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R 3115 duly arrived.No visible difference between it and its earlier sisters.Performance ditto.The major improvements are the semi permanent loco-tender coupling and easier to use packaging. Nice.Will improve with application of fiddly bits and light weathering.

 You tend to forget what a cracking model this is...now well over a decade in production.

Hi Ian can you confirm it has an SK on the label? I have just bought an LSWR M7 0-4-4T and it looks good and I'm curious to confirm just who is making what, now that Hornby purportedly have all their tools back. I will be interested in the two Britannias next year, but haven't ordered any of them. My R3115 is still 'in the mail'.


Cheers, Rob

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Ian can you confirm it has an SK on the label? I have just bought an LSWR M7 0-4-4T and it looks good and I'm curious to confirm just who is making what, now that Hornby purportedly have all their tools back. I will be interested in the two Britannias next year, but haven't ordered any of them. My R3115 is still 'in the mail'.Cheers, Rob

Yes Rob .It is SK. Confirm.Well made.Well finished.Well packaged and in full working order.Inshallah!

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Hello all. I feel at this point I need to make some sort of confession. After reading this thread I feel kinda guilty! - something along the lines of "Hello. My name is leavesontheline and I bought R3115 'Exeter' direct from the Hornby website at RRP." ....... !!


In my defence though, I did this before this thread started, and before I knew any of the details surrounding its release to the market that have since become evident! In the past I have never ordered direct from Hornby for full price items as I always prefer to buy from (and 'see' and 'handle'!) and support my local model shop and occasionally other small and large model retailers around the country. Twice before though I have bought their sale price items. Apart from Hornby's complete lack of communication, email or otherwise, one of these experiences went very smoothly and having had more communication from UKMail about the delivery than I did from Hornby, arrived very quickly. The second experience (I think it was the sale last Christmas) was much worse, with shop soiled items being sent to me, damaged boxes and contents and missing items from the order. So it was with some trepidation last week that I decided to order a couple of items from their 'Last Chance to Buy' sale.....


Imagine my surprise when I see on their website R3115 Exeter! I had no idea that they were producing this model and suddenly became quite tempted. Although the price seemed high (compared to other similar WC's, BoB's and MN's I have bought from my local shop over the last couple of years) I justified this (to myself!) by the fact that paying RRP was more than offset by the other two items I was buying with a significant discount. I also noticed that the quantity left for purchase was quite low - "hurry only x left" type of thing, and it being late at night couldn't contact my local shop to see if he had any or could get one in. So in a rash move (unlike me!) I did the deed.


With hindsight, seeing how people who have placed pre-orders for this model months or even years ago have now missed out I do feel bad for them - if it was me I would have been pretty hacked off! However, I wasn't to know this was the situation at the time. Even after I had placed this order and picked up on this thread I didn't actually believe that I was going to get one. The number left when I ordered was so low, and it was late at night, I was expecting an email over the next few days from Hornby along the lines of "Dear Sir, we apologise but due to an error in our system........." etc etc. Of course, as usual, there were no emails from Hornby at all, and logging in to my account just showed my order as 'processing'. Once again, UKMail came to the rescue with their excellent communications by email and text message to tell me when my parcel would be delivered and on the day itself, when my 1 hour slot would be - superb! So it arrived on Wednesday..... On a separate note - as a direct seller, Hornby have a long long way to go before they can compete with even the most average small independent model shop (let alone 'pro's' such as Hattons, KMRC and others) for mail order communication and speed/efficiency.... but that's for another thread!


It was still only when opening the parcel that I could be sure that I had actually been successful in ordering R3115 though, although the weight and size of the parcel gave it away a bit! So, I got one, I'm really pleased with it and as a sort of penance for my 'sins' here is a mini review with a couple of photos and observations. I know some have already been posted, but here are some more! Just a few months ago I was lucky enough to pick up a brand new example of R2926 Blandford Forum from my local shop that had been lurking in his storage cupboard for a 'little while'. I think, but stand to be corrected, that this was one of the last WC releases from Hornby, being in 2010, so I was interested to compare Exeter with this version.


Firstly, some observations and comparisons to R2926 Blandford Forum:

