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Oxfordrail - Adams Radial

John M Upton

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It may be "silly publicity" but this thread has had over 24,000 views so it seems to have worked in gaining publicity. The first time I had heard of Oxford Rail was through this thread. Okay I would have found out later, but they've generated a bit of mouth watering anticipation.


Has anybody considered that the locomotive in the picture may have nothing to do with what is planned but just a "nice image" on the webpage and we are all barking up the wrong tree? :jester:





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  • RMweb Gold

It may be "silly publicity" but this thread has had over 24,000 views so it seems to have worked in gaining publicity. The first time I had heard of Oxford Rail was through this thread. Okay I would have found out later, but they've generated a bit of mouth watering anticipation.


Has anybody considered that the locomotive in the picture may have nothing to do with what is planned but just a "nice image" on the webpage and we are all barking up the wrong tree? :jester:





I've considered it - see my most recent previous post for my conclusion ;)

Edited by The Stationmaster
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There's so much froth, oops, I mean "fog" in the picture that all I can clearly see is a smokebox, a tall chimney and some fairly heavy framing extending forward below the smokebox.  It mainly reminds me of a GWR class 3031.




We definitely need a smiley of a small dog barking at a tree'd cat........

Edited by Hroth
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On most of the Adams 4-4-0s the framing in front of the smokebox is longer. A possible candidate is the 445 class of 1883.

Perhaps a prototype that might be considered a little too obscure for a new entrant's first release into the marketplace..............


If it is an Adams loco (and I am reasonably convinced that it is), I reckon it has to be either the Radial or T3. 



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Yesterday I sat through an excruciating Mike Leigh film called "Mr. Turner" which included a painting of a steam train which for clarity rivals Oxford's foggy image. Whatever it is I am confident that Oxford will have picked a winner. Looking at their diecast model choices there are very few duffers amongst them, and not a lot that appear as "remaindered". A partner who knows what he is doing on the technical front will ensure a smooth running locomotive with lasting sales potential, I bet.

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This is to Arthur, do you ever study the prototype because LSWR locos did not have clack valves mounted on the smokebox and as far as I know no loco had that feature.  The LSWR Adams locos had lubricators mounted on the smoke box.  Clack valves were used to feed water to the boiler so would not be a lot of good feeding it to the smoke box.  The Highland 103's did not have this feature but did have a builders plate fixed to the smoke box side and the lubricators were down at footplate level.

It is not a Adams T3 as the frames are the wrong shape, unless Oxford Rail have made an error.




Are ye sure it's not a 'Snifter' valve ? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=snifter+valve+on+uk+steam+locos&biw=1360&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=dLFXVJDIJennsATt-4DoDg&ved=0CEcQsAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=tP4CA1Lu_8Ma0M%253A%3BNZQWdFpXEEBo9M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.co2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk%252Fpics%252Fsnift3.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.co2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk%252Fpage23.html%3B600%3B568


'Snifter' !............That reminds me.........Where did I leave ma wee dram ? ?

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The first time I had heard of Oxford Rail was through this thread.

Me too.

It may be "silly publicity" but this thread has had over 24,000 views so it seems to have worked in gaining publicity.

They're doing a nice job - at least here in our little community. I've been watching this thread in terms of posts per day (rather than thread views) since close to the beginning. At risk of perturbing the experiment by sharing early findings* here it is:


Today is already up - just like last Monday.


* (I'm doing it now because by Saturday no one will really care any way - not that it is very earth-shattering.)


Note that my numbers per day are for my time zone, which as of Sunday was GMT-8. It has been GMT-7 for most of the time so far, but it's close enough.

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"Tri-ang" was recently used by Tri-ang Toys - a manufacturer of bouncy castles and other inflatable playground toys like slides.  I don't know if they are still in business with this brand, but they're clearly on the web.

