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Kirkby Luneside


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A further update on progress with more piccies!!


The framework with a bit of cross-bracing and part of the baseboard top - this isn't fixed down, just sat on joists. The fiddle yard board was (fortunately) dead level with the bit done previously! Yippee!






Here's the 45cm wide gap that will become a lift out section, making access a bit easier:




And there's a lot more room in the operating well than with KL - and it's much better lit:




Yes, yee wits - the boxes will be moved....!


A view looking toward the fridges and one from "fridge corner":







Edited by Physicsman
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More good woodwork

Deffo trains running before xmas!!


Ben, let's just say that I'll be seriously upset if there isn't a loco running - even a few feet - by the end of this month.


But I am a bit on the slow side when it comes to tracklaying. And as for ballasting - but that bit's for next year!!



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Just for future reference, how many can you fit in the bunker when "the balloon goes up"? I trust you keep the fridges topped-up with supplies.


Interesting question, Peter. I hadn't really thought about it!


However, I'd say three would be easily accommodated. As for the fridges.... Well, at the moment one has around 20 bottles of fizzy drink while the other two (switched off) are stocked with wine, brandy and the like. So - just lock the Bunker door and get into the swing!!



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I have to admit to being a bit concerned about what scale you're building KL2 for. Especially if the arch in the 4th photo is for the new viaduct. :jester:


Seriously though, looking good


Definitely 00, Duncan!


Not much happening this weekend as I'll be away for a couple of days. However, before then, I hope to plan out - using track - the entry into the fiddle yard from the viaduct, so I can work out where to fix the baseboard joists.


And I need to re-stock with screws - again..... I'd estimate I've used well over 1000 in the frames, so far.



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The tables which have the fiddle yard for Long Marton contain most of the screws used, but I probably have less than 1000 in total in LM.  The Lego has way more, because each table uses something like 50 screws, and there are a fair # of tables.  Nothing like the # of drywall screws I used in building the room though, 48 per sheet, 50 sheets of drywall in the addition to the house.  Good news: you can buy drywall screws in cases of 5000.  (anyone need about a thousand?)

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A quick "look in" from me. Since I'm away from the Bunker for a couple of days I've been scheming-up future plans! Anyone for a short 6" x 4" L-girder (I've got plenty of 4 x 2, but no lengths of 3 x 2 or 3 x 1)?


Keep the discussion going, folks. And btw, other than the use of PVA (with screws) to make the L-girders, everything else is held in place by gravity and screws.



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A collection of pics from Friday and today.


View across the main fiddle yard board / link board from fiddle yard to viaduct / planning out track directions and support joists under the board....













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Two bits of 4x 2 would make a good 6x4 L girder probably strong enough for legs about 3  or 4 metres apart. Coming on nicely.



Don, very true about the 4 x 2 combination! In the end I "made do" with 4 x 2 and 3 x 2, giving a puny 6 x 3. Needless to say, it needs additional reinforcement (only joking!!)


Fixing the fiddle yard boards in place today, then I'll spend the next day or so sticking more cork down prior to final track marking. Then it'll be time to lay the real thing - track!!



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Update: The 8' x 4' fiddle yard board shown in the previous photos has been sectioned, allowing easier removal of the track sections, if needed. Kept as one board, with the rather "small" Fell sat across part of it it'd be difficult to make modifications (or save the track sections) - as I found with KL. The fiddle yard now consists of 4 boards, each approx. 4' x 2'4".


These boards are all attached from below, so finding the relevant screw to undo - when covered with cork or a hillside - is easy.


I'll do some cork laying tomorrow, as I said in a previous post.



Edited by Physicsman
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm sorry your fiddle yard board has been sectioned. I hope it will soon be better. How did you get two docs to go into your bunker?


Hat, coat....


Bloomin' eck.....the wit of the Lunesters these days!!


Very good, Jonathan!



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Well, somebody would have done if I hadn't....


Off to Edinburgh tomorrow on a first class senior railcard cheapie day return, so a visit to Harburn Hobbies will be on the cards.

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Well, somebody would have done if I hadn't....


Off to Edinburgh tomorrow on a first class senior railcard cheapie day return, so a visit to Harburn Hobbies will be on the cards.


I've done a fair amount of online business with Harburn in the past, along with a few telephone conversations. Along with Kernow, I've found them to give the friendliest and most consistent service. Jonathan - don't take your wallet as you'll likely find lots to buy in the "Aladdin's Cave"!!


Closer to home, more corking has been done and the track route marked out from the goods yard end to the fiddle yard. The corner linking the two has the tightest radius curves, at 34" (86cm), which I'm pleased with. The corresponding point on KL was a tight 26".


And I've run out of screws - again. "Lessons will be learned" - appropriate comment from an ex-Physics teacher!



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Harburn Hobbies

"Jonathan - don't take your wallet as you'll likely find lots to buy in the "Aladdin's Cave"!! "



Too late, I've written my shopping list. Also SWMBO is into dolls' houses, they stock bits and bobs.

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Update: Nearly all the cork has now gone down, with the track route marked on top. I'm currently working on the last quarter of the fiddle yard.


Will post a few pics tomorrow - the last before track starts to be fitted!!



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Cheers Jock.


Here's a couple of pics showing the clockwise roads in the fiddle yard: main line plus 3 plus 2 side roads/cassette inputs.


More than adequate for what I need, though the lift up and position of the viaduct imposed small restrictions. 









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