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Interesting to note from the Hornby web site that the R3300 Limited edition - Winston Churchill set is quoted for delivery: 01/01/2015.

If this date is accurate, then where have the body shells been located from to produce this issue, on the basis that it has already been recorded that the body shells for Exeter were produced mid year 2014 and that no more were available?


Perhaps from the missing 3000 plus Exeters? :-)

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Interesting that Hobbies club model Manston will soon be available(early January I was told)   to those who preordered (I was contacted by H to get this piece of info). Additionally Winston Churchill appears to be coming out 1/1/15 as part of the Winston Churchill funeral train pack. Where did these bodies come from? This just 'muddies the waters ' as to why so few Exeters were made available?

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting that Hobbies club model Manston will soon be available(early January I was told)   to those who preordered (I was contacted by H to get this piece of info). Additionally Winston Churchill appears to be coming out 1/1/15 as part of the Winston Churchill funeral train pack. Where did these bodies come from? This just 'muddies the waters ' as to why so few Exeters were made available?

It is by no means impossible that there is more than one body tool for the air-smoothed Light Pacific.


Also I have heard on the 'grapevine' that the 'Exeters' were made over 18 months ago and have been sitting around ever since. That would place their production slap bang into the period when things were at their most torrid between Hornby and SK/Kader which might explain why someone (presumably at Kader) ordered the run to be curtailed. 


If the latter is true, it follows that the SK tooling would not have been 'tied up' making 'Exeters' at the time the parties finally separated back in July, giving plenty of time for one of the new suppliers to gear up to make 'Winston Churchill' (and probably 'Manston' too).


Whatever the truth of the matter, I'll be very surprised if either of these locos carries SK coding when they eventually appear.



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  • RMweb Premium

That would only be the case if Hornby knew of their existence that long ago, my informant reckons they didn't.



Makes you wonder what else may have been made and "kept" by Kader/SK - quite a few recent models have had SK stickers on the boxes but appeared long after they should have if they had been made and then shipped straight away based on when production for Hornby finished. Could there be more, even?

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I bought a totally mint Wilton (with undisturbed tissue) for £95 not very long ago. Rather more than I paid for my first one new!


Funnily enough, I was also planning to turn it into 'Salisbury' but the latter's tender was cut down a little too late for my purposes so I'm now leaning towards 34038 'Lynton', 34043 'Combe Martin' or 34049 'Anti Aircraft Command'.


Can anybody enlighten me as to when 34043 received late crest and BR pattern ladders as I quite fancy doing one in the rare early style as carried by 34011/43/65 from 1952.


I'm guessing (hoping) Autumn 1960 when it received the Briquette water treatment fittings but she did have a 'General' in the Summer of '57.



John----Ref 34043-----4500 gallons cut down tender no.3310 from June 1952;second B.R.emblem March 1957.

hope this is not duplicating other replies,



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Following on from this "Who made what ?" conundrum,I notice that two of the three latest M7 releases have "SK" on their old style  boxes/packaging.....thr LSWR one being the odd one out.


I'm sure Ricky Gervais could make a fine documentary about a company which uses as sole supplier a factory owned by it's main competitor, and pays its executives well to extract it from avoid the skulduggery (which never happens) in China... and may or may not have all its tools in new factories...


"We are moving forward with renewed confidence.."    "I personally have leased a new top-end Audi on this basis..."  

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sure Ricky Gervais could make a fine documentary about a company which uses as sole supplier a factory owned by it's main competitor, and pays its executives well to extract it from avoid the skulduggery (which never happens) in China... and may or may not have all its tools in new factories...


"We are moving forward with renewed confidence.."    "I personally have leased a new top-end Audi on this basis..."  

To be fair, it was a situation forced upon Hornby, even if their methods of extracting themselves therefrom have lacked panache (to say the least).


Maybe it would be healthy if Executive cars should be allocated, in line with individual performance appraisal rather than chosen by the user. It would certainly make it fairly evident who was and was not cutting the mustard. 


I remember back in the seventies a firm keeping a top-of-the-range Granada along with a basic Escort in the fleet used by their salesmen (the default car was a Cortina). The Granada and Escort were allocated, a month at a time, to the highest and lowest performers in the team respectively.


