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NHY 581

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32 minutes ago, MrWolf said:


Parts of a car nearest to the middle of the road?


Isnt that where the ginger nuts are kept. Or was that the answer to the previous question.


Can we start again.


What was it that the Sheep bloke was supposed to be doing but didn't?

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1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:



Isnt that where the ginger nuts are kept. Or was that the answer to the previous question.


You may have confused a Lada with  a larder there, although they both tend to be cold, damp and smell funny. 


1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:


Can we start again.


I hope so, we were discussing cupboard door mineral wagons. 


1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:


What was it that the Sheep bloke was supposed to be doing but didn't?


He was hoping to detail the trackwork and carry out some testing, but some selfish **** paid him to go to a rugby match instead...

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7 hours ago, MrWolf said:


You may have confused a Lada with  a larder there, although they both tend to be cold, damp and smell funny. 



I hope so, we were discussing cupboard door mineral wagons. 



He was hoping to detail the trackwork and carry out some testing, but some selfish **** paid him to go to a rugby match instead...


Bit worried by first answer their Mr Wolf but not wishing to pry any further particularly about the funny smelling larder.


As to sheepish bloke I think all we can say is that he's a jammy so and so.


Hereby endith the sermon. Please rise for the next hymn.

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On 03/06/2021 at 14:44, Nick C said:

Havenstreet's platform was built in 1926, and looks like concrete - but without the distinctive ribs, so presumably cast in place rather than brought over from Exmouth. 

Exmouth Junction concrete works was rebuilt and enlarged in the late 1920s and I don't think that platform/platform-facing panels were produced there before the rebuilding was completed. There were quite a few Southern Railway platforms on the mainland that were cast in place in the same manner as the island platform at Havenstreet and the same method had been used by the LSWR since at least the turn of the century since the platforms on the Basingstoke & Alton Light Railway were built that way.


Note incidentally that the design of the Exmouth Junction platform components were changed at about the time of nationalisation but probably just before. I suspect that the purpose was to reduce the amount of steel reinforcing (in short supply at the time) used in their manufacture.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, 


Things are a tad quiet at Chateau Sheep this morning with little in the way of progress made with Project X. 


That will change in the near future with more time becoming available. 


I have also acquired yet another example of a Bachmann 03 at a reasonable price, along with a spare body which will be swapped over to produce a fourth variant. 


We now have two plain green and two waspy examples. Yes, that will do. 


Should anyone fancy the redundant body shell then drop me a PM and arrangements can be made in due course and forthwith. 


Hopefully then, there will be a little time later on to 'do a bit'.


I thank you. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Well, it's funny how one's mind wanders at times.............


When I really should be focused on Project X, I find myself thinking about improving Bleat Wharf. 


Hopefully next year will see a return to exhibiting and Bleat is potentially at three exhibitions. 


Therefore, a quick project is afoot to improve the fiddle yard for Bleat which is also  common to Sheep Dip as well, as is the lighting etc. 


This will however have a positive effect on the fiddle yard arrangements for Project X and will serve as a test piece ahead of actually building the exhibitable fiddly yard for PX. 



More anon....



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You have my sympathies on the subject of meandering thought processes.

My mind doesn't just wander, sometimes it **s off altogether...

That said, what was thought to be a wrong turn sometimes brings you out right where you need to be, with views that you haven't seen before.

(Zen and the art of railway modelling) 

I'll be interested to see what you make for a fiddle yard, I could do with some practical ideas for a future project or two that will share a common fiddle yard

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  • RMweb Gold
9 hours ago, MrWolf said:

You have my sympathies on the subject of meandering thought processes.

My mind doesn't just wander, sometimes it **s off altogether...

That said, what was thought to be a wrong turn sometimes brings you out right where you need to be, with views that you haven't seen before.

(Zen and the art of railway modelling

I'll be interested to see what you make for a fiddle yard, I could do with some practical ideas for a future project or two that will share a common fiddle yard


Morning Rob, 


Wow ! 


There's a blast from the past...........To quote...



"Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all "



Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Railway Modelling. 


Yeah baby !  



But it would appear that my serenity is somewhat disturbed. Things are a tad more frantic this morning than I  would have preferred........I'm hoping to sort out the fiddle yard today, if and I stress if, the day goes to plan. 




One's breath is not being held..



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4 minutes ago, NHY 581 said:


Morning Rob, 


Wow ! 


There's a blast from the past...........To quote...



"Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all "



Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Railway Modelling. 


Yeah baby !  



But it would appear that my serenity is somewhat disturbed. Things are a tad more frantic this morning than I  would have preferred........I'm hoping to sort out the fiddle yard today, if and I stress if, the day goes to plan. 




One's breath is not being held..




Good morning Rob,


Ironically I've been going through a similar phase with the "foreign one" and keep looking at it with subjective eyes, and then outa the blue my order for 7mm sleepers arrive ! 

That now means I have split my thoughts for both projects......not helping........out for another ride me thinks ! 







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4 hours ago, NHY 581 said:


Morning Rob, 


Wow ! 


There's a blast from the past...........To quote...



"Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all "



Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Railway Modelling. 


Yeah baby !  



But it would appear that my serenity is somewhat disturbed. Things are a tad more frantic this morning than I  would have preferred........I'm hoping to sort out the fiddle yard today, if and I stress if, the day goes to plan. 




One's breath is not being held..




It must be something to do with the misalignment of the planets. All has not gone to plan today here either. Long story short, the fuel line on the Herald has rusted through after 56 years of British weather. I went into the garage and the stink of petrol sort of gave it away. So I've spent a happy couple of hours making a new one and replacing the rubber connections with marine grade hose.

Then it was a mad dash to do what we originally intended to do.


might get some bodging done later.

Or not.


I thought that you would get the Pirsig connection, having got some serious two wheeled miles under your belt.:D


Bash on!



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