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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

Bit like the inside of my head then :O  :scared:  :scared: :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  


The "funny" doesn't imply I'm agreeing with your comment, Andy!


Peter - in KL I cluttered the exit from the station to the viaduct with a link to the branch line. Nice pointwork, but superfluous and it complicated things. I much prefer it as in "the original".



Edited by Physicsman
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  • RMweb Premium

What length of train will you be able to accommodate in those platforms, Jeff?


Good question. Roughly 5 feet (~ 150cm), so a loco and 4 coaches.


Though I'll be predominantly running freight.



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  • RMweb Premium

Two or three coach locals would look good Jeff, so they can be "lost" in the length of the platform.


Yes, very true. I'll also be running 2 and 3-car class 108 DMUs through there, though the motive power will be dominated by steam.


I re-checked the platform lengths: 160cm at a push, so not bad - and larger than I had planned for KL.



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Looking good now Jeff and it's nice to see how it is all going to turn out later.


If I can ask one favour, can you not use blue text over the cork in the picture, I struggle to read that and it looks more like 'read no good yarn' :scratchhead: , I have now managed to decipher it by clicking on it and magnifying it whilst holding the laptop upside down and squinting :O :no:


Oh and as for spectacles I have 5 pairs and I know where they all are, it's just the cases they are in I've lost.


All the best



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  • RMweb Premium

Jim, that's a fair request, especially as I can't read the bottom bit of blue text, either!! I think it reads "road leading to the goods yard", or words to that effect! It all looked clear when I drew the things on Paint, but once on here....


For anyone that knows Kirkby Stephen (West) station, KL2 is an approximation. I make no apologies for using it as a prototype as it's a lovely place. However, I don't have the space to carry off a straight "copy" in 00, and such a feat has been done before - "Kirkby Stephen West" by the Huddersfield MRC being an excellent example. It provides me with enough operational interest to keep me going and plenty for 2 operators. So I've nicked the outline structure and will do my own thing. Maybe that's just a kop-out way of saying I'm not talented enough to do a full copy!


Whatever, my version allows me to include a curved viaduct, sweeping approach to curved platforms and the (ridiculous) Fell - which I need to give me my scenic fix (walls etc).


I would say again, I welcome constructively critical comments. Tell me what you don't like, but not because it's "not the same as the original". And offer suggestions, if you can! So long as the layout operates well and provides entertainment in the build and resulting aesthetics, I'm a happy man!!



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  • RMweb Gold

Tell me what you don't like

Am I allowed to tell you what I do like?


Without waiting for a response to the question I'll plough on... I very much like the road leaving the station dropping down behind the track and appearing from under the bridge. Not because that's what the real KS has, but because it gives a much greater impression of the undulating terrain with the railway (and indeed the road) built into the landscape rather than the landscape slotted in around the railway.


And as for the fell... I'm eagerly awaiting that as the one on KS was something quite spectacular and your comments about improvements to your walling techniques and larger space make the thoughts of this one fantastic!


Kind regards, Neil

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I completey agree with you jeff about the layout being based on kirkby stephen and not a carbon copy.

I have the same sort of approch with ais gill,i simply dont have the room in the loft to get it to 00 gauge scale and every part of whats at the real location exactly right.

On the layout ive missed out the "small" curved viaduct with a couple of houses below it because i just havent got the space for it.

For me the important part of building a layout based on somewhere or just made up is enjoying it.

A couple of years ago i popped over to middlesbroughs exhibition and seen huddersfields club layout of kirkby stephen.

Very impressive but its absolutley huge! And thats without those big fells your planning on building again with KL2!




Looks like your enjoying and making good

progress jeff with the layout.





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Jeff, and Ben,

Same here as I've now drawn out a plan resembling Hurlford MPD, and I've had to alter quite a bit to fit the limited space - the coal stage in the model will be the same size as the original because I simply don't have the space for the ricketty double sized one that was cobbled up eventually! The shed will have to be shortened to fit, and the curve into the site will be a lot tighter than the full size one.

When all is said and done, it's your railway - apply rule one!

Kind regards,


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It's not just my eyes then, I thought it was my dodgy colour vision as I always have problems with either red or blue text.


As for your project I just love hills and viaducts and as long the result has a realistic feel to it that's OK by me. As you know I try to follow the real thing as close as possible but with virtually no original buildings left it's not easy and I sometimes model my interpretation of what I think it looks like, however that sometimes proves wrong as some new pictures have been found of old Hemyock showing that one of my cottages is wrong, too late now though as I'm not doing it again.


