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Yes Guys and Gals, pics tonight. I'm really looking forward to getting the loops connected now and running proper trains for the first time since I left Hampshire back in Oct 2005 when I had double looped Garage layout.


It was all a bit crude by todays standards with Hornby and Lima 37 / 47 / 60 and 66's were pride if place with lighting fitted and made by George T.











Edited by Andrew P
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Morning Andy,

You've done it - 200 pages, and that before the circuit is complete! Congratulations mate and here's to the next 200!

Kind regards,


PS, even discounting the sausage pages - that is true testament to your popularity! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning Andy,

You've done it - 200 pages, and that before the circuit is complete! Congratulations mate and here's to the next 200!

Kind regards,


PS, even discounting the sausage pages - that is true testament to your popularity! J.

Even with these horrid blue boxes on the layout!

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Cheers guys and thanks for all the above, who would have thought I could keep going on just one project for so long without wandering off.


Well I have wandered off a bit as far as the era is concerned but its still Bitton.


Re the new TOY, well I've done a deal with a guy and now have a 56 and 20 in Railfreight to add to my Fleet, the 20 has only arrived today so was to late for inclusion in the Photo Shoot on Eddington Yard at the Mansfield Show today, (the show is on tomorrow as well.).


I have done a larger selection of pics on the Eddington Yard thread, but here are just a few of my Locos visiting Eddington Yard today.


Firstly the new and much to clean 56.














Edited by Andrew P
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Hi Andy,


Have been far too busy here to be lurking on here lately but have enjoyed catching up. 

The simplest way to isolate the tracks approaching the lift out section would be to replace those double electrical connectors with a block of three at each end to carry the juice back to the dead sections! Simples.


Congrats on 200 pages and love the videos BTW, very inspirational!!


Regards Shaun.


Edited to include naff wiring diagram.                   

Edited by Sasquatch
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Index Update.

