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KL2 update:


Apologies, still not feeling at my best, so nothing has been achieved since my last comments! (And, if you've been in the Asylum, you'll know I've been having rabbit problems in the garden).


Keep checking in. One day you're sure to get a surprise!



You need a Dog mate, Jack Russell's are good at Rabbiting.

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The word on the Street is that Jeff is putting lookout holes in the Bunker for Bunny Banging, (no no no, not that sort of BANGING MATRON)







Hahahhaheeeee :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  



:sarcastichand:  :sarcastichand: :sarcastichand:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, after offering to drop your trousers in the Asylum, anythings possible!!


Lovely bunker though. Imagine the layout you could build in there - after suitable insulation, of course!



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Well, after offering to drop your trousers in the Asylum, anythings possible!!


Lovely bunker though. Imagine the layout you could build in there - after suitable insulation, of course!



Naaaa, it would be a Roundy Roundy again, hahhah

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I always did envy Hugh Hefner, Scott.


Or, in your recreation, Hugh Jeff-ner!


Wonder if Hugh has a model railway? (Trying to put some kind of link to railways there, chaps)



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The word on the Street is that Jeff is putting lookout holes in the Bunker for Bunny Banging, (no no no, not that sort of BANGING MATRON)







Hahahhaheeeee :no:  :no:



Mr P


I think you have found the soultion to Jeff's rabbit problem, sheep. :yes: They will keep the grass so short there will be none for the rabbits to eat. Cows, horses and donkeys are rubbish for this despite them eating far greater tonnages of grass compared to sheep. The distance from the front of their lips and their teeth means the grass is left long enough for the rabbits to eat. Sheep leave very little for the rabbits and hungry bunnies clear off next door.  :imsohappy: Plus sheep doings is a good fertilzer for the flowers. :derisive:


Sheep will also mean there will be more room in the bunker, that lawn mower box Jeff will be tripping over can be thrown away before Jeff hurts himself. :)

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Just concrete the lawn mate and then you could have a ' roundy roundy ' round the garden


Not a bad idea!


I could colour the concrete (green, of course) and link the roundy-roundy to the bunker via a hole in the wall.....


.... I can see Andy going dreamy-eyed at the thought!!



Clive - quite a thought, looking out at the garden in the morning and seeing a sheep cropping the grass. Nobody else would like the idea - too much BAA-humbug (sorry).



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Prehaps you could lay 'astro-turf' it would save painting the concrete green not sure what the moles would make of it though  :drag:

Astro-turf sounds great but hear a few of my thoughts, both positive and negative :rtfm:


1. It is green all year round

2. You can play football on it

3. It does not need mowing

4. Needs cleaning

5. Rabbits cannot eat it

7. Rabbits will try to eat it

8. Does not need weeding

9. Does need weeding if not cleaned

10. Rabbits will eat the weeds

11. Trying to find more weeds rabbits will rip holes in it

12. Rabbits will make holes bigger and start to dig

13. Tatty astro turf looks worse than holes in newly laid lawn

14. Rabbits didn't notice there was no number 6

15. Doesn't need watering, see number 4 :dontknow:

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Not sure if it still happens but round our way you often saw dead moles tied to fences, I presume to deter other moles. Always seemed a bit stupid (and barbaric) to me, especially as moles are almost blind and under the ground for most of the time.


Anyway, rabbits aren't blind so kill one and nail it to the fence along with a note saying 'eat my plants and you are next Bugs'. Job done :D

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You lot crack me up!


The choice of the Asylum for the new Lounge turned out to be very appropriate, I think!


Of course, once I'm in the bunker the priority will be the railway - and not what the rodents are eating!



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The last place we lived was in a cul-de-sac. One of the guys across the street had astro-turf laid in his front yard.

One morning the red neck next door came knocking. His water main had sprung a huge leak and he, his red neck landlord, some other guy and I were all standing around the hole with a can of Busch beer each, all in flip flops and shirts off when one guy asks of the astro-turf guy

" Wot the ####s e think ees doin"

"Suckin' the leaves of his plastic grass" came the reply to which all for burst out laughing really loudly.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not sure if it still happens but round our way you often saw dead moles tied to fences, I presume to deter other moles. Always seemed a bit stupid (and barbaric) to me, especially as moles are almost blind and under the ground for most of the time.


Anyway, rabbits aren't blind so kill one and nail it to the fence along with a note saying 'eat my plants and you are next Bugs'. Job done :D



You are as wicked as Enid Blyton. When you are sat there reading Peter Rabbit to your little one you will find on the second page Peter's cousin is in Farmer Macgregor's pie in an attempt to stop the rabbits eating his vegetables.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not sure if it still happens but round our way you often saw dead moles tied to fences, I presume to deter other moles. Always seemed a bit stupid (and barbaric) to me, especially as moles are almost blind and under the ground for most of the time.


Anyway, rabbits aren't blind so kill one and nail it to the fence along with a note saying 'eat my plants and you are next Bugs'. Job done :D


Foxy might be attracted by his dinner on the fence and if he finds a good supply of rabbits, move in. Foxes dig larger holes than rabbits and their cr*p smells far worse.



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Not sure if it still happens but round our way you often saw dead moles tied to fences, I presume to deter other moles. Always seemed a bit stupid (and barbaric) to me, especially as moles are almost blind and under the ground for most of the time.


Anyway, rabbits aren't blind so kill one and nail it to the fence along with a note saying 'eat my plants and you are next Bugs'. Job done :D


It was done by the Mole Catcher to prove he was doing his job. :declare:

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  • RMweb Gold

Foxy might be attracted by his dinner on the fence and if he finds a good supply of rabbits, move in. Foxes dig larger holes than rabbits and their cr*p smells far worse.



However hole digging by foxes can be deterred by a very simple method - just put a few pieces of flint in the hole, they don't like that at all at all.

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Now if I'd actually started work in the bunker you lot wouldn't have to spend ages talking about my local rabbits!


So can we draw a line on the rabbit discussion in the KL2 thread and, like Clive's sausages which (literally) ran and ran and ran....., continue it - IF NECESSARY - in the Asylum?


Thanks for all the advice. I've stocked up with flint, have model rabbits attached to the fence, inquired about astroturf and dug out my very old copy of Peter Rabbit.


And borrowed a shotgun from the Police Firearms Inspector who lives next door!



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  • RMweb Premium

Now if I'd actually started work in the bunker you lot wouldn't have to spend ages talking about my local rabbits!


So can we draw a line on the rabbit discussion in the KL2 thread and, like Clive's sausages which (literally) ran and ran and ran....., continue it - IF NECESSARY - in the Asylum?


Thanks for all the advice. I've stocked up with flint, have model rabbits attached to the fence, inquired about astroturf and dug out my very old copy of Peter Rabbit.


And borrowed a shotgun from the Police Firearms Inspector who lives next door!



Ah!! Rabbit Sausage, now there's a marketing idea......



Slam, I'll be back for the hat and coat another day...............

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