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Kirkby Luneside


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Evening Jeff,

I hope nothing more serious than filial duty is making you stay a further week? By the look of the forecast you are in for some rough and very wet weather! Batten down the hatches,

Kind regards,


Thanks Jock.


Dad's struggling a bit at the moment, but nothing too serious. So it's good to sort out my priorities and spend some more time with him.


Pretty awful weather but plenty of time to think through LOTS of ideas for future KL2 work!!



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Andy, James...


I'll do my best to create some "mood lighting" for the Fell. The general lighting is much improved for KL2 as I'm using fluorescents rather than halogen spots. However, I'm aware of the effect that spot lighting had on the Fell and I know Andy really liked it. So I'll be rigging something up!


The aluminium garage door runner frames are still in place - just above where the Fell-top will be. I'll use this in a manner similar to a theatre lighting rig (that runs above the stage) and mount some individual spots, shining down onto the Fell. I can hopefully create some nice shadows. Different coloured lighting? That's something I've not thought of trying - worth a go!!



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Just popped in to look at any comments.


I'm starting to miss the Bunker, especially as I've got the next few steps planned out. I think a new tunnel portal will also be on the agenda as well as work to generate the outline valley landscape near the viaduct.


Too much thinking worries me. It's amazing how much is involved in building a layout!!



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LED lightbulbs seem all the rage at the moment Jeff.


Supposed to be much more economical, as well as being very bright.

I'll have to look into what's available in the colour lighting area. It's quite exciting having the potential to light the Fell and surroundings in something other than "white" light. I also need to acquire some different fluorescent tubes. I like the ones I'm using but "daylight" tubes have been mentioned a number of times on here.



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Just popped in to look at any comments.


I'm starting to miss the Bunker, especially as I've got the next few steps planned out. I think a new tunnel portal will also be on the agenda as well as work to generate the outline valley landscape near the viaduct.


Too much thinking worries me. It's amazing how much is involved in building a layout!!



Know exactly how you feel Jeff. I'm half way through wiring my new railway shed at the moment and was tossing and turning all night thinking about the next part of the installation and how I was going to get x number of cables into a conduit pipe into the workshop end. I'd run out of brown cable last thing on Saturday so have been unable to make any progress today as the wholesaler does open on a Sunday.  :banghead:

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You can also get led "tubes" which replace fluorescent ones. They are more expensive than fluorescents, but a bit more efficient, and should save money in the long run. With the fittings I have all I had to do was unplug the starter, so the conversion is easily reversible.

I have tried the led tapes, but found them a little disappointing. Not regarding light output, which is excellent, perhaps even too bright, but they can be a problem to mount. Recently I bought some 1m modules where the tape is mounted in an aluminium extrusion. These are much easier to put up. 12v plugtop supplies for them are easily sourced.

I have found that some sort of fascia is needed with any variation of the led tape as the direct brightness is uncomfortable. Another point to notice is that there are several different sized led chips used, which may make a difference in brighness per metre.

I can give details of what I've used if that's any help.



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Know exactly how you feel Jeff. I'm half way through wiring my new railway shed at the moment and was tossing and turning all night thinking about the next part of the installation and how I was going to get x number of cables into a conduit pipe into the workshop end. I'd run out of brown cable last thing on Saturday so have been unable to make any progress today as the wholesaler does open on a Sunday.  :banghead:

Have patience, my friend....


"Good things come to those that wait! "


So I've been told.....



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You can also get led "tubes" which replace fluorescent ones. They are more expensive than fluorescents, but a bit more efficient, and should save money in the long run. With the fittings I have all I had to do was unplug the starter, so the conversion is easily reversible.I have tried the led tapes, but found them a little disappointing. Not regarding light output, which is excellent, perhaps even too bright, but they can be a problem to mount. Recently I bought some 1m modules where the tape is mounted in an aluminium extrusion. These are much easier to put up. 12v plugtop supplies for them are easily sourced.I have found that some sort of fascia is needed with any variation of the led tape as the direct brightness is uncomfortable. Another point to notice is that there are several different sized led chips used, which may make a difference in brighness per metre.I can give details of what I've used if that's any help.Dave

Dave, I'm a fair way away from doing anything about the lighting at the moment. BUT I'm a great believer in the value of information, recommendations and advanced planning. So any details you wish to post on here will be gratefully received - photos as well, if possible!


