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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

So Jeff, KL2, Do you have a start date yet Mate?


You mentioned the Carpet Tiles the other day but have they been laid yet or are you still a bit under the weather?


Morning Andy.


The carpet tiles are still in their boxes, I'm afraid. Currently "under the weather" with a throat infection (tonsils), amongst other things. Ironic that I'm finding it hard to do anything in the (relatively) nice weather when I was outside when it was bl**dy freezing!


Explains why I've spent proportionately more time on the Forum of late!



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Morning Andy.


The carpet tiles are still in their boxes, I'm afraid. Currently "under the weather" with a throat infection (tonsils), amongst other things. Ironic that I'm finding it hard to do anything in the (relatively) nice weather when I was outside when it was bl**dy freezing!


Explains why I've spent proportionately more time on the Forum of late!



Hope you feel better soon mate, at least it give you time for more planning, I'm surprised Jason hasn't been on here asking why your not Kit building with all this spare time, hahahha.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hope you feel better soon mate, at least it give you time for more planning, I'm surprised Jason hasn't been on here asking why your not Kit building with all this spare time, hahahha.


I'm in trouble, now!! Andy, you can bet Jason will see that comment and come up with his subtle (!!!!!!!), witty comments. Never a one for understatement is our Jason!


Going through a lull in proceedings after all the activity of the spring. We should get the lawn down this weekend, so - who knows - maybe the bunker will also get its floor covering in the near future?!


Take care yourself - DON'T overdo it!



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Hi Jeff,


Was speaking to Andy today and it made me realise how long its been since I posted something on KL2! I gather you are under the weather mate, it must be catching. looking forward to some bunker progress in your own good time.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


Was speaking to Andy today and it made me realise how long its been since I posted something on KL2! I gather you are under the weather mate, it must be catching. looking forward to some bunker progress in your own good time.


Cheers Mike. I've not exactly been posting much on Dent, though I do look at your splendid photos every now and then. You've created something to be proud of.


I'm normally a get-up-and-go kind of person, but a series of things have brought me to a near stand-still at the moment. Very frustrating. But, as you said, the bunker will happen when the bunker happens!



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

I did a bit of re-organisation in the Bunker yesterday. Managed to throw a few more bits out, but a general tidy up means that I now have access to allow me to finish off the remaining painting/skirting and then I can carpet tile.


Maybe get some of this done this week - no promises!


In the meantime, a couple of pics...







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All will come to he who waits! :O







Naaaaaa JUST GET ON WITH IT PLEASE. :stinker:  :stinker:  :stinker: :stinker:  :stinker:  








You will need to change your Login name to STEPTOE & BROTHER. and put a picture of your Orse and Cart in your Avatar :nono:  :nono: :nono:  :nono:  

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Flippin eck Jeff there's loads of room in there. :O


You should see mine and what is stored underneath the boards, I sometimes have to move outside to get things done due to lack of space. I guess that's why I stay slim just so I can get in the door. :mosking:


In all seriousness It's good to see you spending a bit of time in the bunker and moving it forward and in time you will overtake my progress once again. I seem to work at tortoise speed and a three-legged one at that. :jester:


Now if I can just squeeze past the mobility scooter, freezer, two desks, two bookcases and umpteen boxes I might just reach the layout.


Just keep the dream alive Jeff and you will get there but please don't take 35 years like me.



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Jim - a lovely, encouraging post.


I'm actually relieved to see how the stuff has "stacked up" in the Bunker as I now know that I can accommodate most of it as originally planned. Since the baseboard height is likely to be around 120-130cm (4' - 4'4"), a lot of the boxes can be stored underneath without getting in the way. I'm sure I can dispose of a few more by build time! For the moment it's the floor and wall access that I need to move forward. The depressing sight of stuff all over the place has grounded progress over the last 6 weeks!


The really good thing is that the first boards will only require access to the back half of the room, which can easily be achieved. Watch this space!



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That is great news, I'm really looking forward to some bunker action!

