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My names Andrew E (yes I see there is already an Andy E!) and I recently got a link to his fabulous thread, tinged with a little nostalgia too - I had a G---RKR Astra as a on call van complete with Motorala Brick... 464 or 454 I think, it had the rattly back seats regardless!


Here are a few local one's from my present location, I will see If I can find any others.


Cheers Andrew







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Another one salvaged from the corporate intranet, (apologies for the quality) unusual choice this one:




I will keep digging!



now this I like, I had a mestaro van many years ago, not a railway van, but my own, did over 200,000 miles in it, used two engines, 3 gearboxes - waht was I thinking?

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post-4835-0-73014300-1347487128_thumb.jpgpost-4835-0-16163600-1347487190_thumb.jpgpost-4835-0-61658000-1347487251_thumb.jpgpost-4835-0-80878500-1347487342_thumb.jpgHere some pictures taken last month at Southampton Millbrook container depot, trucks were used to move loads from Millbrook to Maritime yards, before new cranes at Maritime.


Could this be a last use of the DAF CFs from 2004, they seem to have been replaced en block by the new 2012 XF model.


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The website of 'Everything but trains' is now up and running. A bit more info on the crew buses as shown in their thread below.


It seems that 2 crew buses are now available. The usual 14 seater from 'Everything' in kit form, and a longer one to represent the longer recovery version, one piece, from RTI (Frank Waller) who are also doing the Roadrunner and Cargo cabs.

I have tried to order some of each, so look forward to seeing them in the flesh (resin)


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Merf, a quick question, does the reg K250 GAU mean anything in your lists ? Its a ford cargo, passed it yesterday near wales, its a horsebox now but the reg is familiar for some reason!





Yes certainly does ring a bell. It was with the Chester S&T who we worked with frequently. So it was near Wales in them days too !



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The resin one we sell is by RTI as are the cabs. The short 14 seater is only through us is not resin but lasercut.


I have tried to order some of each, so look forward to seeing them in the flesh (resin)


When you tried to order was there a problem, as we have not had an order from Northwales?


Kind regards Steve

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The resin one we sell is by RTI as are the cabs. The short 14 seater is only through us is not resin but lasercut.




When you tried to order was there a problem, as we have not had an order from Northwales?


Kind regards Steve



Tried again today to order without luck. Registered then got not recognised when trying to checkout. Message in the contact box not replied to.


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Sorry to hear to had problems, orders are going through the site without a problem.


I will contact you directly....there was an issue with the contact form this has now been resolved.


Kind regards Steve

I sent you details as requested but I still have not heard anything yet.
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Here a few snaps of of very badly painted example, but hopefully show the glazing...this was painted about midnight before the show hence it's a bit of a rush job.

The line round the top is a guide to put a piece of micro strip in typically I did not have any instock in time for the show,









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Yes certainly does ring a bell. It was with the Chester S&T who we worked with frequently. So it was near Wales in them days too !




Thanks, I have even suprised my self remembering number plates! It was some where near Llandridnod Wells!

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