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N Gauge Class 390 Pendolino (post Kickstarter) with Rapido

Revolution Ben

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  • RMweb Gold



We are still finalising the exact details but it is looking like we will have a relatively short period for 50% deposits for Kickstarter backers. We will also open up pre-orders to non-Kickstarter backers but at a higher price.


We still have just under 2.5 days left on the Kickstarter campaign and it is far from impossible that we will still make it. Indeed one of the thoughts behind announcing Plan B before the end of the Kickstarter campaign was that it might be enough of a tipping point to push us over the line.


Cheers, Mike

Hi Mike (and Ben) I appreciate you guys are still ironing out the details, but maybe for some clarity.....:


Once the kickstarter closes at 2200 on the 18th, will there be a deadline that new customers  at the full price will have to order by?

If this is the case, will Rapido still only be producing enough sets to satisfy the kickstarter orders and the full price orders in total, and still committing to not making anymore for at least two years? Or will the model now become a standard freely available model?


Many congratulations on bringing your project to market!


Edited by scottystitch
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  • RMweb Gold


Hello all,


We are still hoping to make it happen via Kickstarter, but in answer to specific questions:


Ian - yes, anyone who pledges before the deadline on Sunday will qualify for the price they pledge at. However, if the Kickstarter fAils it's my understanding that the entire page disappears and we will have no record of contact details, though we do have a record of pledges


For this reason, we would urge all backers to register at our website www.ngaugependolino.com without obligation so if we do have to go with plan B we can contact you easily and quickly to confirm your eligibility.


Scotty - at the moment our feeling is that there are going to be two phases to plan B:


Phase 1 - Kickstarter backers are given the option to sign up at Kickstarter prices


Phase 2 - Other people can order (at a higher price) until we are ready to move to production. At that time Rapido will decide whether to take additional stock themselves or that, realistically, the market is sated and it's not worth it for a couple of years.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


We are still hoping to make it happen via Kickstarter, but in answer to specific questions:


Ian - yes, anyone who pledges before the deadline on Sunday will qualify for the price they pledge at. However, if the Kickstarter fAils it's my understanding that the entire page disappears and we will have no record of contact details, though we do have a record of pledges


For this reason, we would urge all backers to register at our website www.ngaugependolino.com without obligation so if we do have to go with plan B we can contact you easily and quickly to confirm your eligibility.


Scotty - at the moment our feeling is that there are going to be two phases to plan B:


Phase 1 - Kickstarter backers are given the option to sign up at Kickstarter prices


Phase 2 - Other people can order (at a higher price) until we are ready to move to production. At that time Rapido will decide whether to take additional stock themselves or that, realistically, the market is sated and it's not worth it for a couple of years.




Ben A.

Understood, many thanks!

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What's the exact mechanism for actually handing the money over? Apologies for not going back through the thread / website to find this information for myself, but I'm at work at the moment. Although I'm very keen to sign up for a nine-car model, I've held off so far because various family things make the post-Christmas period a cash-flow disaster for me every year (i.e. more than the aftermath of Christmas is anyway) and this has been no exception. I'm trying to find a way of doing this within my budgets, and understanding what happens immediately after the kickstarted closes would be a help.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jim,


Assuming the Kickstarter succeeds then the money will be taken in it's entirety in the days immediately following - ie by the middle of next week.

If the Kickstarter doesn't succeed, we now have this brilliant offer from Ben/Mike/Jason on the table - and from Ben's post a few above yours there will be a period where a 50% deposit will be required.


If it looks like the Kickstarter will fall short this actually has the potential to work in your favour - pledge at 21.59 on Sunday and you qualify for the discounted price, but will only need to put 50% up front in the first instance, so from a cash flow perspective it's actually less lumpy than if the Kickstarter succeeds.



Edited by njee20
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Hello all,

With two and a half days left for pledging, the Kickstarter total is at £152,500. We're still £57,500 short, and would need pledges equivalent to £23,000 per day to reach the total.

That's still possible, but while Mike, Jason and I are still fervently hoping that we will reach our Kickstarter target, with this in mind we would be foolish not to at least have a back-up plan ready.


I am delighted to say that Jason and the team at Rapido have taken the decision that the £150K pledged so far is enough to justify this model being produced whether or not the Kickstarter campaign reaches the target.

And the even-better news is that, as a reward to those who got us here, Rapido have very generously agreed that anyone who pledges by the deadline will be eligible for the significantly discounted Kickstarter prices.

Orders taken after the deadline will be at a higher price which we will announced should the Kickstarter fail.

If you have pledged, please also register at our website www.ngaugependolino.com to ensure you can take advantage of the Plan B offer for pledgers.

If your Kickstarter identity is not immediately apparent (a small number of then Kickstarter profiles do not have obvious names) then please let us know so we can match up email addresses to backers so we can later ensure every backer receives the models they are entitled to.

Pledging for the Kickstarter does not commit you to taking up the subsequent offer to buy models via Plan B.

The model will be produced according to our original schedule and is expected to be delivered early in 2016. The first step will be laser scanning the Pendolino in late January.

Having said that, if we can succeed with the Kickstarter it will be an amazing achievement and set a significant precedent for other ideas and projects.

We are also very proud to say that so far we've had well over 50 pledges for the Poppy Pendolino, meaning that at least £500 should be raised for the Royal British Legion.


