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This thread is always worth looking at and it's time you listened to your body and perhaps take a short break - don't want you making yourself ill like Andy did, with the possible knock on effect of you losing interest due to being over tired!

Please take care,

Kind regards,


PS About my relative absence, I've put an explanatory post in the lounge.

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Thanks Jock and it's good to see you back posting again.


To be honest, I feel very guilty about the lack of action on this thread. 6 weeks to convert the garage and then a long lull. It's one of the downsides to having a layout thread as everything occurs in real time in public. Something will eventually happen, but I do need a bit of a break before that. So does my wallet!!!!



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Thanks Jock and it's good to see you back posting again.


To be honest, I feel very guilty about the lack of action on this thread. 6 weeks to convert the garage and then a long lull. It's one of the downsides to having a layout thread as everything occurs in real time in public. Something will eventually happen, but I do need a bit of a break before that. So does my wallet!!!!



And so you should Young Man, you have a public that are expectant. :O  :senile:  :senile: :senile:  :senile:  :jester:  

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Time to head for the Fells Jeff and give RMWeb a well-deserved rest. A few days blowing away the cobwebs will do you a power of good! (Well, it did for Andrew!). I just hope you don't follow his lead and come back having decided to give up on the S&C in favour of the Grim, Wet and Rusty. That will never do Sirrah! Remember you are a Northern Lad born and bred! :nono: :nono: :nono:






PS: Don't forget to tell Bro which parts of the garden needs turning over while you're away! :whistle:

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And so you should Young Man, you have a public that are expectant. :O  :senile:  :senile: :senile:  :senile:  :jester:  


Not half as expectant as me! I stood in the bunker a couple of hours ago and imagined what might be there in a few months time.....


Well, I think I did. Or maybe it was a nightmare because there seemed to be rather a lot of stuff getting in the way!



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Time to head for the Fells Jeff and give RMWeb a well-deserved rest. A few days blowing away the cobwebs will do you a power of good! (Well, it did for Andrew!). I just hope you don't follow his lead and come back having decided to give up on the S&C in favour of the Grim, Wet and Rusty. That will never do Sirrah! Remember you are a Northern Lad born and bred! :nono: :nono: :nono:






PS: Don't forget to tell Bro which parts of the garden needs turning over while you're away! :whistle:


The only way I'd give up on the S&C would be if I gave up the whole modelling kerboodle - so no worries there, Bill (as you well know).


Good advice about the Fells. I'll be in Cumbria shortly, but the walking may have to wait a while longer as my walking partner is currently in Finland on business.



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Good news Jeff, I for one am waiting in anticipation for the start of what I'm certain will be an informative and entertaining tutorial, and I won't start cutting any wood until you are under way! Are you off to Cumbria soon? If so, be safe and don't work the muscles too hard!

Kind regards.


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Good news Jeff, I for one am waiting in anticipation for the start of what I'm certain will be an informative and entertaining tutorial, and I won't start cutting any wood until you are under way! Are you off to Cumbria soon? If so, be safe and don't work the muscles too hard!

Kind regards.


Morning Jock, Jeff's off to plunder yet ANOTHER RAIN FOREST, his Mini will have a 75ft 16 Wheel trailer on the back which will be full of Cumbrian Pine Trees ready for the baseboard frames.

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Good news Jeff, I for one am waiting in anticipation for the start of what I'm certain will be an informative and entertaining tutorial, and I won't start cutting any wood until you are under way! Are you off to Cumbria soon? If so, be safe and don't work the muscles too hard!

Kind regards.



Jock, I'm NO expert at board building. I can use the requisite tools but my over-engineered (some might say  :jester:  :jester: ) structures are probably not necessary and, by some people's reckoning, uneconomic!! So don't base what you do on my efforts. I suspect I'd be just as happy if a school asked me to kit out their gym with climbing frames - provided they supplied me with all the 4 x 2 I needed!!


Andy, I knew I needed a bigger car. You've just provided the justification!!



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Hi Jeff and all hope all is ok. I've been busy working and getting ready for the new arrival



Hi Mark. You always seem to be working, yet remain positive and cheerful. I can already detect "Proud Father Syndrome" taking hold!


As for that log train.... I've already made myself a list of the initial batch of timber I need to order, when the time comes (which, according to Andy would be yesterday!), it's just a case of "getting off my butt" and doing something!



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I must admit sounds like your organised and ready to start this in good spirit




Raring to go once I've had a bit of a rest and when I get the garden bit "finished". Not that projects like this ever get finished! Which is just as well, as it's interesting jobs like that which keep us going!



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Morning Jeff, I've re built one and a half base boards yesterday, God bless 9mm ply and all that use it, hahhah.


I thought you were "taking it easy"?


Does your blessing also apply to the 12mm ply that I'll be using? :O  :O 



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Jeff and Andy,

I've more or less finished my working drawing of the coaling stage I'd like to build one day and I want to make the track bed of the ramp in ply - do you chaps feel that 9mm will be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the double curve which occurs at the top and bottom. It also has an 'S' bend in it where hey re-routed it round a bigger turntable so I wondered if I might have to use a piece of 6mm for that part with regular supports to prevent warping. The other thing you can possibly tell me is - will the yard of SMP code80 I hope to use (I've already got a few lengths and hope to save some money if they can be made to join up to Peco code75!) be able to curve in the vertical plane at the top and bottom of the hillwithout undue distortion?

Sorry to hi-jack your thread Jeff, but any suggestions I receive might also be of interest to you when you get started - don't know if you plant to have an MPD or coaling stage eventually! I'm obviously biased because of my upbringing but I find them to be the most interesting aspect of any railway I've visited.

Kind regards,


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Hi Jock.


Don't worry - no such thing as a "hijack" when the Lunesters are concerned!


I can't really comment on the coaling stage specifics as they aren't a part of the KL/KL2 plan. However, with any kind of baseboard, especially the L-girder/riser system I'm using, stiffness - rather than flexibility - is my target. Hence my use of 12mm birch ply with risers no more than about 45cm apart.


I used a 12mm ply top on KL. With adequate support, 9mm ply is perfectly acceptable, though not very flexible. I've only used 6mm and thinner when building structures, so can't comment there. No doubt Jason will be along later to help you out!!



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9mm ply will have some flexibility but probably not enough for what you are wanting. Something to consider if you are wanting to create an S shape in a short distance is that using any single piece of wood may lead to the forces trying to straighten itself out. You may be better off using three layers of 3mm ply, applied separately. Although it will be a pain to do, you will end up with 9mm thickness ply that will be less prone to twisting.


As for joining SMP and Peco code 75, this can be done by using the Peco fishplates and nipping them up on the SMP track ends. The fiddly part is dealing with the height difference as SMP has very thin sleepers. You could try and use different thicknesses of cork underlay but chances are you will need to sand down a fair bit if it to allow for the difference.

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Many thanks Jason, a mine of useful information as always. I really do appreciate your input and think I'll play with a mock up before committing to a final design!

Thanks again, and kind regards,


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I thought you were "taking it easy"?


Does your blessing also apply to the 12mm ply that I'll be using? :O  :O



Far to heavy and totally over the top, but just right for KL 3.75 and a quarter. :O

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