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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

I promised some photos today. I didn't say they'd necessarily be exciting!! Here's three from this morning as I start to work my way round the bunker fitting "skirting" and covering (to hide most of the wires):









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Just finished for the day. About half the bunker has been "skirted". In some ways it's a waste of good wood, but it looks a damn sight better than it did, so I'm pleased.


I'll have to move a fair bit of stuff around tomorrow to get at the back wall. But just think. When this job's been done I can start painting the place. And then carpet tile it.


So - bunker ready for PROPER modelling use in - 2 weeks?



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Just finished for the day. About half the bunker has been "skirted". In some ways it's a waste of good wood, but it looks a damn sight better than it did, so I'm pleased.


I'll have to move a fair bit of stuff around tomorrow to get at the back wall. But just think. When this job's been done I can start painting the place. And then carpet tile it.


So - bunker ready for PROPER modelling use in - 2 weeks?



So we can expect the first loco running in 3 weeks and g***s in 4 :jester:  :jester: :jester:  

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Looking good Jeff, if you knocked off work outside and posted at 18.12 am I right to assume that the rest of the evening will NOT be wasted, and your Kit building. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no: hhahahhahhheeeeee :nono:  :sungum:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Looking good Jeff, if you knocked off work outside and posted at 18.12 am I right to assume that the rest of the evening will NOT be wasted, and your Kit building. :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no: hhahahhahhheeeeee :nono:  :sungum:  


I'm sure you used to be the funnier half of a comedy duo called Tarbuck and Peters!!


I actually managed an hour of reading before I fell asleep. I like getting up early, but sometimes the 5.45am starts catch up with me!


The first hour tomorrow should wake me up - moving stuff around the bunker, again. But progress is being made.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sure you used to be the funnier half of a comedy duo called Tarbuck and Peters!!


I actually managed an hour of reading before I fell asleep. I like getting up early, but sometimes the 5.45am starts catch up with me!


The first hour tomorrow should wake me up - moving stuff around the bunker, again. But progress is being made.



Looking at some of the posts on the web it seems that some have still not made bed by 0545 hours let alone getting up in the dark at that time!   Great progress on the den.



Edited by PeterBB
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  • RMweb Gold

It does neaten the job off. Why am I not surprised that you have used a somewhat heavier section for the trimming than I would.  On to the next stage soon.


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Morning Jeff,

Hope the recuperation is progressing well.

In my not very humble opinion, I think your bunker is beginning to look like the most carefully planned and constructed model railway facility I've ever seen. Joanna marvelled at it when I explained what you were doing, but then quickly added - 'don't you get any such ideas when we move!' It is official, she is determined to force a 'downsizing' move this summer if possible. A layout will have to be shelved for the time being although the drawings are reasonably advanced and I've dug out some old Airfix wagon kits and now await your next tutorial with Jason!

Keep up the good work,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Talking of wasting wood Jeff (although I reckon it finishes the job off myself) I think I would be cladding that bit of remaining breeze block too :-)




Scott, I've considered it. Depending on what materials are left over, it may get done!


It does neaten the job off. Why am I not surprised that you have used a somewhat heavier section for the trimming than I would.  On to the next stage soon.



Yes, Don - that's putting it politely. I can't help myself. That's why I think there'll be a few raised eyebrows, shakes of the head and tut-tuts when the outline plan for the baseboard frames is posted.



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Jock, I love the description of the bunker as a "model railway facility"! I'd be the first to admit that I sometimes go OTT, but it's what I'm comfortable with. I guess I must have a partly autistic/obsessive nature.


Today is being taken up with a partial reorganisation of the bunker contents, including re-boxing of some items. At least it'll give me a clear path to the side walls for tomorrow.


I hope you can acquire a railway room when you move. Having projects like the bunker and garden keeps me sane.



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Update: More clearing-out of stuff in the bunker this afternoon and I can now access the back wall, so skirting can continue tomorrow.


Even if all the wood isn't fitted tomorrow, I may have a change of tack and start painting on Monday.


Photos where appropriate.



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Just to show that I've actually done something today, here's a pic showing that I've gone "round the bend" from the last photo.




Bill (Mythocentric) has emailed me something which I'm hoping he'll post on here later. So keep your eyes out for it!