  1. The main difference, as Ian has already noted, is the permanent tender coupling. This includes the now usual (for other models) wired connector under the tender. Although the 'instructions' with this model don't make any reference to fitting a DCC chip I would assume it is now to be fitted in the tender and not in the loco per R2926. This surprises me a bit as there has obviously been some investment in this model to change this.
  2. It doesn't show that well in my poorly lit mobile phone images but the Exeter green is 'greener' than R2926. In fact it is more like the Bachmann BR green colour - which is perhaps unsurprising given where it was made?
  3. As already noted earlier in this thread, the lining is a little thicker than R2926 but this doesn't bother me too much - it is still very nicely applied and all the other printed detail is top notch, and the cab details are still very neatly picked out.
  4. Running qualities are on a par with the earlier release. The instructions still refer to a five pole motor and so I would assume it is still fitted with one. It still needs a good run in as it seems a little 'stiff' and I may lubricate everything lightly when I lift the body off but for the time being, the slow and higher speed performance looks to be just as the previous releases - excellent.
  5. All fitted and unfitted details are the same as before - you still get the head-code discs, the brake rods, the driver and fireman ... and all the other bits and pieces you normally get with these models.
  6. Also as already noted, this model now comes in the newer style box, but just with the plain red open fronted sleeve so you can see the actual model inside rather than a printed image. Much like my model of R3006X in this respect although I have not seen this on any other recent releases. It definitely has the 'SK' manufacturer code on the back of the box and FINALLY Hornby have started to use little pieces of silicone sheet like Bachmann have done for a long time at all the contact points .... except Hornby have gone one step further with foam pads under these too! So thankfully the model reached me in perfect condition, unlike many older Hornby models.

So in summary, apart from those items listed above, it is near enough the same as R2926 - obvious tender, cab width and other detail differences from the prototype excepted - which is to say it is an excellent model that I think stands the test of time and still looks great compared to much more recent releases. I am really pleased with it and personally I won't be re-identifying it, won't be weathering it and won't be selling it for a huge profit on eBay! I shall just be enjoying running it on my layout!


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My apologies again for the poor quality mobile phone images - I may update these tomorrow when I can get some natural light in on the act!


Edited to add in some more photos with marginally better lighting than the previous ones! (still only mobile phone quality I'm afraid) Also one showing the detail pack and instruction sheet which incidentally still shows the old tender coupling. The difference in the green colour is somewhat hard to capture but it is different, honest!

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It definitely has the 'SK' manufacturer code on the back of the box.

Thanks for noting that, and the picture.


These were relatively old tools - they go back prior to 2000. It's not surprising that these were still at SK, whenever exactly they were manufactured.

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  • RMweb Gold

What a fantastic post with images "Leaves". No need for any apologies.it's informative and constructive.Many thanks.

Exactly. The only bad taste for anyone surely is Hornby's handling of it all. Leaves is a legit purchaser of a model others would like. Only those bounders who may have ordered 6 from Hornby and put them all on ebay would get it in the neck here!


My moribund Halwill Junction layout "needs" a Bulleid pacific, although I'm not sure that what the Americans would refer to as the "class engine", i.e. 34001, would be my choice anyway. Ebay has a few here and there so I may plunge at some point. A modern version with a socket in the tender would be favourite.

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  • RMweb Gold

The wired connection to the tender looks very much like that fitted to factory fitted sound versions such as the rebuilt ones so I am guessing that it has the modified tender chassis and will probably take an after market sound decoder which will make life easier for future releases of later version un rebuilt locos that I model.

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  • RMweb Gold

Exactly. The only bad taste for anyone surely is Hornby's handling of it all. Leaves is a legit purchaser of a model others would like. Only those bounders who may have ordered 6 from Hornby and put them all on ebay would get it in the neck here!


My moribund Halwill Junction layout "needs" a Bulleid pacific, although I'm not sure that what the Americans would refer to as the "class engine", i.e. 34001, would be my choice anyway. Ebay has a few here and there so I may plunge at some point. A modern version with a socket in the tender would be favourite.

In which case,you are not exactly spoiled for choice.This is where 34001 scores plus points.I think the last airsmoothed standard version was 34107 now several years back.Can't remember whether that had Satan's tender plug or not.Your cognoscenti on this forum are Graham Muz and Toboldlygo.If they can't sort you one,no one can.

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Just received my R3115 back from being sound chipped at Howes (oh that haunting whistle I can just shut my eyes and imagine traveling along Shakespeare on a foggy November day back in the early 60's - just need some detonator sounds now- happy days). The loco, so far, runs brilliantly. The new tender loco connection means MUCH BETTER current pick up to the motor and smoother running, well done Hornby (not often I've said that in recent years). Now glad I got a second R3115 (she has gone for renaming - chose Hawkinge for its role in the Battle of Britain and the fact that my parents ashes are scattered there). These two locos are definately NOT for sale - at any price.

Looks like Hornby have made a brilliant unrebuilt Bulleid. Such a shame so few of the real enthusiasts will  be able to join in. So if someone from Hornby management reads this - get all the tooling back in action and make some more. It's blatantly obvious how popular models of these iconic locos are and you have made a real winner here!!!!!!!!! 

Make production of these light pacifics a PRIORITY Hornby and you will be going a long way towards repairing the extensive damage to your reputation done by your (seemingly) shambolic handling of this model.

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  • RMweb Gold

Exactly. The only bad taste for anyone surely is Hornby's handling of it all. Leaves is a legit purchaser of a model others would like. Only those bounders who may have ordered 6 from Hornby and put them all on ebay would get it in the neck here!