It'll probably spark further discussion and enlighten me (pun intended) about things I currently know little about.



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You'll note from the time of posting that I'm having trouble sleeping at the moment!

Really cheered to read that it is nothing serious that is detaining you - the Bunker will doubtless still be waiting when you get back!

Safe journey when you do set out

Kind regards,


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You'll note from the time of posting that I'm having trouble sleeping at the moment!

Really cheered to read that it is nothing serious that is detaining you - the Bunker will doubtless still be waiting when you get back!

Safe journey when you do set out

Kind regards,


Thanks Jock.


Nothing serious - just nice to be able to stay with dad and help out for an extended period. Puts other things in perspective and also provides time to plan and rethink previous ideas.

Hope you get some decent sleep tonight!



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Update: Still in Barrow with dad. I've placed an order for more ply/timber and insulation board for Fell and rear-station work.


The stuff will be delivered next Wednesday, so work will re-commence then.



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I don't think you're the only one getting withdrawal symptoms.


Keep taking the tablets, Mike!!


Being away from the layout-build for the best part of 2 weeks certainly boosts the appetite to push on!



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Nothing new to report - mainly checking in!


Schemes for using bridges from KL on the new layout passing through my head - we'll see when I get home.


Any further comments/suggestions welcome at this quiet time.



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After your break jeff you'll be itching to chop up all that new recticel when its delivered!



Yes Ben.


I've ordered 4 8' x 4' 50mm sheets to get me started on the hillsides. I love this aspect of layout building. Trying to integrate the railway into the "landscape" is great fun!



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Sounds great Jeff, I'm getting excited for you! That's one of the most satisfying bits!! !! for me, too.

I remember reading you wanted some suggestions for something, but I never saw what? That's the trouble with getting sidetracked - I miss out on stuff!

Hi Jam.


You didn't miss anything - my comment was just to invite any ideas that anyone might have. It's always good to listen to what others might say, especially as they sometimes have a bit more "perspective " than me.


I'm taking the tablets at the moment, as for the last few nights I've fallen asleep thinking up variations on the way to build the Fell. Beats counting sheep!!



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Jeff, we might be a little pushy around here at times, but remember, your dad is a finite resource, and when he's gone, that's it.  So, if it pleases you more to be there with him than here with us, do it, don't worry about Kirkby Luneside, we can always go read Tony W. or someone else's thread.  


"I wanted to spend less time with dad" said very few people once dad dies...  


It kind of does put it all into prospective as to what is important in life.  I know my spring plan is to go help dad move in with his ladyfriend, which should be a good 4+ week adventure.  (also, if any of you are planning on attending, going to Great British Train Show, with a layout...).  It's not about how much work we get done, but about a bit of time together.  It's not like I can nip over for a visit- it's 5 hours flying time from here to there (and more normally, 12+ hrs travel time).  It's even worse to go see my mum- who is more like 16 hrs travel from here.  (although geographically about 700 km closer).  So, take advantage of what you have got, it's a benefit.  


Anyway, while we would love to see progress, don't put off spending time with your dad & brother on our behalf, 



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Thanks James. Spot on!


I came over to see dad (a mere 2 hour drive) about 2 weeks ago. Planned to be here for a week - going home on Tuesday. My brother is still at work so doesn't have the flexibility that I have. I'll be back in Cumbria before Christmas.


As for being pushy.... Well, I think the Lunesters have got it right, which is why I pay so much attention to you all!



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