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  • RMweb Gold

Remove all the stupid buttons, meaningless clicky toys for the Facebook generation. Even this will probably get a stupid rating :D


Sorry Jason, I couldn't find the "stupid" button or I'd have obliged, which indicates to me that all the stupid buttons have been removed  :D

Edited by Anotheran
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Afternoon Guys and Gals, just a little done today, (other jobs around the Bung, like cleaning all the UPVC in the Conservatory), but I've laid the foam for the Storage Yard,





and also the first couple of yards of track off of Jason's point and Slip onto the end board.








Off to Club after Tea.

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  • RMweb Gold

Is it the whole idea of buttons that you object to Jason? I had doubts when a button first appear but a simple like avoided a lot of 'me too' post which don't add much. I cannot really see any advantage beyond that. Besides if you comment about more than one thing in a post what does the button rating refer to.  Being able to give two likes when something is outstanding might be useful.


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Is it the whole idea of buttons that you object to Jason? I had doubts when a button first appear but a simple like avoided a lot of 'me too' post which don't add much. I cannot really see any advantage beyond that. Besides if you comment about more than one thing in a post what does the button rating refer to.  Being able to give two likes when something is outstanding might be useful.


NO NO NO not TWO LIKES please Don, Ones enough thanks.hahhahahah.

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  • RMweb Premium

Is it the whole idea of buttons that you object to Jason? I had doubts when a button first appear but a simple like avoided a lot of 'me too' post which don't add much. I cannot really see any advantage beyond that. Besides if you comment about more than one thing in a post what does the button rating refer to. Being able to give two likes when something is outstanding might be useful.


It's more the use of them than the buttons themselves, and the amount they are used when sometimes a comment goes much further. Tonight, for instance, I am hoping to get on with building the retaining walls for the Mill, which involves trimming Wills sheets and then using MEK to dissolve the ends before reforming them to hide the joins. If I get chance, I'll put up a shot on The Mill thread later on and I daresay it will get some likes. I could follow that up by posting something funny or silly on here or KL2 and chances are it would get as many ratings as the modelling I'd done, e.g. actually getting on and constructing something. One of those would relate to a meaningful rating and the other not. Same as when someone buys a new loco and takes a shot of it to put up on the forum. Nothing wrong with that at all, we've all done it and we are happy with our purchase. But for that to then get a number of likes is basically saying that other people like the fact that you have managed to spend some money and open a box (maybe without dropping it on the floor?).


Maybe the answer I am seeking doesn't involve getting rid of the buttons but the count against an individual's ID as that is what is the meaningless bit; I have 12,300 or thereabouts at the moment but what does that mean? That I am a better modeller than someone with 200? Of course not, so it is a meaningless figure. Same with view counts on threads as some of the best layout threads on here have sod all views where there is a lot of utter pap with astronomical numbers of views. Take the linked thread for instance, some of the finest modelling on here and it has 15,000 views: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/41309-leith-baltic-street/.


Anyway, sorry for going off topic Andy. On a more relevant note, I am chuffed to bits that you have got some work done on Bitton and it is looking lovely; that curve is really elegant and as we were chatting about last week, it opens up a bit more play value.

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  • RMweb Premium

I find the buttons just a bit of fun. If someone takes the time to press "like" etc. then I think how nice of them to take the time not only to read my post but to respond to it. If no one presses "like" etc. it does not worry me.

Edited by Clive Mortimore
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It's more the use of them than the buttons themselves, and the amount they are used when sometimes a comment goes much further. Tonight, for instance, I am hoping to get on with building the retaining walls for the Mill, which involves trimming Wills sheets and then using MEK to dissolve the ends before reforming them to hide the joins. If I get chance, I'll put up a shot on The Mill thread later on and I daresay it will get some likes. I could follow that up by posting something funny or silly on here or KL2 and chances are it would get as many ratings as the modelling I'd done, e.g. actually getting on and constructing something. One of those would relate to a meaningful rating and the other not. Same as when someone buys a new loco and takes a shot of it to put up on the forum. Nothing wrong with that at all, we've all done it and we are happy with our purchase. But for that to then get a number of likes is basically saying that other people like the fact that you have managed to spend some money and open a box (maybe without dropping it on the floor?).


Maybe the answer I am seeking doesn't involve getting rid of the buttons but the count against an individual's ID as that is what is the meaningless bit; I have 12,300 or thereabouts at the moment but what does that mean? That I am a better modeller than someone with 200? Of course not, so it is a meaningless figure. Same with view counts on threads as some of the best layout threads on here have sod all views where there is a lot of utter pap with astronomical numbers of views. Take the linked thread for instance, some of the finest modelling on here and it has 15,000 views: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/41309-leith-baltic-street/.


