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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

I've ordered another 60 metres of timber for delivery next Tuesday. Hopefully I could have the fiddle yard area ready for track by the end of next week. Sat in Barrow, getting wood-cutting withdrawal symptoms!!



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I knew I'd miss out some key bit of information....


So - hopefully Christmas THIS year and grass on the Fell by spring 16 (that's TWENTY 16 btw! ), yes.


Duncan - I've already been "committed" - I'm a Luny Lunester!!


Keep the pressure on in a nice way and I'll see what I can manage to do.




P.s. It's been dry in Barrow until I arrived. Since then it's been pi55ing down!!

Well there might well be grass on the fells by the spring but as they were no fells this year it's going to be a bit short of sheep as you missed the 'tupping' season  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:

Now who's been 'committed' 

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  • RMweb Premium

You've got me wondering where all my sheep are stored. I don't recall seeing them as I searched every box for a Cobalt template...


Reminds me of the extensive sheep discussion in the depths of KL.


In the absence of action, today's mind games have focused on the construction of the Fell using insulation board. Given the available space, angle of Fell (max 35 degrees) and starting points, it looks like the top of the Fell will be around 6 feet above floor level.


A lot of wall-building ahead!



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You've got me wondering where all my sheep are stored. I don't recall seeing them as I searched every box for a Cobalt template...


Reminds me of the extensive sheep discussion in the depths of KL.


In the absence of action, today's mind games have focused on the construction of the Fell using insulation board. Given the available space, angle of Fell (max 35 degrees) and starting points, it looks like the top of the Fell will be around 6 feet above floor level.


A lot of wall-building ahead!



All I can say regarding those missing sheep is: 


MINT SAUCE    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  :jester: 

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  • RMweb Premium

Glad to hear your plan will run up to substantial heights above the datum.


:).  I think KL2 will be a very substantial layout for scenic design in the UK.



Glad you think so, James.


I can certainly guarantee a few changes in level on KL2. And the use of insulation board should make things a bit easier to construct.



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Ive been using on ais gill an extruded poly insulation board that jewsons sell jeff called recticel if you havent bought any already?

They sell it in all different sizes and thicknesses

The 1200 x 600 50 mm thick sheets cost £4.30 each and are very easy to cut and not that messy.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good choice with the Recticel. I used it for all the insulation in the Bunker walls and floor. Page 7 post # 158 shows the first batch delivered I January.


I've found it just as effective as Kingspan at two-thirds the price.


I'm looking forward to a cold winter to test out the Bunker!!



Edited by Physicsman
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Jeff,

On the mend here and looking forward to the next lesson. Hope you enjoyed your time in the Lake District and that your father was in good shape,

Kind regards,


Good to hear from you, Jock.


I'm still in Barrow, going home tomorrow. Hoping to get a good look at the eclipse on Monday morning - and get some photos.


The next batch of wood arrives on Tuesday, so that'll keep me busy!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Getting close to some track-laying, my friend?


Not quite, Jonathan. The timber for the fiddle yard structure arrives on Tuesday, so that'll take me a few days to sort out. In the meantime I'm just checking that everything is going to fit!!


Track may start to be fitted in a fortnight's time - not bad as I only started work in the Bunker on August 24. Much faster than KL....



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Hello Jeff,

Just a couple of questions:


1. Will there be any form of superelevation on the mainline curves?


2. Will the running lines be slightly higher than the adjacent loops and sidings?






Edited to make sense..........

Edited by Peter Kazmierczak
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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Peter - good questions.


Answers: No and No.


The prototype at Kirkby Stephen has its running lines at the same level, so KL2 will follow suit.


But, more relevant to the present situation, there is so much pointwork - including a single and double slip - in the station/goods area that I don't want operational problems generated by tie-bar gradients etc. Maybe some will do what you asked, not me.


There will be a demarcation of main/subsidiary lines via the quality and depth of the ballast infill.



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  • RMweb Premium

Update: My timber was delivered at 3pm. I've made the L-girders for the first fiddle yard table and I'm about to fit some legs.


Not very photogenic, so I'll wait until the next bit takes shape before I post some more pics!



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  • RMweb Gold

I was listening into a Police Radio channel many many years ago and a report came on that about 50 sheep had got out from a field and were on the road. The reply came back; well that'll soon be 200 Leg of Lamb. :O 


Strange sheep they have in Yorkshire - 4 hind legs.

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You've got me wondering where all my sheep are stored. I don't recall seeing them as I searched every box for a Cobalt template...


Reminds me of the extensive sheep discussion in the depths of KL.



Don't forget there's a small flock waiting for you here.

The only problem is, I don't have any cattle trucks on my layout to get them transported to Kirby Luneside...



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  • RMweb Premium

Strange sheep they have in Yorkshire - 4 hind legs.


Don't forget Joseph, they say "there's nowt as queer as Yorkshire folk" - and that includes their sheep!!


I speak as a Lancashire-born lad, but having lived among the wonderful Yorkshire folk for over half of my life.



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  • RMweb Premium

Don't forget there's a small flock waiting for you here.

The only problem is, I don't have any cattle trucks on my layout to get them transported to Kirby Luneside...




Alan, isn't the "bigger" problem that all your sheep are N gauge - if they were bought for your S&C layout?


I did buy a pack of N gauge sheep once, by mistake. They made very fine lambs!!



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Alan, isn't the "bigger" problem that all your sheep are N gauge - if they were bought for your S&C layout?


I did buy a pack of N gauge sheep once, by mistake. They made very fine lambs!!



You forget - I was a 00 modeller for years before the change came over me ...  :)

Going back to the KL1 sheep discussions... they're the 00 Giant Lakeland Blackface photographed on the n gauge layout.



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  • RMweb Premium

Aside from spending the last 3 nights until the early hours taking photos of the moon, I've managed a bit of progress with the fiddle yard structure. Here's a few pics to show work since the timber delivery yesterday afternoon.


Yes, I KNOW it's over-engineered, but what did you expect?  :scratchhead:  :scratchhead:  :no:  :O










Time for a short nap before tonight's photo session...



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