Just had a marvellous flash of inspiration thanks to looking in on a discussion between AndyP and John Flann on the latter's 'Hintock' thread. I've earmarked the end wall, and part of one side wall of my garage for a curved (almost 'L' shaped) layout, but I've really struggled over the width of the site, as to look anything like the original, the baseboard would be a little too wide to reach over. By making Barleith halt (shallow curved platforms on the real thing) and the Darvel branch, which ran along one side of the MPD, on a separate strong but lightweight ribbed ply baseboard, as a separate module attached by large bolts along the front of the layout - this would allow 12 to 18 inches of baseboard to be removed/refitted quickly to allow access to the back of the main board.

I posted this here, and not in the lounge as I seem to remember (in the distant past?) you mentioning difficulties in accommodating some of the features you desired in a much earlier post. It might be worth you having a quick look at 'Hintock' to see how John treated his Mill sub-baseboard. Hope this is useful input, if not, let me know and I'll delete it!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Jock.... Delete it?...... You must be joking.


All stuff like your last post is potentially useful. And in the end, we do our best to help each other.


Hopefully you can get started in the near future. Planning is great fun but for me building the baseboard structures if my favourite part of a layout.



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A welcome return to the Bunker Jeff and it's good to see some progress. Mind you, having spotted that large brown box in the second photo I seriously hope it wasn't me who inadvertently interrupted your workflow for an interlude of Great Red Spot Watching! I wouldn't want the other guys hunting me out for slowing you down! :no:  Perhaps you should enlist Bro's assistance for the next bit. Having seen his expertise with laying lawn tiles he'd probably find carpet tiles a doddle! :declare:





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  • RMweb Premium

A welcome return to the Bunker Jeff and it's good to see some progress. Mind you, having spotted that large brown box in the second photo I seriously hope it wasn't me who inadvertently interrupted your workflow for an interlude of Great Red Spot Watching! I wouldn't want the other guys hunting me out for slowing you down! :no:  Perhaps you should enlist Bro's assistance for the next bit. Having seen his expertise with laying lawn tiles he'd probably find carpet tiles a doddle! :declare:






No, Bill, the decision to buy the NexStar was made weeks ago. The more significant box in the Bunker is the black trunk. That is the kind of thing Celestron used to provide to house their telescopes - the home of the 8" machine since I bought it.


Clearing and reorganising - with better lighting within and without - has also pointed out a number of "painting upgrades" I will be doing. Not truly necessary, but they may as well be done to neaten things up.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Update: But don't get too excited.....!!


Having done a bit more "decorative" work over the weekend (the n-th coat of paint on the accessible ceiling/skirtings), I've finally fitted some carpet tiles. Only 5 square metres so far - I need to rearrange a washing machine, 2 fridges etc before I can get to the next bit. 


But at least I've done SOMETHING.


Ok, you can all turn down your pacemakers after that bit of excitement!



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Update: But don't get too excited.....!!


Having done a bit more "decorative" work over the weekend (the n-th coat of paint on the accessible ceiling/skirtings), I've finally fitted some carpet tiles. Only 5 square metres so far - I need to rearrange a washing machine, 2 fridges etc before I can get to the next bit. 


But at least I've done SOMETHING.


Ok, you can all turn down your pacemakers after that bit of excitement!




Cue Pink Floyd, 'Signs of Life'........................




Bill :angel:

Edited by Mythocentric
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  • RMweb Premium



Lee, your wish is my command. But honestly, the pics are hardly exciting!


And btw, another reason I stopped is because I ran out of adhesive to fix the tiles to the floor. Oops!







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  • RMweb Premium

Where's the layout................ :locomotive:



Mark   :blackeye:


Sorry, didn't I tell you.....









.... the Bunker is now a designated second kitchen/utility - hence the washing machine etc.....


Layout?   WOZZAT?   :angel:  :angel:



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Great to see some bunker action, Sir Bodge will be pleased when he returns from the land of the dragon (although surely green carpet would look more like grass?). If you propose to keep the various machines in there, I guess that sorts out the 'height of the baseboards' discussion?

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium


Great to see some bunker action, Sir Bodge will be pleased when he returns from the land of the dragon (although surely green carpet would look more like grass?). If you propose to keep the various machines in there, I guess that sorts out the 'height of the baseboards' discussion?

Kind regards,



Morning Jock.


The baseboards won't fill the entire bunker - the "washing machine area" will be a standalone to the side. But you are correct as far as height is concerned - the boards will certainly be higher than fridge height. Still haven't decided quite how high. My brain hurts - will sort it later (though 120-130cm is likely).



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