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I should be one to joke with you about it Jeff. We still have boxes full of stuff that hasn't been unpacked since the move before last! I have a space 20 x 20 at the back of my barn crammed full of off cuts, old doors and junk which I'm hoping to convert into a spray shop and the worst thing in my railway room/ garage at the moment are these!  

attachicon.gifNasty ###### - Copy.JPG



Too many arachnids down here claim Top Trumps over Humans for us to have any mercy, I'm afraid.


I maintain a cease-and-desist (living) order against any I find inside my home




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Scott.


I can understand your attitude (and Shaun's, in Oregon) as many of your spider species are poisonous/potentially harmful. I think I'd do the same as you if there was a risk of infestation in my house! Fortunately, the UK species are a bit more benign.


A drier day today, so I hope you can all get out and enjoy the Easter break.



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Afternoon Jeff, I've just been up to the Clubroom with Peter BB and a couple of others getting things ready for the weekend and also put out  some 53 Vans and Minerals in the Goods Yard, it does look impressive, I've also put some 30 plus vehicles around the Layout including a nice selection of British Railways Blood and Custard Lorries etc in the Goods Yard.








You will need some of these on KL 2.75 and a half. hahhahhahah

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  • RMweb Premium

Very nice, Andy.


I have a few of the BR vehicles shown in your photos and will need to acquire a few more. Best wishes with your show.


In the meantime I'll continue with my book!



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Very nice, Andy.


I have a few of the BR vehicles shown in your photos and will need to acquire a few more. Best wishes with your show.


In the meantime I'll continue with my book!



What's that? How to build a Wall, by Hadrian?


Or Cementing Relationships, by the Concrete Mixing Company.


Or its a Whitewash, by E Mulshon.


Or Painting, using a Skirting Board Ladder, by A Spider.

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Jeff, your really lucky,




I'm away until next Friday with NO INTERNET,



and so by the time I come back,



I'll be able to see all the baseboards up and ready for track. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no:  



Oh well, I can but DREAM :nono: .

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  • RMweb Premium

Jeff, your really lucky,




I'm away until next Friday with NO INTERNET,



and so by the time I come back,



I'll be able to see all the baseboards up and ready for track. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no:  



Oh well, I can but DREAM :nono: .


You can but dream, indeed!


However, the way I look at the situation is that I'm a LOT closer to the baseboards than I was in January. And anticipation of what is to come is one of the great pleasures of the hobby.


Have a good hol. In some ways I envy you being in a location without the internet. It's wonderful at times, but sometimes I wish I could just switch it off for a week.



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  • RMweb Gold

Have a good hol. In some ways I envy you being in a location without the internet. It's wonderful at times, but sometimes I wish I could just switch it off for a week.




You could switch it off if you want to Jeff. The trick is when you come back just post that you will not be trying to catch up! If you had missed a meeting of friends you would not expect to hear all the conversations they had. Treat the internet the same.



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Don, you are quite right. But I always feel obliged to tune in and see what people have said...I feel compelled to reply to somebody that's taken the trouble to contact me! Same with the bleeding mobile phone.


Anyway, just logged in for the first time today after a busy time plant shopping and working in the garden. About to download today's pics, so if there's anything worth showing then I'll stick some pics in the Lounge.



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Apologies for the lack of any "action" on here. This thread is likely to drift for another 2-3 weeks, but I promise there'll be plenty to see once I get working in the bunker again.


Btw, the other day my brother, jokingly, suggested we give the garage and summerhouse a "name". He was a bit staggered to discover the garage - and the previous one - was named The Bunker. I had to explain why - and I can't remember who first coined the phrase. It was a Lunester. Chris or Peter (aka Western Sunset) spring to mind.



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Nothing "up front" to report - as previously explained. However, I've sorted out the carpet tiles I'll be buying in a couple of weeks, as well as the initial wood order to set things going.


Anyway, far more interesting things in the Lounge with Andy's Bala videos!!



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Hi Jeff,

Bit of a late comer to this thread and have had a quick scan through the article so far , very impressive I have to say . As a fellow modeller who is about to start the construction of a purpose made shed (8m x 4m)  of wooden construction, I have been very interested in you use of insulation an area that so many seem to skip or ignore altogether, which is a big mistake in my view. I could not work out the exact sizes of insulation board that you have employed and where you found the best supplier and what cost. Sorry if you have covered this topic before but was not about to find it exactly .