Mick, (Donnington Road) has very kindly done a full index for me and I will endeavour to keep it up to date, Thanks Mick. 
Page 001         Post 1              Introduction to Bitton
Page 001         Post 1              Track Plan
Page 001         Post 1              The old Potting Shed photos
Page 005         Post 118          Potting Shed features
Page 006         Post 131          Bitton prototype photos
Page 006         Post 136          Thinking of the layout inside the Potting Shed
Page 010         Post 229          Layout schematic
Page 011         Post 255          Marcway track cost and discussion
Page 014         Post 326          The back garden getting sorted (photos)
Page 015         Post 352          The Bitton Row Cottages (photos)
Page 016         Post 386          Reference to Mangotsfield
Page 017         Post 419          Ideas on ballasting track
Page 019         Post 455          Refresh of Bitton so far 27 August 2014
Page 020         Post 481          Signalling Bitton (photos)
Page 022         Post 541          Bitton station bridge photos
Page 022         Post 544          Bitton signal box photo
Page 023         Post 561          Bitton station photos
Page 025         Post 602          Bitton goods shed (photos)
Page 026         Post 632          Book: The Mangotsfield To Bath Line (photos)
Page 027         Post 668          Bitton station in preservation (photos)
Page 028         Post 679          Interesting facts about Bitton
Page 028         Post 696          Bitton yard crane (photo)
Page 031         Post 753          Track requirements for the layout
Page 032         Post 776          The Potting Shed increases in size!
Page 032         Post 779          The old Potting Shed base goes (photos)
Page 032         Post 783          The new Potting Shed base begins (photos)
Page 033         Post 801          Fitting the trackplan to the new size Potting Shed (photos)
Page 034         Post 842          Potting Shed thoughts about flooring
Page 036         Post 885          Bitton workings and more signalling
Page 039         Post 967          Revised layout track plan
Page 043         Post 1067        Rubber floor mats
Page 048         Post 1183        Waiting for the Potting Shed (photo)
Page 048         Post 1193        THE NEW POTTING SHED ARRIVES! (photos)
Page 050         Post 1240        Insulating the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 053         Post 1301        Potting Shed door (photos)
Page 054         Post 1331        Ply lining the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 054         Post 1338        Electrical thoughts
Page 055         Post 1367        Weather vane (photos)
Page 057         Post 1418        Workbench/access/layout ideas (plan)
Page 059         Post 1451        More insulation in the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 061         Post 1501        More ply lining in the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 062         Post 1543        More ply lining in the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 063         Post 1551        Potting Shed exterior (photos)
Page 063         Post 1569        The interior starts to get painted (photos)
Page 064         Post 1577        Painting the interior (photos)
Page 064         Post 1598        My first piece of track for Bitton built by Jason (photo)
Page 066         Post 1639        Potting Shed interior (photos)
Page 067         Post 1658        Kitchen units going in the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 069         Post 1703        Potting Shed lighting (photos)
Page 070         Post 1729        Layout orientation in the Potting Shed (plan)
Page 072         Post 1789        Double glazing the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 074         Post 1829        The workbench and spray booth (photo)
Page 074         Post 1848        Comparing the old Potting Shed with the new (photos)
Page 075         Post 1864        Baseboard frames start to go in (photos)
Page 077         Post 1919        More baseboard frames (photos)
Page 078         Post 1935        Exterior electrics to the Potting Shed (photos)
Page 080         Post 1986        Trackwork for the layout discussion
Page 084         Post 2100        Potting Shed interior (photos)
Page 087         Post 2152        Experimenting with track formation on the baseboards (photos)
Page 088         Post 2180        Experimenting with the fiddle yard (photos)
Page 094         Post 2347        Templot plan of Bitton by Cav
Page 102         Post 2530        Potting shed door gets insulation
Page 102        Post 2541       First attempt at a Point build.
Page 107        Post 2655       First Baseboard.
Page   108         Most of the Page    Goods Yard operation. 
Page   109         Post 2708           Board edging over original Ordinance plan.
Page   110         Post 2714           Track on graphed board for size testing.
Page   113         Post 2802           First 3 Baseboards completed.
Page   115         Post   2873        Start of Condensation discussions.
Page   119         Post 2956           First main Point Build
Page   128         Post 3188           First Point Final Test with stock, (pushing / pulling). 
Page   128         Post 3189            Gauge and Standards explained by Cav, (RBE) in simple terms.
Page   132         Post 3293           Larry's Ballasting and Track Laying method.
Page   137         Post 3406           Over Centre Clips.
Page   137         Post 3423           Big Bertha finished and trialed in position 
Page   138         Post  3429          Start of lengthy debate about Ballast Adhesive, Tape, PVA, Copydex etc.
Page   143         Post  3563          Double Point for Goods Yard.
Page   144         Post  3598          Final test fitting of Goods Shed release points.
Page   145         Post  3601          End Loading Dock discussion.
Page   145         Post  3608          Electrically gapping the points.
Page   146         Post  3631          Cattle Dock Picks.
Page   146         Post  3634          Cross Board Strengtheners.
Page   147         Post  3653          Ariel View of Station.
Page   148         Post   3681         Sticking down foam.
Page   148         Post   3696         Paint foam Blackboard Paint from  B & Q.
Page   149         Post   3708         Start of Up Platform.
Page   149         Post   3723         First holes for Point Motors.
Page   150         Post   3726         Index.
Page   152         Post   3776         Up Platform.
Page   152         Post   3785         First Train to run on Bitton.
Page   153         Post   3822         Sky Back Scene.
Page   155         Post   3851         First Storage Yard board over Work Bench.
Page   156         Post   3876         Re Done Backscene.
Page   156         Post   3888         Bus Bar discussion.
Page   159         Post   3951         SPA Wagon
Page   159         Post   3967         First Track laying through Station. 
Page   160         Post   3984         Dowels and Plugs.
Page   160         Post   3989         Up Main Line laid.
Page   160         Post   3993         Down Main Line laid.
Page   161         Post   4021         Wiring Scenic Board 1 Bus Bar etc.
Page   162         Post   4038         Storage Yard Board 2 construction.
Page   163         Post   4056         Storage Yard Board 3 construction.
Page   163         Post   4070         Wiring Scenic Board 2 Bus Bar etc.
Page   163         Post   4071         Modratec Lever Pics.
Page   163         Post   4073         Magnets ordered.
Page   163         Post   4075         Scalefour Society Lever Frames.
Page   164         Post   4076         Laying Big Bertha.
Page   165         Post   4101         Start of Magnet discussion.
Page   167         Post   4151         Blue Fleet Pics.
Page   168         Post   4186         Single Slip Wiring Diagram by Clive Mortimer
Page   168         Post   4196         Bib Bertha laid and wired.
Page   169         Post   4201         Black 5 running over MAGNETS
Page   169         Post   4215         Black 5 Sound settings.
Page   171         Post   4253         Goods Loop Points Laid.
Page   171         Post   4256         Blue 31 Details and SWD Sound fitted.
Page   173         Post   4310         Trebudoc test Video, ( NOW WORKING)
Page   173         Post   4319         Lee doing the end board.
Page   174         Post   4328         Green Class 25 Shunting the Coal Yard VIDEO.
Page   175         Post   4335         Pics from Kingsmill.
Page   178         Post   4450         Black 5 on the Bitton Coals VIDEO.   
Page   180         Post   4477         Last Point laid and wired and tested with Blue 47's 
Page   180         Post   4495         Sound comparison, Legoman 33 & SWD 47 
Page   182         Post   4530         Main Platform construction.
Page   184         Post   4593         9F Video.
Page   184         Post   4596         108 Sound Video.
Page   185         Post   4601         Std 4 Video.
Page   185         Post   4623         Start of outer embankment.
Page   186         Post   4631         Georges explanation of how I was feeling.
Page   187         Post   4663         My response. :O
Page   188         Post   4678         My solution. :sungum:
Page   188         Post    4686         Sticking down the outer embankment. 
Page   189         Post    4716         George's Class 47 Video.
Page   191         Post    4752         Foam laid on Storage yard.
Page   191         Post    4769         Storage tester.
Page   193         Post    4809         Speedlink Yard tester.

