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NHY 581

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Gilbert said:

Did he have any pictures of his own "narrow gauge" layout to show you how it should be done Rob?



Funnily enough..............



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  • RMweb Premium

I (rarely) didn't have one of these yesterday but you get them at every show. Ask them which layout they are exhibiting (they usually aren't, haven't, can't) because anyone who knows the effort it takes wouldn't even start a conversation like that.


Failing that I would run Mallard into the scene. A tenshodo motor bogie with the duck shaped handle off a hair brush on it. These people have no humour and are what trolls were before the internet, fun is a repellent to them.


I detoured 50 miles, the wrath of SWIMBO (I'd been away all weekend already), and the risk of seeing the (e)strange(d) side of the family just to see your work in person at a show. Others must have done same given the number of times I had to go past before I could even hope to get near the front.


That's a rare thing and talent you have. I stopped trains for 20+ years because of those sorts of p*s, don't let the minority get you down.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't let these sorts of anti-social and ignorant types upset you Rob. It isn't worth it mate.


If any oik had to the temerity to openly criticise any of my work they would get a resounding reminder of social etiquette!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Rob,


Sorry to hear about yesterday and the EM Gauge modeller.


I guess the the thing you need to ask yourself is have they actually ever built a running layout to the standard of your work? 


Sounds to me like the said gentleman had a few issues.


Otherwise good to hear the show went well and the J70's behaved. Have a good one today.





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  • RMweb Premium

I would have taken pleasure in pointing out he is using narrow gauge track too!


Don't be down-hearted Rob.  Your efforts are superb and an inspiration to many of us who aspire to reach such standards.

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  • RMweb Gold

I would ask whether they have the correct number  of turns on the electric motor or  the correct number of boiler tubes inside their locos.  We all need to make compromises and even if you minimise them there are the effects of scale to cope with.  Once you realise that it becomes a matter of choice where you draw the line. 

One should be a bit sympathetic for new converts to a standard they often have the zeal of a religious convert and believe a wonderful layout is just a matter of  adopting the right standard.  Our hobby is not just a matter of engineering good layouts need a large dollop of artistry.

This is something where you excel 



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  • RMweb Premium

As others have said, this individual is an absolute 🤬


I mean, he obviously doesn’t read that much, as otherwise he would be aware that you are mentioned in a recently published book as being a master of creating believable layouts!


Guessing he hasn’t appeared in any form of printed material, let alone been written about in print in such glowing terms by other modellers?!


I, for one, cannot wait to see your “narrow gauge” layouts as soon as possible!


In the words* of the great Brian Blessed, “DON’T LET THE B@ST@RDS BRING YOU DOWN!!!”


Steve S




* For best effect, these should be roared out loud in a “GORDON’S ALIIIIIVE!” style



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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)

Ignore the , for one of him there’s hundreds of us who admire your layout at shows.


(edit: when I posted, a word was removed, wonder why?)



Edited by Northroader
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  • RMweb Gold

Did the t**t in question wear an anorak and have an adenoidal voice?


I wouldn’t be allowed to exhibit anything twice, it’s frowned upon by the organisers when exhibitors punch patrons in the face

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  • RMweb Gold
8 minutes ago, Northroader said:

Ignore the , for one of him there’s hundreds of us who admire your layout at shows.


(edit: when I posted, a word was removed, wonder why?)



Asterisks are your friend!

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Very sorry to hear about this Rob. In my (and obviously many others) opinion, you are an excellent modeller and you are welcome at EXMOOR RAIL any time!!! Just keep on doing what you're doing - it gives pleasure to hundreds of people, and not many people in this world can say that.

To reiterate and translate what was said above - NIL ILLEGITIMO CARBORUNDUM........

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  • RMweb Gold
On 05/07/2024 at 17:01, Willl said:

Hi Rob,

MS Models sell a similar building but at a slightly lower price.

The resin prints are also amazingly well detailed from my experience. I’d be interested to see if a standard gauge loco fits in it like the Scenecraft building




Those are lovely looking buildings!

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, NHY 581 said:

When I see a 4mm layout, the last thing on my mind is the gauge of the track. I look at the overall scene and take it for what it is.....Am I doing something wrong ? 

Not at all. Or if you are I am also wrong.


I'd like to build a Saundersfoot Railway layout using Peco OO track and then have some EM berk tell me that I'm using narrow gauge and I then point out to him that I'm actually using broad gauge by about the same degree as he is using narrow gauge. I doubt he'd have an answer for that. 😁

Edited by Ruston
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Posted (edited)

Over the years I had exhibition layouts I used to just ignore these type of people as normally they where inferior modellers and most of the comments where borne out of jealousy.

Keep up the great modelling and remember you have friends on this website that appreciate lovely modelling.

Edited by KNP
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Disgusting behaviour, I thought the days of gauge snobbery were long gone. Anyone who is prepared to go to the time, trouble and personal expense of exhibiting at a show deserves respect. Over the years I have seen many layouts, not all were to my taste but all were interesting and obviously the result of many hours of dedicated work. When it comes to choosing what to model and how to go about it I say, to each his own. 

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