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Tilley Yard South, Chicago, Winter 1956

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This might helpΒ  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/72979-sin-city-33rd-street-switching/Β  Post 24Β  US Highway signage here Β http://www.kurumi.com/roads/signmaker/index.htmlΒ The signs were done with soldered brass tube for the post and sign supports - sign printed out and stuck to styrene sheetΒ 

Edited by shortliner
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if it was me, i'd be tempted to do away with the road crossing (track level) and move the highway bridge over, and try something like this,(on a smaller scale,Β it's the old Chicago post office)Β and make itΒ industrial looking

or a building either side of the bridge with a walkway between the 2 buildings, just my 2 pence worth.








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So many good ideas! Decisions decisions!


Thank you for all the ideas. Bumper to bumper traffic is a definite, as more vehicles are winging their way to me.


Thank you for the highway post link Jack, I have some spare telephone poles left over which could be modified for the task. They also came with street lights so I can kit bash some of those. The link for the signs didn't work.


Lovely shot of that building Ray! That is a potential idea definitely, but I don't really want to rip up the track level road as I put quite a bit of work in on that.


I will have a think, over a cup of tea.

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know what you mean about the road crossing, been there, this is where planning comes in and mock ups help, sometimes you have to bit the bullet to improve things.


You could always make the road go under the building as well, your not going to have much room for your cross bucks, as is.


These are just suggestions you know , rule 1 always applies



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That's the next problem. What colour?!


I know, I didn't really plan it to the nth degree, just sort of let it evolve then deal with the engineering challenges later. I do take all the suggestions on board, especially from more experienced modellers like yourself Ray. All part of the learning process!


So, my extra vehicles arrived, so I put my bridge back on to see how it looked.




And I couldn't resist this little guy.




And also this wonderful ebay find to finish off my heavyweight collection.



Edited by Robatron86
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I like the way you've tucked in the front of the highway bridge behind the fascia - I find the usual "diving board" effect of most modelled overbridges quite unconvincing!!

Remember to dust all your road vehicles with snow (mask off the wiper sweep) as I bet even in the US, heaters were an optional extra in the '50s!!!

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This is a bit radical maybe but I have seen it done and can be effective.


Cut off the back end of the bus just before the rear wheels and stick it (the bus) right up against the backscene. Maybe do the same at the other end so just back half of a vehicle can be seen.



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This is a bit radical maybe but I have seen it done and can be effective.

Cut off the back end of the bus just before the rear wheels and stick it (the bus) right up against the backscene. Maybe do the same at the other end so just back half of a vehicle can be seen.


Works well but suggest find a secondhand donor vehicle, trailer units are cheaper than buses, tend to be plastic that cuts easily in mire box and if done 1/3 2/3 spilt makes the tractor unit plus other part coming the other way more convincing that a straight forward 1/2 1/2 split

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Jordan - Originally the layout was going to have some buildings to the right of the bridge, but I couldn't disguise the backscene join effectively, so the bridge is now boxed in. I bet it was b****y cold without the optional heater! I will be giving them a light dusting.


That is a radical idea. Considering that bus cost me Β£25 and is predominantly plastic, I don't think I have the heart to hack it to bits.

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This is a bit radical maybe but I have seen it done and can be effective.

Cut off the back end of the bus just before the rear wheels and stick it (the bus) right up against the backscene. Maybe do the same at the other end so just back half of a vehicle can be seen.


It can also be done & look hideous!! I've seen it done with the back half of a car planted against the backscene - awful!! :nono: I did take photos but may have deleted them now.

Have you tried it with the gantry in place again? To me it looked good - it would help disguise the two parts of the scene that 'jar' a little bit; namely the far corner where the backscene does a 90deg turn, & where the bridge is right up against the building on the left as we view it.

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  • RMweb Gold

And to and in the basis of this image with more weathering and changes in the greys of the bridge, supports, painting the lamps etc then given the overall effect of the layout would be pleased to see it


Merry Christmas to you as well Rob.


Picture looks great!





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I did try it. I may rebuild it to be closer to a 50's gantry, but finding detail on them is nearly impossible! And I suspect they wouldn't have been used on a small road like this one.

Would an advertising sign for the building next to the bridge work? Maybe like the old Cities Service sign in Boston https://www.citgo.com/AboutCITGO/BostonSign.jsp


As a bonus it would need to face the traffic so the ad itself could face the backscene.



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Thanks Stephen. I have painted the street lamps and the highway gantry. I have yet to weather the bridge, that is the next job.


Thanks Mark. I hope you had a lovely christmas.


It's an idea definitely Nick, thanks for the suggestion. I will do some experimenting.

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New goodies time!






Both Walthers. I love the colours on the NYC car. I bought the Reading one because my wife works in Reading (Berkshire, UK though, but the sentiment is there).




Walthers Sleeper. I have another one due on Saturday, along with a large window coach. Once the 4 on pre-order come in next March, I will have 9 coaches for the mini "Super Chief" esque train I am putting together. Now just need somewhere to run it....


Lastly, I have been weathering things.




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New goodies time!20151230_130227.jpg20151230_130243.jpg

Both Walthers. I love the colours on the NYC car. I bought the Reading one because my wife works in Reading (Berkshire, UK though, but the sentiment is there).20151230_130333.jpg

Walthers Sleeper. I have another one due on Saturday, along with a large window coach. Once the 4 on pre-order come in next March, I will have 9 coaches for the mini "Super Chief" esque train I am putting together. Now just need somewhere to run it....

Lastly, I have been weathering things.20151230_130904.jpg

Looks the part

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