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Hi Jeff,

Bit of a late comer to this thread and have had a quick scan through the article so far , very impressive I have to say . As a fellow modeller who is about to start the construction of a purpose made shed (8m x 4m)  of wooden construction, I have been very interested in you use of insulation an area that so many seem to skip or ignore altogether, which is a big mistake in my view. I could not work out the exact sizes of insulation board that you have employed and where you found the best supplier and what cost. Sorry if you have covered this topic before but was not about to find it exactly .

Hi Gismorail, and sorry to but in on KL2 Jeff, but if you also have a look my Bitton Thread, at page 48, Post# 1193 and beyond you will see I have used Celotex in in my Shed which is 18ft x 9ft and sheets of Celotes are 8ft x 4ft sheets from my local Builders Merchants, if you order enough and ASK FOR A TRADERS DISCOUNT it works out as cheap if not cheaper than the DIY Stores.


All the best with your build.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,

Bit of a late comer to this thread and have had a quick scan through the article so far , very impressive I have to say . As a fellow modeller who is about to start the construction of a purpose made shed (8m x 4m)  of wooden construction, I have been very interested in you use of insulation an area that so many seem to skip or ignore altogether, which is a big mistake in my view. I could not work out the exact sizes of insulation board that you have employed and where you found the best supplier and what cost. Sorry if you have covered this topic before but was not about to find it exactly .


Andy, thanks for supplying the information relevant to your shed.


Gismorail - all I can add to Andy's comments were that I used the equivalent sheets of insulation board that Jewson currently stock. It used to be Kingspan, now Recticel. Almost the same U-value and similar to the Celotex that Andy used.


I bought 8' x 4' sheets in 100mm, 75mm, 50mm and 25mm thicknesses, depending on where I used them.


The walls and ceilings had 6" / average 4" insulation board. I was, very sensibly, persuaded to insulate the floor and that also had 4" of insulation board, within the wooden frames I built.


I obtained my boards from Jewson. An 8' x 4' board of the 100mm was around £25, but I bought so much of the stuff that they gave me a 25% discount - unofficially - in the end. As a non-trader I'm not sure if they should have done that, so don't quote me!


Hope this helps. If not, just keep asking!



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And if your Bunker is as warm as my Shed is then I'm sure you'll be out there in all weathers mate.


I'm hoping that's the case. Though I expect I'll be working in there irrespective of the temperature - a bit of concentration on the task in hand tends to make you ignore the cold.



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Many thanks for that information guys I can go down to my local builders merchant armed with the correct measurements and product names etc now and look as if I know what I'm talking about .............. :sungum:

You have  made the right decision about insulating the floor , I have at the looked at purchasing a  'log' cabin for my current project at the outset and was advised that insulation in the floor and the roof was a must even with a building of that type. It was the final price that killed that idea and have taken the build it myself option or what I call ' build and design' ........as I go on  :jester:

As I live up a mountain in North Wales I have taken insulation as a 'must have thing' rather than a second thought. 

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Many thanks for that information guys I can go down to my local builders merchant armed with the correct measurements and product names etc now and look as if I know what I'm talking about .............. :sungum:

You have  made the right decision about insulating the floor , I have at the looked at purchasing a  'log' cabin for my current project at the outset and was advised that insulation in the floor and the roof was a must even with a building of that type. It was the final price that killed that idea and have taken the build it myself option or what I call ' build and design' ........as I go on  :jester:

As I live up a mountain in North Wales I have taken insulation as a 'must have thing' rather than a second thought. 


Glad the information was of use. You may be advised to go beyond the insulation levels that I've put in - I can't imagine working in a shed with minimal insulation in an exposed area!


Funny incident yesterday. My next door neighbour called round to ask for some advice with plants for their garden. I showed her the garage work and as she walked into the room she exclaimed "it's warm in here!" I did have the door open in the warm weather last week, but there's still some "leftovers" - which is gratifying.


Just come in from today's garden work. I'll put some more pics in the Lounge tomorrow.



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Hi Jeff, I bet your really looking forward to getting stuck in now, it cant be many more weeks before the Frames start to go in.


Evening Andy. I've been feeling very tired over the last week or so - the continual work (hardly a day missed since mid-January) in the garage and outside has ground me down. But the garden has really taken shape and I'll be relieved to get inside and try to make some kind of order in the bunker.


At least I have a good "base of operations", so progress should be possible in the next few weeks.


Then this thread might be worth looking at!



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