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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff, I was beginning to wonder when you were going to fit that big heavy MR bufferstop.

The railway is really coming on and you're putting my progress with Wharfeside to shame.... :beee:


All the best,


Dave Franks.

Hi Dave.


Apologies for the time it's taken for me to reply.


The Heavy buffer is a chunky bit of work. I hadn't realised it was so "heavy duty" until I assembled it next to a standard buffer.


I'll probably build the one for the cattle dock tomorrow and get the tracks ballasted up to the buffer plates.


As for progress, well, my interest comes in bursts. There are a lot of little jobs to do on my current list - mostly tasks that are 90% complete and need finishing. I need to keep kicking myself to do them before I start the next significant job - the signal box.



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Those buffer stops look very good Jef. When I was building my Grassington layout back in 1966, I had to scratch build my stops as no kits were available. Those stops have been used. on Kirkby Malham, after duty on Canal Road and KM Mark 1. They were built out of rail so are quite strong and can be carefully taken up without damage.

Your layout is looking good. I like the vegetation you have ‘grown’. Looks very natural.


Edited by Mrkirtley800
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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers Derek.


We can forget that not so long ago most stuff on a layout had to be scratch built. As for Dave's buffer stops - I've not come across anyone who dislikes them. They are easily assembled and look the part.


Glad you like my growing vegetation. It took a while to convince me, as I like the look of clean embankments. But as more stuff is added, it looks more realistic. I might "grow" a few shrubby bushes tomorrow!


Good to hear from you. Hope all is well, especially with the heart valves.



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  • RMweb Premium

As I mentioned a little earlier, I need some "bitty" days to finish off nearly-done jobs. So I've got on with a few so far today.


The cobbled section at the end of the goods shed has been completed - it'll be filled and painted tomorrow.




Four buffers have now been permanently glued in place, and a ballast covering added. Weathering can start once the PVA has set.






And that section of hillside you're sick of seeing has had a bit of longer grass mixed in. Yes, it still needs a bit of shrubbery and stumpy trees.






I'm about to do some mods to the too-neat grass between the goods shed and the signal box location.



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  • RMweb Premium

The end of the setts has been DASd-up and primed, ready for the acrylic top coats.




And fair-sized mole-hills have sprouted among the grass of the yard....when the DAS is set it'll be treated to the usual groundworks approach. 






Apologies for the mundane nature of the images. Bread-and-butter modelling. I can't conjure an A3 out of a ballasted buffer stop!



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  • RMweb Premium

Don't worry about no A3 you are giving me some ideas for tomorrow mornings session in my shed ,like the addition of longer grass on the embankment.

Glad to be of service....


I recommend putting some 12mm grass onto the embankment, if only to add a slight colour contrast and some height variation.


I put quite a lot of the long fibres onto the bank at the rear of the yard, under the guise that that particular bank was well removed from the main running lines and might be allowed to grow a bit wilder.


The current bank isn't, so is being kept more under control. Still needs darkening a touch more with some green

Fine Turf though.



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  • RMweb Premium

I've done a rare thing (for me) today, and had a trawl around about a dozen of the most popular layout threads (non S&C).


Bit of an eye-opener. Quite a few have very little current layout content, just pages and pages of inane chatter, going nowhere. Made me think - but then, each to their own, I suppose.


I only mention this because I (probably stupidly!) feel guilty when there are no relevant updates on here.


It's also a shame that some of the more stunning - and to my mind more filled with practicality - layouts have recently ground to a halt or been "terminated".


And no, I don't want pages of non-layout woffle on here! :nono:  :nono: :nono:  :nono:  




Edit: Keyboard taking the p again.

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  • RMweb Premium

So here's an update....


"Mole hills" painted brown, awaiting flock.


Buffer stop ballast given the first of what will likely be 3 or 4 weathering washes.


Granite sett end section painted.


A new set of DAS strips currently drying, to allow another 40cm of wall to be built.


Wow..... exciting, eh?


Sorry folks, I'm in a fairly cynical mood at the moment!



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  • RMweb Premium

A few pics to add to the comments in my previous post.


A view of the grass area, with a few "mounds"/less-grassed areas. The flock will be left overnight to thoroughly dry and grass toppings will be added. At this moment in time I've no idea how the grass will appear, once done. A bit chaotic, I think!




Then the lie-by buffer stop - after one dose of ballast weathering. More tomorrow.




The third pic shows the newly encroaching wall. Only 300 stones so far...





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  • RMweb Premium

A relatively early start to proceedings today.


I've added a DAS edging along the left side of the setts (between the setts and the rear sidings) to produce a small earth buffer. The DAS will take a day to set, so paint and flock tomorrow.


Presently working on the new section of wall - after the latest coffee break!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Another batch of pics.


The first shows the DAS layer along the left side of the setts. Still drying.




