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Kirkby Luneside


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Lights, Power, Floor,





Once the floor has been completely covered in ply I'll fit a "skirting" where the wall meets the floor and the wall meets the ceiling. Just some simple 2 x 1 to clean up the appearance.


Then it's wall and ceiling painting, followed by a coat of Once on the lower skirting.


Then I'll fit carpet tiles on top of the ply.


After that - more wood will be needed for the L-girders.... 



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Once the floor has been completely covered in ply I'll fit a "skirting" where the wall meets the floor and the wall meets the ceiling. Just some simple 2 x 1 to clean up the appearance.


Then it's wall and ceiling painting, followed by a coat of Once on the lower skirting.


Then I'll fit carpet tiles on top of the ply.


After that - more wood will be needed for the L-girders.... 




Another small forest then :jester: :jester: :nono:


Looking good Jeff



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I'm begining to wonder if it shouldn't be renamed Kirkby Lumberside :scratchhead:


Very good, Mick. That's a new take on the name!


The wit of the bard would have paled into insignificance next to yours!!



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Another small forest then :jester: :jester: :nono:


Looking good Jeff




Morning Jeff,

Look forward to some more pics soon! Pleased to hear that you put in plenty of sockets, something so often overlooked, even by experienced modellers!

Kind regards,



Aye, there's always plenty to do.


Off to build some more frames. I'll have to order in some more materials during the week. One of these days it'll actually start to resemble a railway room!



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I now have 4 fluorescent lamps and 6 double sockets fitted.


It's so bright in the bunker I'll have to wear my sunglasses!!


I've already cleared an area 2.8m x 2.5m to allow me to build the next 2 floor frames in the morning.





6 x double sockets is a start but with the size of your garage I think that 8  (2 on each side minimum) would reduce the 'stretched lead factor' that from my own experience will come at some stage.  That having been said 'spurs' with the low loading that model railway needs could sort the 'stretched lead' trips.



Edited by PeterBB
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6 x double sockets is a start but with the size of your garage I think that 8  (2 on each side minimum) would reduce the 'stretched lead factor' that from my own experience will come at some stage.  That having been said 'spurs' with the low loading that model railway needs could sort the 'stretched lead' trips.




Peter, you could be right. However, I ran KL adequately from 4 double sockets (yes, there were some extension leads lurking at times) so 6 is an advance!



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I've been in the bunker since 9am. Well, I spent the first hour outside on the patio with the chop saw, cutting as much timber to size as I could before the weather deteriorated.


Here's a pic of frames 5 and 6, waiting to be filled with insulation. I have a bit left from last week so I'll be back out in a minute.





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Long Marton runs mostly on a single 15A socket, wired into a 100' extension cord, that feeds 18 plugs & a further extension cord (with 3 more outlets), so a total of 21 outlets are available.  Not all of them are used, because of using wall warts for power supplies.  Overall power demand isn't that high- 240w available for track, probably about the same for other uses.  (60w for LED lights, and at least as much for the DCC system's overheads- for detection systems & microcontrollers).  That's for Long Marton, there are also wall outlets all around the place which can be used for construction. 



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Long Marton runs mostly on a single 15A socket, wired into a 100' extension cord, that feeds 18 plugs & a further extension cord (with 3 more outlets), so a total of 21 outlets are available.  Not all of them are used, because of using wall warts for power supplies.  Overall power demand isn't that high- 240w available for track, probably about the same for other uses.  (60w for LED lights, and at least as much for the DCC system's overheads- for detection systems & microcontrollers).  That's for Long Marton, there are also wall outlets all around the place which can be used for construction. 




You've made my day - and made me laugh. You're correct about the power demand, but it's a funny thought of 21 items running off the one socket.


It's the kind of thing I used to do when I was still at my parents - well, maybe 8 appliances max off one socket. I'd argue wattage and current demand until I was blue in the face with my dad, but he was having none of it!


Ok, prepare yourself for someone posting "When I was a lad we couldn't afford sockets in the wall - so we ran 10x (where x is greater than one) appliances off a single socket. We all gathered round the cable in the evenings to keep warm...."



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Have they started filming Kirby Luneside 3 yet, in time for next year's Oscars?


Looking good Jeff.


Oh yes, Peter. Starring Meryl Streep (Andy Peters), Russell Crowe (Jason Thomas) and a cast of dozens....


You're into photography - would you like to be the cinematic director?



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You've made my day - and made me laugh. You're correct about the power demand, but it's a funny thought of 21 items running off the one socket.


It's the kind of thing I used to do when I was still at my parents - well, maybe 8 appliances max off one socket. I'd argue wattage and current demand until I was blue in the face with my dad, but he was having none of it!


Ok, prepare yourself for someone posting "When I was a lad we couldn't afford sockets in the wall - so we ran 10x (where x is greater than one) appliances off a single socket. We all gathered round the cable in the evenings to keep warm...."




It's so true though-the main power supplies for Long Marton is the DCS 100 and  DB150's, all of which draw 5.7A @ 12V (so 70w/each), with 4 total.  Then, there is the LED lighting transformer (60w), the 4w relay power supply, the 30w wall wart for the BDL 168's in the staging, the 12w wall wart for the LNRP, the 60w transformer for the furnace BDL 168 (massive overkill !), the 70w power supply for DC supplies on Long Marton, the 70 w Power Supply for the station lights, the corner 70W power supply (again for BDL's, and the one of the reversing units).  Lots of similar units, I have fairly well standardized on the "Solar" 5.7A/12V switched power supplies, using them slowly to replace other ones, so that the layout is consistent. 


All of them are fed by the very long extension lead, so that all I have to do is turn on (or off) the switch to turn on or off LM.  That minimizes some of the wiring difficulties that otherwise occur.  That power supply includes a light, so that it is visible when the DCC power supplies are live.  No worries about the cord glowing red at night.


If you want to see poor wiring done by extension cord, you should see my dad's basement...



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Sockets? Sockets? when I was a lad we used to plug it all in the light!


Actually we did have a bayonet plug for doing that on the railway, but it was used for the controller! Mind you I have a collection of wierd and wonderful mains plugs and adapters for light sockets now......


Andy G

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Sockets? Sockets? when I was a lad we used to plug it all in the light!


Actually we did have a bayonet plug for doing that on the railway, but it was used for the controller! Mind you I have a collection of wierd and wonderful mains plugs and adapters for light sockets now...


Andy G


Don't tell me you've got a "weird and wonderful" adaptor that connects your house to your signal box....


Ssshhh - it's ok, I won't tell anyone!



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Can I be played by Jim Boardbent or Timothy Spall?


It's ok, Clive. You can have a walk-on part as yourself. Dressed like your avatar you could man the station, goods shed or signal box - as you prefer!



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It's ok, Clive. You can have a walk-on part as yourself. Dressed like your avatar you could man the station, goods shed or signal box - as you prefer!



As Mr Peters would say HAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh:

Edited by Clive Mortimore
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As an aside, can I point out that if some layout modelling, S&C style, is what you want - have a look at Ben's Ais Gill thread.


I'm surprised more people haven't offered comments about what he's doing.



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It's ok, Clive. You can have a walk-on part as yourself. Dressed like your avatar you could man the station, goods shed or signal box - as you prefer!



But he's wearing a Guard's hat! What would the brothers say?

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