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Kirkby Luneside


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I have eight weathered UN-FETTLED Black 5s...         I could sell them to you Jeff as a job lot.     Then we could let the man loose and have peace for a while at least?     new pics in Lounge, nowt to do with S&C though...


Cheers Rob

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  • RMweb Premium

I have eight weathered UN-FETTLED Black 5s...         I could sell them to you Jeff as a job lot.     Then we could let the man loose and have peace for a while at least?     new pics in Lounge, nowt to do with S&C though...


Cheers Rob


Rob, offer the batch to Jason....


He'll be so busy fettling his new collection he won't have to threaten butchery to mine, Mike or anyone else's Black 5s!


Must admit, he did a really good job, though - on his own models. I'm sure he trained as a surgeon in a previous life.


Anyway, I could NEVER bring myself to be without some Black 5s - and KL2 would be the poorer without them.



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Plastic Skin, eh?


We'll have to start referring to you as the Bionic Man....



Evening Jeff,

The stuff I use is by 'Germoline' and is called 'New Skin' - as I said, really stings when applied but allows you to carry on working. Used some today as some greenhouse clearing resulted in two new splits!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening Jeff,

The stuff I use is by 'Germoline' and is called 'New Skin' - as I said, really stings when applied but allows you to carry on working. Used some today as some greenhouse clearing resulted in two new splits!

Kind regards,


Jock's right 'plastic skin' is fantastic.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Jeff,

The stuff I use is by 'Germoline' and is called 'New Skin' - as I said, really stings when applied but allows you to carry on working. Used some today as some greenhouse clearing resulted in two new splits!

Kind regards,



Jock's right 'plastic skin' is fantastic.



Cheers, lads. I'll have a look for some next time I'm out shopping.



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  • RMweb Premium

No Pics today Jeff?


Good news I have managed to cut the last bit of my finger nail off today that's been falling off since last September.


Good news about the fingernail, Andy. Mine may survive, though the finger is still very tender.


Hence the reason for the lack of photos. Aside from a quick look around the bunker, nothing done on Monday. I did order some wood for skirting purposes - hard to describe what I'm going to do (pics will show it better) - due Weds/Thurs. Also priced up the timber needed for the L-girder construction (commencing in 4 weeks?)



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  • RMweb Gold

The amount of timber you have used you would probably have been better ordering direct from the saw mill. :jester:

Looking forward to seeing work start on baseboards.


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  • RMweb Premium

The amount of timber you have used you would probably have been better ordering direct from the saw mill. :jester:

Looking forward to seeing work start on baseboards.



Possibly some truth in that, Don. I won't disclose (yet) how much timber I've already used in the project, and I've just worked out what needs to be ordered for the next stage.


Well, I'm now fully committed to KL2 (maybe I SHOULD be committed!!) so there's no going back...



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Apologies for the "lull" in proceedings. I've got a batch of 2 x 2 and 3 x 1 for use in the tidying-up process in the bunker (delivered this morning). But I'm giving the blasted finger another couple of days recovery time - serves me bl**dy well right for being so incompetent with that hammer!


Just keep your eye on the thread and something will EVENTUALLY happen. 



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Apologies for the "lull" in proceedings. I've got a batch of 2 x 2 and 3 x 1 for use in the tidying-up process in the bunker (delivered this morning). But I'm giving the blasted finger another couple of days recovery time - serves me bl**dy well right for being so incompetent with that hammer!


Just keep your eye on the thread and something will EVENTUALLY happen. 




That must have been one almighty whack to put you out of action for so long.  Hope it soon heals up, nowt worse than pain.

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You've got a SPARE HAND :O  haven't you? :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no:  


Haven't you got a second hand shop locally?


I have to hand it to you gents - you certainly made me laugh!


Mick, the finger is much better than a few days ago - if slightly bruised along its length. However, the gash at the top is one of those that's very tender to the touch and I want to disturb it as little as possible.


That said, wow, today has been so boring. I must play with the mitre saw and drill tomorrow. I must!  :D  :D  :D  :D



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Just sit back and watch my latest Video on Bitton, that's get you going again.


Duly seen, my man. The sight of decent radius curves is enough to set me salivating.


I like the door fitting. Shame it's impossible to incorporate something like that into KL2.



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I don't know Jeff, I leave RMweb (NGRM is taking up my focus at the moment due to the new layout) for a few days, and when I come back you've only gone and hit the proverbial nail on the head... or hammer on the hand I should say! I would tell you to pull your finger out and get going again, but I feel I'll get a slapped wrist if I do...




But seriously, hope you are back to full functionality ASAP. There's nothing worse than when you are itching to get on with something but you can't!

I eagerly await more progress photos :D

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I want to see wagon progress! I stayed over in Chester last night and managed to progress a 16 tonner, a GW four plank open and a 7 plank RCH mineral wagon, brake rigging done on all three (including brass rodding), just the door springs and buffers to do.


So come on Jeff, you should have about 8 done by now :D


Edit - the Cooper Craft GW four plank was a bit of a swine; the body went together really well but getting the chassis square took a fair bit of faffing

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I want to see wagon progress! I stayed over in Chester last night and managed to progress a 16 tonner, a GW four plank open and a 7 plank RCH mineral wagon, brake rigging done on all three (including brass rodding), just the door springs and buffers to do.


So come on Jeff, you should have about 8 done by now :D


Edit - the Cooper Craft GW four plank was a bit of a swine; the body went together really well but getting the chassis square took a fair bit of faffing


When I was a kid my relatives drilled the mantra "I want never gets" into me.


I can't comfortably put my left hand on a flat surface, in order to keep pressure off my little finger. When that's sorted, kit building will happen.



Edited by Physicsman
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Pics today young Jeff? :no:  :no: :no:  :no:  :no:  


I HAVE actually done some bunker work today. A couple of narrow ( < 10cm) strips of ply flooring have been fitted and I've made a start on cutting the wood for skirtings. I can only get part of that job done as I have to rearrange stuff in the garage to get to some of the walls.


So, PROBABLY pics tomorrow, Andy! Honest!!



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I don't know Jeff, I leave RMweb (NGRM is taking up my focus at the moment due to the new layout) for a few days, and when I come back you've only gone and hit the proverbial nail on the head... or hammer on the hand I should say! I would tell you to pull your finger out and get going again, but I feel I'll get a slapped wrist if I do...




But seriously, hope you are back to full functionality ASAP. There's nothing worse than when you are itching to get on with something but you can't!

I eagerly await more progress photos :D


No, Jam. You just make me laugh!!


I'm really itching to get digging trenches to put concrete in for further brickwork - especially as the weather is supposed to be about to warm up. But that's not layout work, is it, so probably doesn't count!


I'm tempted to put up an outline plan of the L-girder tables I'll be building in a month or two. I'm just worried that if I do that, one or two people on here will have heart attacks!!



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No, Jam. ...I'm just worried ....that, one or two people on here will have heart attacks!! Jeff

You just be careful with your threats, some of us have had quite enough of them already!



edit: typo - plus': though would very much like to see your L girder ( spline) proposals.'

Edited by runs as required
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You just be careful with your threats, some of us have had quite enough of them already!



edit: typo - plus': though would very much like to see your L girder ( spline) proposals.'


Hi Dave.


Now I wonder what "suggestions" (aka threats) I can come up with next?


Got to keep the customers happy, you know.


L-girder outline may get posted in the next few days - purely for interest's sake. To be honest, the plan doesn't really explain the detail that lies behind it. The detail will become apparent - hopefully to me as well!! - as I build it.



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