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N Gauge Class 390 Pendolino (post Kickstarter) with Rapido

Revolution Ben

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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Claude


The DCC models can operate on DC, but my understanding is the sound functionality will be reduced such that the chip produces the "base" sound but not the additional sounds such as horns, doors etc.  However, I am not an expert on DCC sound and will check this.




Ben A.


That is all I need to know, thanks. I'm not too concerned if the DCC sound functions do not work on DC.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


Yes, delighted to see another marker down... first 20%, then 100 backers, then the 70k third marker, then 200 backers... I guess the next marker is the 50% funding, then 300 backers...!!


Just a quick thank-you to al our backers so far....




Ben A.

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Just to confirm for Ben & Mike... If you run sound on DC you will get the motor noise as it speeds up and slows down etc but sounds which would be activated by a function button, ie doors, brakes, horns etc would not be available under DC running, however you will still own a Pendolino :D


Cheers Paul

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Just to confirm for Ben & Mike... If you run sound on DC you will get the motor noise as it speeds up and slows down etc but sounds which would be activated by a function button, ie doors, brakes, horns etc would not be available under DC running, however you will still own a Pendolino :D


Cheers Paul


Actually MRC/Gaugemaster produces a Tech 6 DC controller which will operate the sounds on DC.  It also gets much better motor performance out of sound decoders than regular DC controllers.  It is worth the investment if you are running DC and sound.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


12 days of the Kickstarter campaign gone of the 60, so a fifth or the way through. And at time of writing our pledges stood at just under £75k, or 36% of the total.


Huge thanks to all who've handed out leaflets or talked people through the project at shows over the weekend.


We have also prepared an information sheet and posters aimed at traders, after being asked by a couple at Warley, and some of these have already been sent out.




We've contacted some of the larger traders, but if you support us and think your local shop would display information/posters/leaflets let us know their address - here or by PM - and we will send some!




Ben A.

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Hi Ben.


The local to me is Alton Models, 7A Normandy St, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1DD. Might be worth sending something to them? Not Pendolino territory but they are probably the largest model shop in the Hampshire area.



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Just a quick question, the project has been skewed towards higher bids which means that there is a good chance the project will reach the funding target despite having fewer than 800 pledges.


How will this be handled? If the £210,000 target is reached, will this mean that the project is viable, even if the production run is smaller?

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The way I have read it is that the amount of models produced is not important, the key is meeting the monetary value.


If that means only 800 models are sold when the fund target is met then 800 are produced. If 1200 are sold then that's how many get made.



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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting to see how the pledges are coming in (and Ben you've probably got far better analytics than my 'have a look at the site periodically') - Friday was a monster day, nearly £6700, whilst yesterday there was only £300 pledged. My fag packet trajectory suggests success at the moment though!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Yes, Alistair is right.


£210k means we can pay for the production of all the mouldings we need, and have them turned into models in whatever configuration we require.


As far as the factory are concerned, once the moulds are paid for the actual production is a relatively smaller issue, and we will simply order however many power cars and trailer cars, in whatever configurations are needed to fulfil the orders.


The 1000 models figure was a nominal starting point for the project as it was the number of complete 9-car sets that would generate the income required; that fell to 800 when Rapido agreed to take 200 for direct international sales, but it's always been the cash amount that was the baseline number, not the pledges.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting to see how the pledges are coming in (and Ben you've probably got far better analytics than my 'have a look at the site periodically') - Friday was a monster day, nearly £6700, whilst yesterday there was only £300 pledged. My fag packet trajectory suggests success at the moment though!


Yes, I have kept an eye on the pledges and it certainly seems to come in fits and starts.


People who've had successful Kickstarters tell different tales, but the common factor seems to be early interest, then a plateauing, then a late surge to the end.  I've been surprised and pleased that so far we have had a generally consistent climb - there have been quiet periods, but the busy ones seem to make up for it.


I do think that as the period goes on we will have to work harder to get the message to those people who don't know about the project, or who heard about it, were interested, but didn't "clock" that it won't happen unless we reach our target by the deadline on January 18th.




Ben A.

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Yes, agreed. It stands to reason that you'll get exactly that profile, but I think we've got the luxury of a few events to raise awareness - exhibitions, magazine space etc, which will hopefully keep the enthusiasm up.

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Not very many leaflets were picked up at Wakefield, possibly because people didnt relate the leaflets to our Amercian HO scale layout that we had there.


I did put a handful on the leaflet stand so hopefully a few went there.