Page   195         Post    4857         Jason's Yard idea.

Page   196         Post    4900         Door lifting section.

Page   197         Post    4913         Door section backscene.

Page   198         Post    4927         Door section Track laid.

Page   198         Post    4930         Door section Video. 

Page   198         Post    4947         Door with Trains under their own power.

Page   200         Post    4980         Stock pic's on Eddington Yard.

Page   200         Post    4982         New Index.

Edited by Andrew P
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Hi Andy,


Have been far too busy here to be lurking on here lately but have enjoyed catching up. 

The simplest way to isolate the tracks approaching the lift out section would be to replace those double electrical connectors with a block of three at each end to carry the juice back to the dead sections! Simples.

attachicon.gifBITTON WIRING.png

Congrats on 200 pages and love the videos BTW, very inspirational!!


Regards Shaun.


Edited to include naff wiring diagram.                   

Excellent Shaun, that's easy to do and will be implemented when I finally tidy up that wiring and so thanks mate, really appreciated.


Obviously before someone comments, it will be done on both the up and down lines, even though Shaun has only sown it on the Down Line.

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Dear Mr Peters


I am shocked, all the hard work we put in while you were on holiday in thinking of an industry for Bitton and an alternative use of the potting shed you have not catalogued anything about "Bodge's of Bitton Prize Porkies". :no2: :no2:

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Dear Mr Peters


I am shocked, all the hard work we put in while you were on holiday in thinking of an industry for Bitton and an alternative use of the potting shed you have not catalogued anything about "Bodge's of Bitton Prize Porkies". :no2: :no2:

hHAHAHHAHAHHAHHEEEEEeeeeee :sarcastichand:  :sarcastichand: :sarcastichand:  :sarcastichand:  :sarcastichand:  :sarcastichand:  :sarcastichand:  :butcher:  

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Now class 56's are allowed, especially in BR grey! Just watch out incase Richard tries to repaint it into BR blue  :nono:  :hunter:

Don't worry I have a Blue one as well, just need a Large Logo due out later in the year to complete the Trio for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers guys and thanks for all the above, who would have thought I could keep going on just one project for so long without wandering off.


Well I have wandered off a bit as far as the era is concerned but its still Bitton.


Re the new TOY, well I've done a deal with a guy and now have a 56 and 20 in Railfreight to add to my Fleet, the 20 has only arrived today so was to late for inclusion in the Photo Shoot on Eddington Yard at the Mansfield Show today, (the show is on tomorrow as well.).


I have done a larger selection of pics on the Eddington Yard thread, but here are just a few of my Locos visiting Eddington Yard today.


Firstly the new and much to clean 56.


attachicon.gifMansfield 2015 Mar 7th 013.JPG


attachicon.gifMansfield 2015 Mar 7th 026.JPG


attachicon.gifMansfield 2015 Mar 7th 008.JPG


attachicon.gifMansfield 2015 Mar 7th 015.JPG


attachicon.gifMansfield 2015 Mar 7th 031.JPG


attachicon.gifMansfield 2015 Mar 7th 039.JPG

Splendid stuff Andy,


Congratulations on 200 pages.

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Splendid stuff Andy,


Congratulations on 200 pages.

Thanks Tony, very kind of you, I'm finding I get more excited by the stuff I remember from when I first got into Railways in the 70's and 80's, but I still like the Steam stuff, I just cant do both on Bitton at the moment, although I do still have my Red Duchess and Pete Waterman Black 5.


I'm looking forward to a return visit quite soon with John.

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