gubbins installed. 


Fiddle yard bodged into place........


Track cleaned.....and cleaned....and cleaned....


Test run. More track cleaning..


More test running. Not too bad now but still room for improvement. But much better than when I started. 


Hoovered up errant static grass......several times. 


Tomorrow may well see the lighting added for the first time  to see what the layout will actually look like on Sunday. 


And dare I say it but that is just about it for now. 


I can turn my attention to some stock, namely the weathering of a couple of locos. 







Long time lurker to your thread feeling a little sheepish can I ask what applicator you use for your grass?


I've been told at shows that the tea strainers are no good but yours look quite upstanding to be frank.





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3 minutes ago, itsthegman said:



Long time lurker to your thread feeling a little sheepish can I ask what applicator you use for your grass?


I've been told at shows that the tea strainers are no good but yours look quite upstanding to be frank.







Bonjour G. 


Welcome and thanks from stepping from the shadows !!! 


I use a WWS Micro applicator. It will cope with 2mm, 4mm and 6mm fibres. Personally, I think it's still good value at £55.00 (mrp).




I'm on my second now. My last did four layouts. When I bought my last they were under £50 but even at the new price, that's only £11 per layout....


Used in conjuction with WWS fibres, I'd deffo recommend it. 


Hope this helps, 





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2 minutes ago, Warwick Sidings said:

Absolutely marvellous Rob   



Thanks John. 


Did you see my last PM ? 



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1 hour ago, NHY 581 said:

it all looks okay

That definitely wins "understatement of the day" award!

I think it looks fantastic. Now the lighting is in and you get that "sunlight on the ripples" effect on the water, it makes the water look even better (not that it was too shabby before).

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5 hours ago, MrWolf said:

You've made a great job of that Rob. The water looks even better with some light on it and everything else looks particularly verdant!



Thanks, Rob. 


I'm pleased with it. In fact I'm pleased with the whole layout. It's been a bit full on recently what with progressing the layout, keeping on top of SWAG and starting work, albeit part time. 


Still lots to do in the next five days before I'm totally happy. 

I need to move onto a couple of locos.  Everything else will pretty much do for now. 



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It certainly sounds like you're knocking the jobs off the list quite rapidly.

Sorting out the locos is the home straight.

I'm having a similar time with moving house and I see bolting my layout back together as the home straight.


It might even still work!

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8 hours ago, Stubby47 said:

I trust there is a spot for a suitability distressed Landie?



Added to the list........

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27 minutes ago, The Bandit said:

Beautifully composed. A pleasure to look at and an inspiration.



Evening TB, 


That's very kind of you to say so. Thank you. 



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And in other news, the time left to finish Ewe took a knock today when I found I will now be working on Thurs,  Friday and Saturday. 

Fully understandable and no issue. It just means I will be doing a bit before and after work. 



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Morning John,


My, that looks splendid ! 


I shall look forward to seeing this on Sunday. In fact, I think it will be a bit of a treat for all concerned. 



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41 minutes ago, 2ManySpams said:

I think we'll both be burning the midnight oil SheepBloke...











Morning Pencarrot. 


You're not wrong there old boy. I was tinkering with the 08 until stupid o'clock this morning. 


I only meant to  get the ball rolling but just carried on.........


This looks lovely......



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24 minutes ago, woodenhead said:

I take it that was a static display and no trains moving, it seems all anyone is doing at SWAG is eating cake.

I can also confirm said Gronk moved to the fiddle yard, then back again before the layout ‘operator’ retired from todays operations in order to relax in the cafe facility. 


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