Interesting, certainly the name has  come back from wherever - but looks like it won't be used for oo trains again!  Think that in the dim distant past Tri-ang (as was) made large toys, like scooters,  for young children  under a Tri-ang Mobo label (or similar sounding name).  The current Triang's ride on tractors look rather good, wonder if grand daughter might like one in a couple of years time? :-)


Therefore the Triang Minic brand used by Oxford Diecast for their resurrected 1:1200 ships range must be a trademark, using both words, in its own right., I guess. (and I'm temped by the cargo ship and the dockyard cranes...)



ed for typos

Edited by railroadbill
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Me too.

They're doing a nice job - at least here in our little community. I've been watching this thread in terms of posts per day (rather than thread views) since close to the beginning. At risk of perturbing the experiment by sharing early findings* here it is:


Today is already up - just like last Monday.


* (I'm doing it now because by Saturday no one will really care any way - not that it is very earth-shattering.)


Note that my numbers per day are for my time zone, which as of Sunday was GMT-8. It has been GMT-7 for most of the time so far, but it's close enough.


Only 4 days 18 hours to go. Think of all that modelling time instead of watching the countdown clock.






At least it's more enjoyable than watching the news on tv.



Nero.....playing / fiddling with his Bagpipes. 

Edited by Ceptic
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I'm still concerned that no one has adequately explained the laser beam hitting the side of the locomotive.


Or the light coloured smoke box door ?........Could that be a 'Face'...?......If so,...This is, deeply, disconcerting. 

Edited by Ceptic
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  • RMweb Premium

Must be me - the picture doesn't really look any different from the last time I looked and it definitely still looks like what it is, I think.

If you were really evil, you could set up the website to display subtly different versions of the picture to different users.............


(Which I doubt in this case, as this website so far looks like it was designed in 1996)

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  • RMweb Premium

I have experimented with an image editor on the Fog image. By using the emboss function you can just see a dome (if you rub your eyes enough). Comparing this image with a line drawing of an Adams Radial I was able to match pretty precisely the relative positions of the vacuum hose, the front wheel, the dome and two boiler bands. A similar comparison with a Jones Goods show a number of differences. I have not found a good enough line drawing of a T3 to do a similar comparison.


So like most people have concluded its a Radial

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I see we've got two more lines of doggerel which give no further clues whatsoever.  W H Auden it ain't.


"His orphan son, who fathered me.
The orphan son I didn' see.
The past unknown for far too long
So now I'll try to right that wrong


So Oxford, just what is the game,

This poetry, truthfully, is getting so lame

Your teasing's worse than a strip club joint,

Either p*ss or get off the potty, just make your point


Is it an Adams, a Jones, or a Herring Red?

Without a pantograph, it won't be in my shed!

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Interesting to note that it will be revealed at 1am over there, but will be at 12pm Saturday the 8th here....wonder if there's something behind that reasoning.


I also see no-one has suggested an LNER A5/2 :jester:

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"His orphan son, who fathered me.
The orphan son I didn' see.
The past unknown for far too long
So now I'll try to right that wrong


Hmm Pre-grouping locomotives of the later period, unknown to most for far too long because pretty much nothing has been produced RTR?


If it is an Adams Radial then for me its what else have they got coming? I think someone said they had 6 projects under development currently

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I find the thread rather tedious, but I assume that the poem refers to a family history, and that MIGHT tie in with the loss of the "grandfather" in WW1, with Remembrance Sunday next week

Once someone explains the laser beam, I'll stop caring.

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Hi all   I have had a good laugh at all the strange suggestions since I came across the site although fortunately most don't seem to be serious otherwise I would have even more concerns about modellers knowledge and eyesight than I have already.  The picture has not changed at all but the worrying thing is that there is a faint but definite impression of a dome but with what looks like two safety valves a la Drummond.  I do hope that is not the case as the boiler bands would not be correct except for the Adams version.

      However by the standards of some other locos currently nearing release, errors like this seem to have become the norm.      Regards alll  adrianbs 

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