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NHY 581

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, NHY 581 said:



Morning all. 


There has been an "incident" at Chateau Sheep overnight. 


Approximately 2200hrs on the night of Monday 7th February 2022, we retired for the night leaving the Works Forecat asleep on a spare bed in bed room one and George asleep on a sofa in the front parlour. 

Prior to retiring, perimeter checks were conducted and all entrances/ exits were locked and secured. The sole exception to this was the designated feline entrance/exit which was left insecure to facilite comfort breaks throughout the night. It was noted that two, small, home made Courgette muffins were defrosting in a bag in the kitchen, ready for the mid-morning break having been so placed by the Memsahib, just before she retired. 


On entering the kitchen this morning, approximately 0700hrs, both T.W.F and George were present and were enthusiastically about their breakfast. 

It was subsequently noted in passing that said muffins observed the previous evening were conspicuous by their absence. Despite an initial search their whereabouts could not be easily established. 

The Works Forecat and George had made good their escape in the interim and were at large in the grounds. On opening the door providing access into said grounds it was  immediately noted that one of the  missing muffins was now lying on its side, adjacent to the designated feline entrance/exit. There was no apparent distress caused to the muffin which appeared unmolested. A more expansive, systematic check of the grounds has thus far failed to locate the second missing muffin or missing bag. 

Current hypothesis is that the bag was "snatched" at an as yet unconfirmed time between 2200hrs last night and 0700hrs this morning. The culprit has made off through the feline entrance/exit, dropping muffin one in their haste to escape. 


At this time we have an open mind and no eventualities or suspects have been ruled out. 


Enquiries are ongoing. 




So, what did you and the memsahib have for breakfast, since half your proposed breakfast had gone AWOL and the other may have been a bit dubious?


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By way of an update regarding the Mysterious case of the misappropriated muffins. 


The Works Forecat and George, the Mischievous Apprentice have both been spoken to. 


T.W.F remained silent throughout and eventually got up and walked out of the interview. G.T.M.A didn't understand the questions and began to suck his paw........ noisily. 


We are therefore no further forward and  as such in lieu of any further evidence the matter is now to be closed. 





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  • RMweb Gold
13 minutes ago, Siberian Snooper said:


So, what did you and the memsahib have for breakfast, since half your proposed breakfast had gone AWOL and the other may have been a bit dubious?



Buttered Fruity toast with a cup of Chai. 


7 minutes ago, Stubby47 said:

I can see a case here for compensation, have you called Ambulance-PPI-Injury-PoliceHarrassment-LawyersForYou?


They pussy footed around the issue. 


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  • RMweb Gold
37 minutes ago, NHY 581 said:



By way of an update regarding the Mysterious case of the misappropriated muffins. 


The Works Forecat and George, the Mischievous Apprentice have both been spoken to. 


T.W.F remained silent throughout and eventually got up and walked out of the interview. G.T.M.A didn't understand the questions and began to suck his paw........ noisily. 


We are therefore no further forward and  as such in lieu of any further evidence the matter is now to be closed. 





Are the Met involved at all.....just saying....?

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  • RMweb Gold
22 minutes ago, Gilbert said:

Are the Met involved at all.....just saying....?


I don't think they had them away. 

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, NHY 581 said:

By way of an update regarding the Mysterious case of the misappropriated muffins. 


The Works Forecat and George, the Mischievous Apprentice have both been spoken to. 


T.W.F remained silent throughout and eventually got up and walked out of the interview. G.T.M.A didn't understand the questions and began to suck his paw........ noisily. 

You can't blame them, really.


No doubt if this had happened at Kernow Towers, one of ours would have said that he could neither confirm nor deny that he may or may not have been involved in said crime, assuming it was a crime in the first (or second) place and the other one would have posed the question as to whether the action previously described as a crime in fact constituted Art.


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  • RMweb Premium

Back in the day we accidentally left a Marksies angel cake out after packing the shopping away.  In the morning there was no cake - just the carboard tray, and two cats not interested in their breakfast in the slightest  In fact their paws couldn't touch the ground, due to bellies being so full.


Of course this was my fault. Somehow.


I couldn't even prosecute, I didn't work for the job then.

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