The Escort quickly became known as the Dagenham Sin Bin!



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Well i see Hornby are back to their old game again. The Winston Churchill pack delivery date has suddenly been put back from 01/01/15 to 01/08/15. How long did their promise to turn over a new leaf last-------------all of a couple of weeks. Time to tell Hornby to get stuffed!!

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the 01/01/15 was probably computer generated rather than input by human hand.


The container containing the packs would have had to have been already on its way at the time of the announcement for the first of January to be even possible.



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I think the 01/01/15 was probably computer generated rather than input by human hand.


The container containing the packs would have had to have been already on its way at the time of the announcement for the first of January to be even possible.



I'm sorry but I totally disagree with you. Computers are inanimate objects that are unable to 'think for themselves'. With these machines its a case of 'garbage in results in garbage output'. I have spent nearly 40 years of my life analysing medical data with large main frame computers. And one of the first lessons learned was to scrutinise your output very carefully before publishing anything!

Strange that the 7 month delay probably allows them another run plus shipment time? Most likely they now realise there is more demand than they anticipated for the WCS package? My only business knowledge comes from watching 'the Apprentice'. BUT how many times have we watched Lord Sugar lambaste  the contestants for inadequate/totally absent market research? It seems Hornby management might learn from watching this programme!

Hornby, in my opinion, seem to treat the public and their retailers with utter contempt. Whatever the explanation for the date change they are 'a total bloody shambles'. And they need, like the politicians in the UK, to feel the wrath of the public. That is why I, for one, will boycott Hornby products for 12 months. I will cancel my pre-orders (some £800) and would urge others to let this company know just exactly what they think of them!

Not only is it a case of shambolic management, but there is the issue of product quality. The last four Hornby locos I have purchased have had to be returned/repaired. Two R3115's ( a valve gear problem with one that will need the whole valve gear replacing: the other has had a drive cog replaced together with a pony wheel unit after the tyre came off one wheel)  a 71000 Duke of Gloucester which literally fell apart as I took it new out of its packaging and another spamcan which had faulty tender pickups. After racking my brains I cannot remember having to return ANY Bachmann products! I still have in my cupboard three Hornby EMU units - all of them totally useless because, in my view, they were inadequately developed by a very poor company! The eight Bachmann EMU's I have in my possession have done sterling service on my layout for the last 3-4 years!

Hornby - you have lost my business for 12months. 

Get you act together!!

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I don't think so and there are more appropriate ways of expressing dissatisfaction than that.Maybe a polite e mail or letter to Hornby might put your mind at ease ?


In another thread, Im trying to extoll the virtues of the written letter. Im hoping its not falling on deaf ears because a letter (or pile of letters) is far harder to ignore than a full inbox

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  • RMweb Gold

I was on the receiving end (at branch level) of the first implementation of on-line-real-time data processing in retail banking (1979), so I know only too well about GIGO.


I still consider that the "01/01/2015" was the result of some sort of default getting activated. After all, hardly any outlets that would be selling them (face-to-face) were open for business on that day so nobody could have got one in their hot little hands even if they could have ordered on-line. 


The point I made about the inevitable need for the models to have been produced with the consignment already on the high seas by the time the 01/01/2015 release date was published (if it were to have any basis in fact) is indisputable.


Boycotting Hornby products would save me a lot of money because they have announced rather more items that I want than Bachmann have!


However, I doubt my Adams Radials will be coming in red boxes.



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  • RMweb Gold

In another thread, Im trying to extoll the virtues of the written letter. Im hoping its not falling on deaf ears because a letter (or pile of letters) is far harder to ignore than a full inbox

Regrettably it isn't - a couple of clicks and your inbox would be empty or a few clicks and you'd send out a pre-written auto acknowledge/apology email to all the complainants.  The only difference with a pile of letters is that you create more salvage (sorry it's called recycling nowadays) after sending Standard Reply No.27 or whatever off in response plus it costs you a lot more to reply so therefore you might avoid doing so.  Letters might work in some respects but as far as a large company receiving them goes I doubt that nowadays they are regarded much differently from emails, oh and if a letter is more than one side of paper no one will bother to read it all.


One thing which Hornby do count is returned models - and they repeatedly say the percentages with which that happens are very low as indeed are the absolute numbers.

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