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Unfortunately they're only touring in America this year for their 40th anniversary. I've seen them on each of their last 7 UK visits, so hopeful for next year.... Remember, they're still young compared to the likes of the Stones!!




Ba!  Bite your tounge, Jeff...they are _definitely_ touring in more than America.  It's an easy hop from UK-Toronto, should be about 6 hrs in the air, or 9 to Vancouver (it's all about that circle).  To see them in Vancouver would set you back about $1800 (say about 1400 quid) to fly to and from Vancouver, plus hotel & concert ticket.  (& that was a fairly cursory search, I am quite sure you could get the airfare for less...that was using air canada)


But Rush is definitely touring more than just America :)


(& if you came out to the west coast of NA, there is both me and Sasqatch who are out here...)



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The Rush website has the existing tour as May 8: Tulsa to August 1: LA.


James, I hope you are correct as there's usually been a European leg to their recent tours. We'll see.



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Methuselah's still young compared to the Stone's!






That's made me chuckle! Cheers, Bill.


Sat waiting for my next building material delivery which I've just been told is "on its way"..... 



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Morning Young Jeff, I've ALMOST FINISHED THE RAIN DANCE, just a couple more steps to do, and the it'll PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DOWN for a Month so that we YOU can get the baseboards done.


James, don't suggest thing like the RUSH Tour, or we'll never see trains running in 2015 / 16. Hhahahhaha. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  

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As promised, a couple of photos showing the stuff that's still in the bunker. I've cleared the perimeter, so I can at least get at the walls. The middle bit proved more problematical!!


Anyway, shifting this stuff from place to place during the conversion has made me very familiar with what's in there!







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Someone needs to have a bloody great bonfire :)


Have you seen that awful TV show about scratters that don't throw stuff out, The Hoarders?

That's you, that is. :D

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As promised, a couple of photos showing the stuff that's still in the bunker. I've cleared the perimeter, so I can at least get at the walls. The middle bit proved more problematical!!


Anyway, shifting this stuff from place to place during the conversion has made me very familiar with what's in there!







I thought you'd lost the plot mate. :O




NOW I'M CONVINCED YOU HAVE, :no: HAhahhahahhaeeee



where's YOUR NEAREST TIP, I bet that well over half of that lot will NEVER BE USED AGAIN :stinker:

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Someone needs to have a bloody great bonfire :)


Have you seen that awful TV show about scratters that don't throw stuff out, The Hoarders?

That's you, that is. :D

I've seen tidier SCRAP YARDS.

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I think if you carbooted/ebayed etc that lot you could afford a rake of coaches and a couple of locos for KL2

Possibly even a small table saw. And there would be space for it to boot!


Think of all the money and rain forest you'ld save Jeff, by switching to plywood "L" girder construction!!   :jester:


Hat. Coat. Vanished into the woods already! 

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Thanks for the comments! I told you you'd be staggered by the amount of stuff still in there. What amazes me is how the hell I did the conversion with considerably more stuff in there than what you see!!


Anyway, to set the record straight. There's nothing in there that's rubbish. Boxes of curtains/bedding, a virtually brand new fridge/washing machine/freezer - all backups, all my railway materials incl. Cobalts, DCC stuff etc, boxes of books that won't fit into the house etc. It annoys me when I look at it, but I wouldn't wish it away, unfortunately. All I can do is work around it - and I will. Stay tuned.


More painting today. Bl**dy skirtings..... In the garden tomorrow - pics of that'll be in the Lounge. Oh, btw. The most annoying thing in the bunker at the moment that's causing a lot of problems? Lengths of 2 x 2 and 3 x 1 timber, layed flat on the floor. Hopefully of use with the L-girders.



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I thought you'd lost the plot mate. :O




NOW I'M CONVINCED YOU HAVE, :no: HAhahhahahhaeeee



where's YOUR NEAREST TIP, I bet that well over half of that lot will NEVER BE USED AGAIN :stinker:


Half of it is my brother's, Andy. So you may well be correct - but it's not mine to chuck!



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Someone needs to have a bloody great bonfire :)


Have you seen that awful TV show about scratters that don't throw stuff out, The Hoarders?

That's you, that is. :D


Maybe we need to buy a larger house, Jason?  :D  :D


We could then have a room for the LPs, 1960s Annuals and .... even a duplicate kitchen?!


You should have seen the amount of stuff that's been thrown out pre-move last year and over the last few months.


