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Bachmann announce 0-6-2T L&NWR Webb Coal Tank

Andy Y

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Guest spet0114

On one it states that 35-050 will be unlined and on the other it states that 35-050 will be lined. It is many months from production so I am sure it will be clarified but I did think that the lined livery would perhaps be more popular, other models in fancy pre-grouping liveries have gone down a storm 


Bachmann appear to have a tendency, when introducing a new steam loco model, to include a 'main range' version that represents a surviving example in it's current form. We've seen that with the Dukedog, SECR C1, G2a, O4, E4 etc. It's my guess that 35-050 will most likely be a represntation of no. 1054 as she is now, i.e. incorporating any minor detail differences that would differentiate her current condition from how she was in the 1890s when she last wore unlined LNWR black (thanks to Jol for that info).


You're absolutely right that the more exotic pre-grouping liveries tend to go down a treat, but with the exception of the C1, these have tended to be restricted to 'limited edition' models such as those produced for the NRM or the Bachmann Club and where a premium price can be charged to recoup some of the costs of the elaborate printing process.




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  • RMweb Gold

Aspinall 2-4-2T, Coal Tank, Wirral Railway in the 1930s, Class 503?   Mmmmm, must be that broad church people talk about..... :dancer:

Wirrals Aspinall (WR 6, then 6762) ended its days as the Preston station pilot 46762 and Coal Tank 7841 was photographed on a Park to West Kirby train in 1934.  A bit of imaginative thinking would have both working in the changeover period with the 503s!  (Not to mention Fowler 2-6-2 tanks, a "Midland" 2P and a Stanier 2-6-0 at Birkenhead North!)  :jester:


Oh well, 2 years to go at least.....

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Guest spet0114


I just cannot understand at all the reasoning behind this annoucement at this time and in this manner. Needless to say though, i'm looking forward to owning one!


Bachmann have a track record of announcing new 'main range' locos during Collectors Club events - think back to last year when they introduced the H2 at the Bluebell event.

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  • RMweb Gold

Surely all they are doing is taking advantage of a perfect occasion to announce the new model - they'll get more publicity by launching it at the Collector's Club annual meeting, with the real thing on view, than they would have had at the catalogue launch. And as there's no intention of it being ready during the lifetime of the 2014 catalogue, why include it?


In fact it's Andy Y in the very first post, quoting Bachmann's Dennis Lovett, who told us it's due in 18 month's time.

Edited by Andy W
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  • RMweb Gold

We'll I hope they do lined and unlined LNWR versions eventually with different numbers, then I can have two :) With a fancier version of the C and it's simpler SE&CR both selling well let's hope they try the same with this.

With all this worry about announcements being knee jerk etc just have a think how many models by Bachmann haven't eventually arrived? 18 months to save up for this and any other models you fancy sounds good to me rather than a sudden release of it.

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  • RMweb Gold

We'll I hope they do lined and unlined LNWR versions eventually with different numbers, then I can have two :) With a fancier version of the C and it's simpler SE&CR both selling well let's hope they try the same with this.

With all this worry about announcements being knee jerk etc just have a think how many models by Bachmann haven't eventually arrived? 18 months to save up for this and any other models you fancy sounds good to me rather than a sudden release of it.

Exactly so Paul - that's how I was able to wander off to Alton and pay for a complete set of Porthole coaches (rather more than 18 months in their case I think (but so what?).  One big advantage of these long lead times is that we have time to save up and in any case thinking back a while we were in the situation where we got to know of new models either when catalogues appeared or they were in the March edition of the 'Modeller' following the Toy fair but they didn't then appear in the shops until later in the year.


True nowadays we get occasional surprises but generally we have time to put money to one side ready for when whatever we've decided we want arrives to meet our pre-orders, hardly a bad system in my view.


BTW one thing which does interest me about the Coal Tank is how Bachmann will tackle the lamp iron quandary - will they have separate parts to allow both the socket style and later pattern of irons to be modelled accurately?

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  • RMweb Premium

I think it just needs holes in the running plate where either LNWR or LMS lamp irons can be plugged in. The LMS version will probably have straw colour Crewe style insignia with LMS at 40" centres. What I would like to see in the little packet of accessories, and I hope Bachmann is reading this, is push-pull Auto-Vac gear!   :biggrin_mini2:

The LNWR lamps fitted into cast sockets which were riveted or bolted on the buffer beam or the back of the bunker. The one above the smokebox door incorporated the handrail support which may be a bit more difficult to supply as a plug in item.

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It's my guess that 35-050 will most likely be a represntation of no. 1054 as she is now, i.e. incorporating any minor detail differences that would differentiate her current condition from how she was in the 1890s when she last wore unlined LNWR black (thanks to Jol for that info).


The main difference between 1890s condition and now will be brake blocks. The originals were wood.