My moribund Halwill Junction layout "needs" a Bulleid pacific, although I'm not sure that what the Americans would refer to as the "class engine", i.e. 34001, would be my choice anyway. Ebay has a few here and there so I may plunge at some point. A modern version with a socket in the tender would be favourite.

Of the ones Hornby have done, Exmouth Junction locos like '73 Squadron' or (a bit later on) '222 Squadron' or 'Blandford Forum' are good bets for a Withered Arm layout. Salisbury engines used to show up occasionally, but I'd think (and published photos suggest) that Nine Elms ones would be quite rare visitors.



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Just received my R3115 back from being sound chipped at Howes (oh that haunting whistle I can just shut my eyes and imagine traveling along Shakespeare on a foggy November day back in the early 60's - just need some detonator sounds now- happy days). The loco, so far, runs brilliantly. The new tender loco connection means MUCH BETTER current pick up to the motor and smoother running, well done Hornby (not often I've said that in recent years). Now glad I got a second R3115 (she has gone for renaming - chose Hawkinge for its role in the Battle of Britain and the fact that my parents ashes are scattered there). These two locos are definately NOT for sale - at any price.


Your model, your choice but

For what you could have sold the second one for, you could probably have replaced it with a new boxed alternative and paid for renaming, weathering and sound on both!

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Thanks for your photos, leavesontheline....


I don't like to say this, but,........That Orange / Black lining looks overly wide / thick, compared with the loco behind.


The thickness of lining on Hornby's latest release of the King Arthur has also been criticised in this respect.


I'm hoping that this does not feature on future Hornby locos. The finer the lining, the better, imo 

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Given that the LSWR M7 245 model is made by CHL., and there are differences in lining on the last unrebuilt WC 34107 'Blandford Forum' and 34001 'Exeter', I wonder (for no good reason) whether the production of SK-manufactured 34001s was 'finsihed' in a different factory. I guess we will never know.


Either way I am happy that some models are (or in the case of 34001 were) being produced, and second hand market is healthy too.


Also I'm not sure how 'different' the lining is on each engine, and if it varies between different SK production anyway. Not much use, am I? (I just did a pic of 34081 '92 Squadron' and IT is hard to get the colours right!)



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In which case,you are not exactly spoiled for choice.This is where 34001 scores plus points.I think the last airsmoothed standard version was 34107 now several years back.Can't remember whether that had Satan's tender plug or not.Your cognoscenti on this forum are Graham Muz and Toboldlygo.If they can't sort you one,no one can.


Yes, I think 34107 was the last release of these too. I didn't show a photo of this model's tender coupling in my post above but can confirm it is the 'traditional' tender post and loco copper contacts as shown below:



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For those of you with high blood pressure look away now......


"sunshine in Cardiff " has R3115 on at £325 b.i.n.......!!!


Oof! Remains to be seen if anyone will actually pay that price though. There must be a fairly good chance that Hornby will eventually produce more of these despite the quote from KMRC that 'no more' would be produced?

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I think 34107 was the last release of these too. I didn't show a photo of this model's tender coupling in my post above but can confirm it is the 'traditional' tender post and loco copper contacts as shown below:




Which by my calculation makes 34001 the only release with original pre cut down tender wired through.Am I correct in this?

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Back to Exeter, I wonder what it means for the Collectors Club model of 34070 Manston, now apparently to appear in 2015. Presumably this will now be from a new factory, but will the tooling need to be adapted as a result. I suspect we may not see further streamlined WC/BB models for a while unless new tooling is being made.


According to the latest edition of the HCC magazine, the 34070 Manston model is due in December!

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For those of you with high blood pressure look away now......


"sunshine in Cardiff " has R3115 on at £325 b.i.n.......!!!


Love the fact that searching on Gleebay for Hornby Exeter brings up R3115 next to that other infamous Hornby "Limited Edition" of Exeter,

......the malachite one limited to four thousand which I don't think Hornby ever did find enough buyers for!

That's a Limited Edition? Now if only they did all their runs in 4000 units......

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I decided today to go on a bit of a hunt by phone and online to see if I could locate at least one of these without paying over the odds for it!


Spoke to one retailer who did have some but they're all spoken for....and they had to obtain them from elsewhere because they could not get any from Hornby. Didn't ask where. They were told by their Hornby rep that 4000 were expected. Interesting!


On another note, I managed to find two in stock at another retailer so promptly ordered them. They were the only/last two left in stock and on sale at RRP £134.99 each.


I'm now thinking of renumbering/renaming just one of them as I will only have two and not the four I originally pre-ordered.


So, toboldlygo and other Bullied experts on here, now that we've seen photos of the actual model posted by forum members on here which should it be:


Bideford or Braunton? I can't decide! 


Maybe I should start a poll...

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According to the latest edition of the HCC magazine, the 34070 Manston model is due in December!

What an amazing world Hornby PLC live in ! If it does turn up, maybe it's another version of Exeter with late crest, re-number, re-name and very little else would need to be changed. (just joking)

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