Now I wonder if anybody would be interested in buying my 2,000 issue collection of IKEA weekly, dating back to 1976?  :O  :no:



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I should be one to joke with you about it Jeff. We still have boxes full of stuff that hasn't been unpacked since the move before last! I have a space 20 x 20 at the back of my barn crammed full of off cuts, old doors and junk which I'm hoping to convert into a spray shop and the worst thing in my railway room/ garage at the moment are these!  


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Half of it is my brother's, Andy. So you may well be correct - but it's not mine to chuck!



Do it anyway when he's at work and then see HOW MANY YEARS IT IS BEFORE HE NOTICES. :O



:no:  :no: :no:  :no:  

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I should be one to joke with you about it Jeff. We still have boxes full of stuff that hasn't been unpacked since the move before last! I have a space 20 x 20 at the back of my barn crammed full of off cuts, old doors and junk which I'm hoping to convert into a spray shop and the worst thing in my railway room/ garage at the moment are these!  

attachicon.gifNasty ###### - Copy.JPG

I couldn't even live with knowing that it was in my room, DEAD OR ALIVE. :butcher:

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Do it anyway when he's at work and then see HOW MANY YEARS IT IS BEFORE HE NOTICES. :O



:no:  :no: :no:  :no:  


Funny you say that! I chucked some carpet grippers and tiles in the bin this afternoon. I'm sure he said they'd come in useful but they kept tripping me up. He's away at the mo - gone to pick my dad up. The bin will be emptied before he returns!


I guess you don't like spiders? Shaun, look after the little fella. I love 'em!



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Funny you say that! I chucked some carpet grippers and tiles in the bin this afternoon. I'm sure he said they'd come in useful but they kept tripping me up. He's away at the mo - gone to pick my dad up. The bin will be emptied before he returns!


I guess you don't like spiders? Shaun, look after the little fella. I love 'em!



Now you have confirmed YOUR WEIRD mate, ahhahahha

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Funny you say that! I chucked some carpet grippers and tiles in the bin this afternoon. I'm sure he said they'd come in useful but they kept tripping me up. He's away at the mo - gone to pick my dad up. The bin will be emptied before he returns!


I guess you don't like spiders? Shaun, look after the little fella. I love 'em!




Now you have confirmed YOUR WEIRD mate, ahhahahha

Mr Peters


Spiders native to these islands are very useful. In the house they will kill more germ carrying files than any other method of fly killer that will not harm the environment or give someone breathing problems. All you need to do is do away with the webs every few days, they will build a new and more efficient one. Outdoors they continue to kill off germ carrying flies, they are one of the few animals that will kill wasp when they are at their most nasty in the late summer and autumn.


Before anyone shouts "I hate wasp" they too are very useful. They help decompose wood so that the nutrients are replaced in the soil. They too kill germ carrying flies. Along with flies they help dead animals decompose. They only become nasty when they are no longer needed to feed the larvae and have to find another source of sugar, which they do from fruit. This makes them drunk and unfriendly. Even this can be useful as they get the strange arm waving dancing going at barbeques (after everyone has had their share of Bogit's of Bitton, Super Duper Porky Baggers). For the rest of the year to see people doing the strange arm waving dance the spider is a good substitute.

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I couldn't even live with knowing that it was in my room, DEAD OR ALIVE. :butcher:

 The first time I saw one I pooed my pants mate but I've kind of learnt to live with them..............


Funny you say that! I chucked some carpet grippers and tiles in the bin this afternoon. I'm sure he said they'd come in useful but they kept tripping me up. He's away at the mo - gone to pick my dad up. The bin will be emptied before he returns!


I guess you don't like spiders? Shaun, look after the little fella. I love 'em!



But not on my layouts!

Admittedly you'll be either very stupid or very unlucky to get bitten by a black widow. The nest is made from very strong sticky web and they're blind.

When they are in the garden or around the outside of the buildings we leave them be! Never seen a male, cos the nasty ###### eat their mates!

Which worries me as to the contents of Clives "Bodgits Bangers"?


Having black widow spiders on ones layout is a bit like keeping rattle snakes loose in the greenhouse!

Edited by Sasquatch
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Thanks to Clive "David Attenborough" Mortimore and to Shaun "Widowmaker" Sasquatch for those posts!


No bunker work today. A bit of work in the garden - pics in the Lounge.



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The wet day duly arrived, so painting skirtings in the bunker.


No work here over the next couple of days as I'll be taking my dad back home to Cumbria. And that also means that any posts will have to be done using the dreaded mobile...



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