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  • RMweb Premium

I am very pleased to see Bachmann doing another 'North Western' loco, as my modelling period is the earlyto mid 1930s I will be investing in an LMS version when they

are released to go with my Brassmasters Prince of Wales kit and London Road Precurser tank.  While Bachmann made a very nice model of the G2 but it seems generally to have escaped the RTR manufacturers that its somewhat difficult to model large parts of the LMS in this period  or earlier without some distinct LNWR flavour.  They were an exceptionally large company.   Perhaps we'll see a George the fifth next  :sungum:  not holding my breath).   I'd be happy with some earlier Midland or LMS coaches though the Portholes are too late for me.

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Perhaps I should stay away from RMweb more often. I spend (what was here in North America) a long weekend offline and not one but two popular announcements are made (including the Hattons/DJmodels King).


I'm sure this long-tipped announcement from Bachmann will please many.

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Guest spet0114

Well, it's been announced for a few days now and usually the dealers are pretty quick to get their websites set up for pre-orders. In this case however, with one exception (Invicta), I can find no dealer willing to take my pre-order. Any thoughts on what's causing the delay?



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  • RMweb Premium

It took Bachmann a week to put it on their own site, so there may be delays in getting the info out to the stockists - with holidays as well.

Anyway given an 18 month wait, does a couple of days delay in being able to place an order amount to much?

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Did the G2 already have a LNWR version released or at we 'expecting' frothing for that that next year?


Unfortunately due to the type of firebox modelled the G2 is not suitable for an LNWR model.  I have checked the motor clearances in an attempt to modify one myself but I think it is just too square to enable a round boiler to be fitted. 


It's a shame they chose not to model a round boiler version as, though conversions to a Belpaire boiler started in 1925, many lasted well into the mid 30s in pretty much original condition.


I guess though that a 'pretty' LNWR version (if such a term can be applied to a G2) could be floated, after all people seem to accept the back-livery of 'as preserved' locos happily enough.

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  • RMweb Gold

Without being too disparaging towards Bachmann, I'd think the timing of this has been brought on by other, newer producers in the market.


Being the "Firstest, with the Mostest" springs to mind.....


That said, yes, I'd like one.



Ian ,I think this announcement was made solely to coincide with Bachmann Collectors Club Day on the KWVR,which is the present home of the Coal Tank....an excellent piece of theatre which gave pleasure to those who had made the trip to be there...wish I had myself. I don't believe there was any other motive than that. Remember Bachmann have a pedigree in producing vintage tank locos and I can't see any competition on the horizon to take that reputation from them ATM....unless of course there were Danish espionage agents in a hot air balloon above the Pennines last weekend...


Regards,the other Ian.

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...erm...not sure how you quoted me saying it's being released in 18 month's time, I have absolutely no idea when it's due for release!

Sorry about this - I was trying to quote based on the original post, and just clicked reply on your post to use as a template for editing. It seems like it remembered where I got it from though!



Bachmann have a track record of announcing new 'main range' locos during Collectors Club events - think back to last year when they introduced the H2 at the Bluebell event.

Yes, but its hardly like the H2 is anywhere near close to appearing on shelves. I'd have just recapped on what hasn't already been released in the hope that people will have forgotten!

Edited by 84A
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  • RMweb Gold

I don't dig these kind of responses. B E    H A P P Y !


Oh, but I am!


I've been awaiting 'the call' for ages...


But then, I've been awaiting the 1F, and 64xx, as well....


If they bring out both of them together, it will be a tough call....


Model railways, or the wife.........



Edited by tomparryharry
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Oh, but I am!


I've been awaiting 'the call' for ages...


But then, I've been awaiting the 1F, and 64xx, as well....


If they bring out both of them together, it will be a tough call....


Model railways, or the wife.........




Easy. Model Railways.

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Unfortunately due to the type of firebox modelled the G2 is not suitable for an LNWR model.  I have checked the motor clearances in an attempt to modify one myself but I think it is just too square to enable a round boiler to be fitted. 


It's a shame they chose not to model a round boiler version as, though conversions to a Belpaire boiler started in 1925, many lasted well into the mid 30s in pretty much original condition.


I guess though that a 'pretty' LNWR version (if such a term can be applied to a G2) could be floated, after all people seem to accept the back-livery of 'as preserved' locos happily enough.

Beamed designed the belpaire boiler for the LNWR classes in 1924. The first was converted in July that year. They were interchangeable and so a G2 could emerge from Crewe having arrived with a round top but leave with a belpaire or vice versa as the round tops were refurbished not phased out.


It is pity that Bachmann have not produced a round top version. But I suspect that this is a marketing decision based upon only producing models that can be in a BR livery.


Cannot wait for this model. In 1923 there were 20 at Tredegar!



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Do people really want Super D to run as in pre-groping days or do they want one in LNWR livery? Some of the Belpaire locos carried what was effectively LNWR style with number plates on the cab sides.

This is correct. Evidence in Talbot's book on LNWR eight coupled locos. Edited by philip-griffiths
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