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Good luck with the exhibition Rob, I expect there will be a great deal of interest and enjoyment had by you and those who observe your excellent modelling.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you Grahame. Very kind of you.


As I say, I am looking forward to this. I have exhibited elsewhere but having attended many of the previous Cardiff shows as a visitor I finally get to exhibit there.


I shall post regular updates.




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  • RMweb Gold

When I was 16 I helped exhibit a club layout when I was part of the Llanederyn Model Railway club. I remember thinking that one day I would exhibit my own layout at the Cardiff show. Well, 37 years later it looks like I am finally about to achieve my aim.



16+37=53 though! You can't be....?

It's good to see you back on track again, hope you get plenty of 'testing' in before & enjoy the actual show ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Saw this and thought of you Rob. ;)



attachicon.gifDSCN4447 (2).JPG

Very nice Rob. I have a second Peckett now. A small industrial saddle tank rarely offends..




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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all..


Some of ewe may be aware that I have been quietly planning a small wartime Great Western layout based on the Culm Valley Light Railway.


To this end I acquired two of the Hattons 48xx 0.4.2T. One went immediately due to erractic running whilst one seemed okay. Whilst I awaited a replacement for the one, the second began to perform and arrangements were made to return that one. I received a replacement for the first return today.......and that was as bad as the first.....


All have now been posted back to Hattons with an agreement that a refund will be offered..



As such, plans for Ewestock in 4mm have been suspended. We may see a 7mm version in due course ( Upon release of the Dapol 7mm 14xx) but for now that's it as regards GWR.



Back to ex-Midland/ London & South Western Railways....



Would anyone like a couple of Triang Clerestories and a few brand new pre-nationalisation ventilated vans..........?




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  • RMweb Gold

All have now been posted back to Hattons with an agreement that a refund will be offered



As such, plans for Ewestock in 4mm have been suspended

Jolly sorry to hear that, Rob.


It's occurred to me, though, that there may yet be a way to use the Hornby Railroad 14XX, plus some modest body improvements, provided the Hornby chassis gives sufficiently good control for shunting (no reason to suppose it won't, especially with a bit of running-in, I'd have thought?).


Wizard do the ex-Mainly Trains detailing pack for the Hornby 14XX. In my view, the only bit that really, really cries out to be done is the smokebox door area, which requires a bit of cutting of plastic, putting the new smokebox door in place and bending up a new handrail. A bit of weathering would finish it off.


I wouldn't mention this, if I didn't think that such items were very easily within your capabilities, old chap.

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  • RMweb Gold

Jolly sorry to hear that, Rob.


It's occurred to me, though, that there may yet be a way to use the Hornby Railroad 14XX, plus some modest body improvements, provided the Hornby chassis gives sufficiently good control for shunting (no reason to suppose it won't, especially with a bit of running-in, I'd have thought?).


Wizard do the ex-Mainly Trains detailing pack for the Hornby 14XX. In my view, the only bit that really, really cries out to be done is the smokebox door area, which requires a bit of cutting of plastic, putting the new smokebox door in place and bending up a new handrail. A bit of weathering would finish it off.


I wouldn't mention this, if I didn't think that such items were very easily within your capabilities, old chap.

Thank you CK. I did consider the Hornby 14xx + Mainly Trains bits. However, I decided that should the Hatton / Decidedly Jittery Mechanisms 48xx not work out then the creation of the Lamb Valley Light Railway ( or part there of)would be in 7mm using the Dapol 7mm offering.


So back to normal and a possible rendition of the terminus at Lamb Regis in 2019 whilst I start collecting 7mm bits.....unless of course the Midland Johnson 0.4.4T from Bachmann appears.....




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  • RMweb Gold

I have examples of the three Adams Radials that frequented the Lamb Regis branch. Of these, 30582 has always been a bit ropey running wise.


It has had the attention of both the retailer and Hornby themselves but it still ran poorly at slow speed.

Yesterday I had a tinker with it. The gears were full of white grease which I dug out. A few tweaks here and there before a period of running in on the decking.


It could be better but it is an improvement on before.


All three will have the detail added and coal and crew installed.


All good.






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  • RMweb Premium

I have examples of the three Adams Radials that frequented the Lamb Regis branch. Of these, 30582 has always been a bit ropey running wise.


It has had the attention of both the retailer and Hornby themselves but it still ran poorly at slow speed.

Yesterday I had a tinker with it. The gears were full of white grease which I dug out. A few tweaks here and there before a period of running in on the decking.


It could be better but it is an improvement on before.


All three will have the detail added and coal and crew installed.


All good.




Always good to amuse the pu$sy. Keeps em happy.

Ref you naughty Radial, how about doing the double headed train with the through coaches and have the naughty one without the motor thingy? I have yet to see a pic of a DH Lamb Regis working of  deux Radial.

B. Leater 

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I have to supervise any on the floor running in now, with close personal attention, in case of feline interest.


A non starter in our house Sam the Springer Spaniel would destroy it in his enthusiasm  :no:  :ireful:

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


I don't intend to elaborate further on this point but suffice to say that I will never deal with Hattons again under any circumstances.



A very poor experience.




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  • RMweb Gold

On a more positive note, it looks like I will have a fourth Adams Radial at my disposal for the Cardiff show.


30583, early crest,is winging its way to me.



Together with 30584 and 30582 (late crest) this places Mutton at roughly July 1960 given the dates of various livery/boiler changes. However, if I were to alter 30582 to early crest, this places Mutton roughly between pre July 1960 and 1950...ish..


30582 as modelled by Hornby is correct but only if the crest is changed to early.




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