The next 4 are different angles on the goods yard and the on-going walling. I think I've now reached 17 metres of walling, or around 50,000 stones. Is that enough for a tribunal to declare me insane?











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Hi Jeff,


No need to go to the lengths of a tribunal - a quick glance at the layout then the mirror-  then the layout then the mirror, I'm sure you will see the answer ...........coat -n- hat eh!!! Keep up the good work mate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


No need to go to the lengths of a tribunal - a quick glance at the layout then the mirror-  then the layout then the mirror, I'm sure you will see the answer ...........coat -n- hat eh!!! Keep up the good work mate.


I daren't look in the mirror, Mike.


It's too scary - for both me AND the mirror.....


I suppose your Anhydrite wagon build is as much a labour of love - and insanity - as my wall build. Both take time and both are essential parts of the S&C.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jeff, it probably appeared some time ago, if so I have forgotten, but have we seen the start of the station building as seen at the edge of that third photo?


Those walls are quintessentially part of the S&C scene, as is that goods shed. There's no need to see a train to know where we are.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff, it probably appeared some time ago, if so I have forgotten, but have we seen the start of the station building as seen at the edge of that third photo?Those walls are quintessentially part of the S&C scene, as is that goods shed. There's no need to see a train to know where we are.

Jonathan, the ply shell of the main part of the station appeared on page 175, post 4367.


It was constructed in my mad burst of July scratch building. I still need to finish off the DAS goods shed and, if you remember, there's also a part made goods shed with Wills sheet coverings (I'll probably use similar for the station, DAS is too fiddly for that).


At some stage I need to exchange a few PMs on the subject of the station and signal box. I need your advice on something. I'll get to those matters, maybe, in a month or so.



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  • RMweb Gold

Jonathan, the ply shell of the main part of the station appeared on page 175, post 4367.


It was constructed in my mad burst of July scratch building. I still need to finish off the DAS goods shed and, if you remember, there's also a part made goods shed with Wills sheet coverings (I'll probably use similar for the station, DAS is too fiddly for that).


At some stage I need to exchange a few PMs on the subject of the station and signal box. I need your advice on something. I'll get to those matters, maybe, in a month or so.



Would be a pleasure to help if I can, Jeff.

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  • RMweb Gold

The next 4 are different angles on the goods yard and the on-going walling. I think I've now reached 17 metres of walling, or around 50,000 stones. Is that enough for a tribunal to declare me insane?





Superb as ever Jeff!  The bigger question in my opinion ... which is the more remarkable ( I was going to say insane! ) the fact that you've used 50,000 stones on the layout ... or that you counted!!  Now the latter one could be enough  :onthequiet:  :jester:


To quote that well known episode of that wartime comedy .... 'Vee are taking ze notes!'



Edited by MarshLane
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  • RMweb Premium

Peter, Jonathan, Rich - thanks for the comments.


As for the bricks..... I don't actually count them, as such. I do know (roughly) how many stones are needed to build a typical length of, say, 50cm of wall. The walls DO vary in height as it's impossible to keep everything the same. But then again, the real thing is variable. So, on average, a given wall of 11 or so courses has 28 stones per cm. Hence my estimate.


Jonathan, no mystery behind my PMs, it's to do with etched window frames. You've given me some references on previous occasions, and I want to discuss a few things to do with this.



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  • RMweb Gold

As for the bricks..... I don't actually count them, as such. I do know (roughly) how many stones are needed to build a typical length of, say, 50cm of wall. The walls DO vary in height as it's impossible to keep everything the same. But then again, the real thing is variable. So, on average, a given wall of 11 or so courses has 28 stones per cm. Hence my estimate.


Ah well in that case, I think your safe from being declared insane :) ... but some would say it was a close run thing :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah well in that case, I think your safe from being declared insane :) ... but some would say it was a close run thing :)




Good job I'm a good fibber.....




.... hang on. Who's that at the door?


Men in white coats.......

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


Senior moment!!! I'm sure we discussed the signalbox ages ago and I said I had some bits for you, I will look for them tonight - honest, dunces cap awaits. :scratchhead:


Mike, thanks for that. The signal box build will probably start in a couple of weeks. Ben (Ais Gill) sent me a surplus Ratio kit to use as an outline template.


At this moment in time my planning is a blank sheet. Anything you send may be of use.





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Tonight's pics.


A bit of (distinctly ill-coloured) vegetation applied along the side of the setts. The "sickly" yellow-green colour isn't too apparent on the photos, though a comparison of the grass and sett vegetation on the last pic might bring out the difference.


Who wouldn't feel sick growing in soil polluted with years of coal, iron and other crap (technical term) from the sidings spillage?


First pic - flock mix applied liberally onto PVA. Second pic - 2 hours later after vacuuming. Third pic....








I've also made a change to something else in the goods yard. Details tomorrow.



Edited by Physicsman
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