I slightly disagree with you Jason. :no:

The buttons maybe a bit simplistic way of responding to someone's post.  If there were no buttons then I think you would find yourself getting more replies to posts, probably saying I like or agree with a detailed narrative.  Would you then feel obliged to respond to some of those posts out of politeness, therefore spending valueable time that you could otherwise be putting to better use.  Personally I think the balance is about right.  Those that really want to say something will post or reply, those who just want to support someone's dialog without impingeing on them will press the button. :declare:

BTW, I don't look or care how many ratings people get, I can make my own mind up about someone's ability or personality.  You Jason certainly don't need ratings to confirm either. :sungum:  Now back to Mill with you so I can press a few buttons :jester:

Edited by Donington Road
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Looking lovely Andy, just keep doing a bit at a time mate and all will be well with the project and YOU!


Morning Andy hope your ok. Bitton is looking good keep on with the good work Andy and take it easy buddy.



Morning Mike and Mark, Thanks guys, I think the distraction of Buckfast and a rest from Bitton, PLUS the arrival of a nice shiny new Large Logo 47 has re awakened my enthusiasm to get some more done.


I also had the very slight problem that the area for the Storage Yard had become a dumping ground for all sorts of odds and ends, so once that was cleared I had to lay the foam before it became cluttered again.


The hope for today is to try and get the tracks onto the Storage Yard Board and the Bus Bar and wiring on the end board in place and then I can make a start on the Storage tracks.


More later.

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Morning Andy,


Firstly, I like the fact that you're moving on a pace with both Bitton and the Alcoholic based one!!!!


Can I just draw your attention to something, it may be a trick of the camera angle but I can see a distinct 'kink' in your curve. It would be difficult from the inside ( the angle which you laid it) to see and I wouldn't want you to fix it all down and find it afterwards with poor running.


Here is the offending section..........




Hope you don't mind my pointing it out Andy?


Jinty ;-)

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Morning Andy,


Firstly, I like the fact that you're moving on a pace with both Bitton and the Alcoholic based one!!!!


Can I just draw your attention to something, it may be a trick of the camera angle but I can see a distinct 'kink' in your curve. It would be difficult from the inside ( the angle which you laid it) to see and I wouldn't want you to fix it all down and find it afterwards with poor running.


Here is the offending section..........


attachicon.gifAndy's track.jpg


Hope you don't mind my pointing it out Andy?


Jinty ;-)

Thanks Jinty, As they say the camera NEVER LIES, but sometime it makes things look worse that than they really are, when I came in and downloaded the pics I went back out to double check it. I couldn't  find it at first, but there was a small flat spot there, but nowhere near as bad as it looked in the pic, I  just shuffled it around a bit and its sweet. 


Thanks for noticing, its shows I'm not posting on here for nothing.



Edited by Andrew P
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Afternoon Andy,

I looked at the pics very late last night/early this morning and I didn't notice that! As you rightly infer, one of the beauties of this site is the amount of constructive comment it raises! The trackworkreally is looking realistic. Hope you aren't getting too excited and doing too much again?

Kind regards,


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A useful tip when laying track in awkward to see places is to use a mirror on the track and look along track to mirror and into the mirror ,if that makes sense, it's amazing how the smallest kink shows up. I understand Mr Wrights track layer uses this technique.

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I am with you on the problem of dumping things on baseboards, it does hinder progress.

Andy, what I always find is comforting.... :sungum:  is to see someone even further up to the neck in muck and bullets......here's my layout; thats been 7 months now in process of being cleared out :help:




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Hi Guys, Cheers for all the above, and to Alan for the tip on the mirror.


Not done as much as I hoped to do today, not quite up to it, but I have finished the curve on the end board, but no wire or droppers yet.








I've also played around with the pointwork for the Storage Yard.


The loop at the back will hold about 30 wagons in this format, (there's 18 in the wagons in the pic)






More later.

Edited by Andrew P
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Not done as much as I hoped to do today, not quite up to it, but I have finished the curve on the end board, but no wire or droppers yet.


It looks to me as though you have done plenty today.  At least you have got the fiddle yard boards cleared and can now see a rough idea of how that will go.  Don't forget to leave enough room for the little project, even if means losing one of the storage roads.

I do like the new track, it really does look better than the Peco when you see it side by side.

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Looking very nice Andy, just remember to take things at a reduced pace.

Couple of questions: Are you using C&L flexi track?

Have you tried their fastrack with separate rail?

And what are you using for fishplates?


I'm using both the Flexi and the fastrack panels, both BH and FB, and I'm using their fishplates to join them, but I'm finding it a bit fiddly soldering those tiny fishplates to either side of the rail.


Jinty ;-)

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Looking very nice Andy, just remember to take things at a reduced pace.

Couple of questions: Are you using C&L flexi track?

Have you tried their fastrack with separate rail?

And what are you using for fishplates?


I'm using both the Flexi and the fastrack panels, both BH and FB, and I'm using their fishplates to join them, but I'm finding it a bit fiddly soldering those tiny fishplates to either side of the rail.


Jinty ;-)

Hi Jinty, the track is SMP and I've used Peco Fish Plates soldered to one rail and allowing the other to float and expand. Its all BH rail and technically wrong for the 70's / 80's but I cant see any difference from 3ft away.

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