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Looking neat and tidy in there, :O  it cant be a Model Railway Room if its neat and tidy. :nono:  :nono: :nono:  :nono:  :stinker:  


Andy, I agree. But have you noticed the selective angles I've used for the photographs? Hides the fact that half the bunker still resembles a sh**hole! More stuff was chucked out yesterday - 6 largish boxes worth, in fact. So it is starting to settle down and by the time it's painted and carpet tiled it may be possible to really organise things properly.


I've got 8 boxes that simply contain empty loco boxes - as the locos are stored in dust-proof cabinets. My urge was to "chuck 'em" but brother said no, they could be useful one day. I suppose hoarding gets a bit addictive after a while!


Anyway, if the finger is up to the job, I'll be digging in the garden on Tuesday. Fancy giving me a hand, Andy? I know how much you LOVE gardening!!  :O  :O  :no:  :no:



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Andy, I agree. But have you noticed the selective angles I've used for the photographs? Hides the fact that half the bunker still resembles a sh**hole! More stuff was chucked out yesterday - 6 largish boxes worth, in fact. So it is starting to settle down and by the time it's painted and carpet tiled it may be possible to really organise things properly.


I've got 8 boxes that simply contain empty loco boxes - as the locos are stored in dust-proof cabinets. My urge was to "chuck 'em" but brother said no, they could be useful one day. I suppose hoarding gets a bit addictive after a while!


Anyway, if the finger is up to the job, I'll be digging in the garden on Tuesday. Fancy giving me a hand, Andy? I know how much you LOVE gardening!!  :O  :O  :no:  :no:



DEFFINATELY NO, George traded in some Locos at the Stafford Show and the dealer said he would have got about 20 quid more per Loco had they been boxed, and at twenty or so Locos that amounts to a lot of Wonga.


As far as Wagons are concerned, I may bin some of mine as even if I wanted to sell them, finding the correct box for say a 12T Vent Van out of about 200 plus boxes in 4 big Plastic boxes would not happen, and the price difference would be minimal anyway on 4 wheel Vans and Wagons.


Oh and I've just read the last line.




Edited by Andrew P
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Evening all,

Jeff, it's looking better every day - good luck with the weather on Tuesday, although you've always got something to do if it rains!

Andy, don't 'chuck' any wagons - I've got a large marshalling yard to make convincing when I get the funds, and now, if Joanna has her way, move house!

Kind regards,


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As Jeff mentioned (in post #789) I've been up to mischief with my 3D programs and managed to come up with this:





The all new, all singing and dancing Lunester Logo (Mark 2). :declare:


Please feel free to do with it as you will. Just don't mention my name if people start pointing you out and making strange remarks!







PS: If anyone would like a full 300dpi print copy, PM me with your email address and I'll get one off to you! :imsohappy:

Edited by Mythocentric
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Bill, many thanks for that. He makes me smile - and I'm assured that, although vertically challenged, the character is not meant to be me!


More woodwork today. About to head into the bunker to move boxes out of the way.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Jeff, it's looking better every day - good luck with the weather on Tuesday, although you've always got something to do if it rains!

Andy, don't 'chuck' any wagons - I've got a large marshalling yard to make convincing when I get the funds, and now, if Joanna has her way, move house!

Kind regards,



The BBC weather forecast for where I live said it would pour down at noon, after a decent morning. So I did my wood cutting and got more skirtings fitted etc by 11.30am. At 11.58 it chucked it down! 


Jock, Tuesday looks promising so my PLAN (whether it happens remains to be seen) is to dig out some trenches and chuck a ton or so of concrete into them. Then, maybe later in the week, get bricklaying again. As you say, there are ready-made contingencies - give the ceiling a first coat of emulsion...



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Now I'm not saying that looks like anyone in particular... but shouldn't he be holding a mug of tea in his right hand?


:devil:  :devil:


Right then, Neil. Who are you alluding to - he/she that is the mystery tea drinker? Yourself? Come now, we'd like to know. Slander is forgiven in this thread!



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  • RMweb Gold

Right then, Neil. Who are you alluding to - he/she that is the mystery tea drinker? Yourself? Come now, we'd like to know. Slander is forgiven in this thread!


And there's me thinking that anyone would see what I meant. Clearly my mind is just too evil...



Sorry Bill... but you did say we could do what we willed with it :)

Edited by Anotheran
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And there's me thinking that anyone would see what I meant. Clearly my mind is just too evil...

attachicon.gifAndy's mug.png


Sorry Bill... but you did say we could do what we willed with it :)


Yes, I should have spotted that!


I just hope Andy isn't offended - being one of Jaz's clowns was almost too much for him!!  :O  :O  :O  :O



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