Our next show is Canterbury  the weekend the Kickstarter ends so will put the remaining leaflets out on Banbury and  a note to say place any pledges  that weekend. Although lets hope that the target has been reached by then!!




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I think part of the trick now may be getting the message put to the smaller retailers who may have not heard about the project.


But also for those that live near any of the larger shops (no mentioning any box packers) maybe literally sell it to them and see if they may buy a few sets boast the numbers a little that way.

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Ive just spent the last hour reading thought this whole thread. I wasn't interested to start with, but as each page was finished my mind started playing with the idea of a multi level test track, O/OO and N gauge in the garage.


A few questions though,


The campaign closes 18/01 I assume now the way things are going the target will be at least met if not exceeded ! So at what point, does the pledge money get taken?


I'm looking at a 11 vehicle with sound, not sure on which number Id like yet, I'll need to look see what appeals. If I choose for example 105 do,I get 105 etc ?


Also I'd be very interested in a promotional livery version, at what point do you decide if you will produce one?


Regards DCC control can I use the same controller for three different scales at the same time ? As long as each loco has a different address of course.


Looking at pledging later in the week for a sound x11car..ive never even considered N before but as I used to work with the 390s this struck a cord!


Great Western

Edited by Great Western
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I wouldn't read too much into the number of backers or the average pledge per backer as the figures are completely skewed by pledges for multiple sets.  We knew that DCC sound (and to a lesser degree 11-car sets) had the potential to mean we hit a monetary target but not a minimum number of sets so there is some degree of allowance for that in the monetary target (the eagle eyed will spot that 800 * £255 does not equal £210k).


The reality is that if we hit the financial target then we have enough money to produce what has been ordered and we will be either slightly under or over 800 units and production will go ahead.


I'm not sure I would use Kickstarter again for this type of project - it is great for somethings but it can't handle other requirements that well eg min order numbers or pledges for different rewards.


Cheers, Mike

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  • RMweb Gold

The campaign closes 18/01 I assume now the way things are going the target will be at least met if not exceeded ! So at what point, dare doe the pledge money get taken?


I'm looking at a 11 vehicle with sound, not sure on which number Id like yet, I'll need to look see what appeals. If I choose for example 105 do,I get 105 etc ?


Also I'd be very interested in a promotional livery version, at what point do you decide if you will produce one?


Regards DCC control can I use the same controller for three different scales at the same time ? As long as each loco has a different address of course.




No money is taken unless the Kickstarter campaign reaches its target and then money is taken in the period from the end of the campaign for about 2 weeks after.


Set numbers - we will be producing 10 set numbers (mix of 390/0 and 390/1) and we will ask pledgers to vote on the preferred set numbers.


Promotional livery - depends entirely on whether we could get permission.  Unfortunately it would probably be unlikely for any of the Marvel or DC comics liveries, but we are investigating others.


Yes, you can use the same controller for each scale.


Cheers, Mike

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Hello Great Western,


You're exactly the kind of backer we need to reach, so reading your post was very encouraging!


I think Mike has already answered your questions, but just to add a little more detail about the set numbers:


Our view is that everyone who backs the project deserves a say, so if we reach the target then we will invite everyone to vote for a number for every set they've pledged for.


We will collate the votes, then announce the ten most popular choices. Those who voted for different ones will then be asked to select one of the final ten.


We have made tentative enquiries about producing some of the "special" liveries, however so far we are not in a position to confirm anything. We will update our own website, the Kickstarter page and as many forum threads as we can if this changes.




Ben A,


Sent from my iPad

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I think we have definitely hit a slowdown with new pledges, though according to graphs we are still on course to make the total.  We are just under a quarter of the way through the pledging period (46 days of 60 remaining) and at 37% funded.


I've sent out posters and leaflets to selected traders; if any supporters on here think we have missed any  then please let me know.


There don't seem to be many exhibitions this weekend though if anyone is going to Poynton with an N Gauge layouts and wants to help let me know and I will send posters/leaflets etc.


The publicity drive should ramp up before the end of the pledging period as we are aiming to have more coverage in the main model railway magazines; however we are aware that there will be some people who tend not to read magazines or go online, but who might well be interested in pledging for a crowd-sourced model, so if you know anyone like that please mention it to them!




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Here and on the NGF I have had messages from a few Poynton volunteers - so many thanks to you all.


Thanks for the information about Wakefield, Mark, let's hope it leads to a couple more pledges!


Although I have been made aware of quite a few people - including some traders - who are planning to come in with pledges soon that should bump the total up quite nicely!




Ben A.

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