Ben A.

Right okay, now I've got below average interlecf so people bear with me on this.....


Even if Kickststart doesn't reach the target of £210,000 by Sunday night, Rapido have commited to producing a model ?


So, if I pledge for a 11 car sound model before the cut off on Sunday, and the project 'fails' I still get a model and at the kickstart price via Rapido as basically their own model?


If the project this the target, great stuff we still get models and at the kickstart price but the money gets taken now as such not on delivery if the model in circa 12 months time?


Basically to cut a long story short, Rapido will sell me a model at the kickstart price when it's ready in 12 months and most importantly take the money then, not 'now' ?


PS: just read the above, regards 50% down...when will the desposit be expected ?


Great Western

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  • RMweb Premium


PS: just read the above, regards 50% down...when will the desposit be expected ?


From Mike's post:


We are still finalising the exact details but it is looking like we will have a relatively short period for 50% deposits for Kickstarter backers. We will also open up pre-orders to non-Kickstarter backers but at a higher price.



So timescales TBC, but 50% will still be required up front, and I would assume pretty soon, the balance to be paid at some point in the future.

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  • RMweb Gold

If there is any doubt, surely it should just be a case of forwarding the confirmation e-mail you received from Kickstarter when you made or amended the pledge? That gives the full details of what you have pledged for. 



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That's an incredibly generous  move from Rapido - they obviously feel they can make some small margin of profit out of this, even by basically offering cost price to the Kickstarter backers.


Whether the kickstarter hits its target or not, massive congratulations to Ben and Mike - they have brought an N gauge Pendolino to market!



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I think that not matter what the bids on the kickstart and what orders they have had themselves from the none European market in such a short time have shown that there is a demand out there in the long term!


The offer at cost price to all those that have pledged on the kick start should it fail, is very very generous and a great gesture!


I think a massive amount of thanks should go to Ben and Mike for the amazing work they have put into this and well if / as / when we meet The first round is on me (but no champagne I am a tight arse lol)



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That's an incredibly generous  move from Rapido - they obviously feel they can make some small margin of profit out of this, even by basically offering cost price to the Kickstarter backers.


Whether the kickstarter hits its target or not, massive congratulations to Ben and Mike - they have brought an N gauge Pendolino to market!




Agree with the congratulations deserved to Ben and Mike.  They have done an amazing job.


Thanks for the kind words about Rapido.  We do make a small profit at the Kickstarter pricing or we wouldn't have offered to do it in the first place! :-)


But we see this as an excellent opportunity to get into the UK N gauge market, so we did not get on board expecting a windfall. It's also an opportunity to keep the factory busy. They are interested in growing, but I can only give them so much business. They have capacity and they are actively looking for new clients.


(That's a subtle shout out to UK manufacturers reading this who need a second supplier in China - give me a shout.)



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  • RMweb Gold

From Mike's post:


So timescales TBC, but 50% will still be required up front, and I would assume pretty soon, the balance to be paid at some point in the future.


Yes, that is correct. We still need funding for the development! Even with plan B, Ben and I would still like to keep the same level of backer involvement in things like set choice and first views of the CAD/test shots etc.


Word of warning people signing up to newsletter is not the same as Kickstarter backer, you need 2 lists. If Kickstarter list is lost which I doubt, it might be best to start recording names now.


The Kickstarter list is not lost, but it is of little use to us unless we reach the target as (rightly) it doesn't tell us people's contact details (and in some cases we can't identify who people are if they didn't use their real name for their Kickstarter ID!), so from day one we've been keeping our own records.  For the majority of people the only thing we are asking them to do is make sure they are signed up to our website (there is a small box on the right hand side of most of the pages just below the Kickstarter figures) - just fill in your name and email address for the time being so that we can give you full details of the next steps. At least half of our backers are already signed up on our website and the majority of those that aren't signed up are easy to identify.


Cheers, Mike

Edited by red death
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Hi guys,


If you could help with the final push, we'd all appreciate it.


Here are three ads which you can post on your Facebook feeds, Twitter, Pinterest, forums, etc.


Please feel free to use them at will!  Note that the forum software shows a low-res preview. Click on the image for the full-res version. 


All ads should link directly to the Kickstarter page:















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ha...make it so.......like it........


just one thing that struck me was the option of dcc sound.......now I recall the great hums, roars, whines and sirens you got from messrs...class 81 to 90 but not so much aware of any real sound the pendos have.  maybe its a generation thing as my father always reckoned those veteran ac electric locos never made any noises compared to the diesels.....I assume its much the same for those that like whatever sound it is that pendos make today but im afraid its not a sound I can imagine being of any real gusto in N gauge form........all their noise tends to be vocal at speed with the passing of each set of coach ends.......

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Hallo Mike, Ben, Jason,


Brilliant news that the Pendolino will be produced whatever the outcome, one very happy man here in BaWü. I really do hope the target is reached but knowing we will get a Pendolino is for me THE modelling news for the weekend.


So a huge thank you from me to Mike and Ben for managing this project, a huge thanks to Jason for stepping in to the project after it had started, giving it a well deserved boost and an additional thanks (in advance, you never know) for trusting the UK N-Gauge market enough to take on the investment risk if 210K is not reached.


For once a real WIN-WIN situation


es grüßt


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