So all in all as long as we catch the essence of the place all is well.


Still annoyed by that ruddy cottage though, he should have left the pictures in his dads loft. :mosking: :mosking:



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  • RMweb Premium

Great bunch of comments showing that common-sense is alive and well amongst the Lunesters.


As far as I'm concerned, enjoyment has to be the prime reason for doing what we do. Whatever the level you model, if you enjoy it then - great. I really dislike anyone with a "superior than thou" attitude who will point out any faults but not offer suggestions as to how to correct them. Or - as is often the case - NEVER show anything they've built....


We all make compromises and the great thing on the S&C (and others, such as Neil's and Jim's) threads is how supportive people are. This actually makes it MUCH easier to offer "criticism" without worrying that offence will be taken. It doesn't mean we're a bunch of yes-men, it simply means that the good old trait of helpfulness is alive and well.


If I'm honest, there are some parts of KL2 which - at the moment - I haven't the foggiest how I'm going to build. But I can tell you that it'll be a LOT of fun trying to figure out how to do it!!!!!



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Don't fret Jeff, you're layout certainly captures the S&C very well.


Your picture above, without any locos, rolling stock or buildings, couldn't be anywhere else but the S&C. That typical MR tracklayout, the sweeping curves, the feeling of "space" (inner, not outer....)


Anyway, a totally irrelevant picture, just to show I do (very occasionally) do some modelling.....


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Don't fret Jeff, you're layout certainly captures the S&C very well.Your picture above, without any locos, rolling stock or buildings, couldn't be anywhere else but the S&C. That typical MR tracklayout, the sweeping curves, the feeling of "space" (inner, not outer....)Anyway, a totally irrelevant picture, just to show I do (very occasionally) do some modelling.....attachicon.gifFile2108.jpg


I think there as probably been enough evidence of that fact in most of the Railway Modelling magazines over many years!

Kind regards,


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The platforms at Long Marton were only about enough for 5 coaches- I'm not sure that any except Appleby were long enough for the expresses on the S&C.   So, running through a longer train will still look fine.  (up to 12 coaches on some, I have a list if you want it?) 


I'm still unsure how some parts of Long Marton will be done, and I have been working on it for 12 years !.  (well, more like, it has existed for 12 years...)  It always comes down to time balance for me as well.  Which hobby gets my time at any point...depends on what my interests are right now.  Long Marton has sat for basically a year since I did any real work on it.  I've done lots of modeling in there, just none that involved LM.  Which is fine, because it is not hurting anything by being where it is, and I enjoy it when I get around to working on it.



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Having been more than privileged to see KL and even bnen aloud to PLAY on it I can see many things on 2 that are already better, the long curved platform for one thing. With Pencarne I said from the outset that it would be mainly Freight, which it is, but now, seeing a 7 Coach Train behind a Type 3 or 4 just sitting in the curved Platform is inspiring. When Jeff sets out the first of the 20 plus Coal Trains or Vans and it comes over the Viaduct and through the Station then he will truly get the EUROIKA moment. I'm hoping to be aloud to visit KL2 and have another Play. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Andy.


I don't think there's any doubt that I'll be hoping you can get up here and have an extended "play" on KL2. 


Hopefully, it'll be as much fun as last time. I think we should aim for more than 50 wagons behind the 9F next time?!



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  • RMweb Premium

Update on KL2:


Another 2 turnouts and some curved sections of track have been fitted today. I'm now exiting the goods yard at the opposite end of the layout to the viaduct, so good progress.


I'm out for a curry this evening but I'll pop into the Bunker when I get back and take a couple of photos. By then the PVA should all have dried and cleared.


Btw, to clear up possible confusion (I was asked about this); I only stick the SMP track sections with PVA glue. All the turnouts are held firmly in place by the multiple connections, droppers and the actuator wire from the Cobalt motors - no glue needed.



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Hi Jeff,


No, no, no! You must be pedantic and model KL2 exactly like KL2.............Oh erm......you drew the plans which means you are, well that's okay then, ain't it!  :jester:


Have fun mate, that's all that matters.

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  • RMweb Premium

Now Jeff, you are going to lay the goods yard before staring the Scenics this time, right? If I have to lay unconnected lengths of SMP to give a representation of it again, I'll .... I'll .... I'll .... Modify your Black Fives when you go for a poo.

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