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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

I thought I'd better post something on here to keep you updated.


As most will know, garden work is currently occupying my time and will continue to do so - in a dominant way - for the next 2-3 weeks. After the latest batch of projects is completed - those involving intense building work - I'll be back in the bunker for a few hours each day and railway-related matters can then progress.


I'm just about to download today's garden-work pics, so may post a couple in the Lounge.



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Mike.


I've already been outside, checking yesterday's mortar and I'm warming up ready to shift a load more soil.


I've also ditched my cuckoo clock into the bin - it's no longer required now I have a subscription to the "McManus service"!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Jeff, You need a split shift system, early mornings in the Garden, Afternoons in the Bunker and Evenings on the R M Web.


Get it sorted. :O


Cor Blimey - as Rob has taken to saying!


What a bunch of slave-drivers....  :D  :D


Funnily enough, it was my intention to do something like that. After shifting a few tons of soil the thought of wielding a paint brush in the bunker, somehow, doesn't appeal!!



Edited by Physicsman
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Cor Blimey - as Rob has taken to saying!


What a bunch of slave-drivers....  :D  :D


Funnily enough, it was my intention to do something like that. After shifting a few tons of soil the thought of wielding a paint brush in the bunker, somehow, doesn't appeal!!






No not a Car, a PAINT ROLLER.






Get your Brother to do it on the promise of a nice Curry. :no:  or Three :stinker:

Edited by Andrew P
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What, Andy, you mean you don't think something like:




would work for spray painting?  It's a good roller...and the last time we ran it inside and forgot to stuff something down the chimney, it did a number on the paint in the kitchen.  (I seem to think there ended up being about 10 coats of paint needed to keep the @!#$@# steam oil from bleeding back through...and dad caught quite a bit of flack from his wife over it !).  Unfortunately, as regards paint colours, the only choice is kind of a grungy black colour.  It does have the advantage of smelling right though...



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Mike.


I think you've already adjusted your clock. 06.22? Mind you, with the clocks going forward at the weekend it'll be darker in the mornings....


Today? Umm. Mix some mortar to fix 2 bricks and a bit of work next to the summer house. Oh for the joys of cutting 4 x 2s!!


Just ordered another 66 600mm x 600mm patio slabs (along with some smaller ones), so that's next week's work when they're delivered.


I hope this earlier get-up time means more Dent pics? I'll go and have a look.



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  • RMweb Premium




No not a Car, a PAINT ROLLER.






Get your Brother to do it on the promise of a nice Curry. :no:  or Three :stinker:


Andy, I have a suggestion. To give me time to play with paint etc, I'll assign you some gardening tasks, since you love them so much.


Sieving soil, sorting out grades of gravel, stacking bricks. Notice I've picked out the exciting bits for you.


What? NOT interested?  :O  :O


The curry idea IS a good one, irrespective of brother!



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  • RMweb Premium

If I lived a bit nearer I'd do the painting. :O




NOT :nono: 


I still have the window frames to finish off in my Shed, but that's a job I hate more than gardening.  :beee:  :beee: 


Fortunately, I've no windows to paint in the bunker. I do enjoy painting walls, once I get started. Bit of a mindless activity where you can let your thoughts wander and hum tunes in your head.


Bit like bricklaying, I suppose.


Going out to move some more soil after my next cup of coffee.



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Fortunately, I've no windows to paint in the bunker. I do enjoy painting walls, once I get started. Bit of a mindless activity where you can let your thoughts wander and hum tunes in your head.


Bit like bricklaying, I suppose.


Going out to move some more soil after my next cup of coffee.




There's always the Mister Bean method Jeff! Large tin of white paint + large banger, light blue touch-paper and retreat (rapidly)! Shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes! In fact if you make that a large tin of blue paint plus a tin of white you could create a nice sky background with clouds! :no: :no: :no:





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Morning Mike.


I think you've already adjusted your clock. 06.22? Mind you, with the clocks going forward at the weekend it'll be darker in the mornings....


Today? Umm. Mix some mortar to fix 2 bricks and a bit of work next to the summer house. Oh for the joys of cutting 4 x 2s!!


Just ordered another 66 600mm x 600mm patio slabs (along with some smaller ones), so that's next week's work when they're delivered.


I hope this earlier get-up time means more Dent pics? I'll go and have a look.



No such luck mate, just to hectic at present.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Jeff and all

Hope all is ok just caught up with the progress so far Jeff. Have you put any form boards in between the wall and wood or not.




You must have been skimming through too fast. There are foam boards in the walls,ceilings and floor.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Jeff and all

Hope all is ok just caught up with the progress so far Jeff. Have you put any form boards in between the wall and wood or not.




Hi Mark.


I guess Don has answered your question for me! The walls average at 6" of board insulation, floor has 4" and the ceiling 4". Great material and I'm looking forward to using it for hillside building!



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Don I think I'm losing the plot lol




Mark, probably not. You may have some FAR more important things on your mind at the moment.... nappies, pushchairs, upcoming lack-of-sleep, need for ear defenders, thoughts of horrible smells etc....


Bit more dramatic than a few insulation boards in my bunker!!  :stinker:  :stinker:



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Mark, probably not. You may have some FAR more important things on your mind at the moment.... nappies, pushchairs, upcoming lack-of-sleep, need for ear defenders, thoughts of horrible smells etc....


Bit more dramatic than a few insulation boards in my bunker!!  :stinker:  :stinker:



DONT FORGET THE PROJECTILE VOMITING, :nono: :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  





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