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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Neil & Phil, going to make a start over the next couple of days, the fishplates arrived today but there 7mm so going to see if I can swap them, the 47's almost done so soon as it is I'll make a start on weathering up the disused sleepers etc.


Thanks again, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally got a day of modelling so after more or less finishing the 47 (still needs four double arrows an a biffo chip) I thought I return to jobs on ELJ, so a bit more work on the box has been done, I finished the brickwork that needed finishing on one of the sides then I've started colouring and weathering it.


The finished brickwork.




These to sides look far to clean and tidy!




I've then added the wet das clay into the mortar lines.




Once that was dry I've weathered the brickwork and sealed it, I've then gave the wooden cladding it's first coat of off white/cream.




Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Neil :)


I've done a bit more on the signal box this afternoon, I've done a bit of the interior and I've built the door frame.








Once I'd done that I thought I'd make a start on the warehouse for the backscene, the original ELJ has got the Meccano factory behind it but im just going to make my own up.


Not looking to bad just plonked on with blue tac at the mo!! :-thumbsup










Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Paul, thanks for the trees, showed them to a few customers and they gave them the thumbs up. Cheers

Thanks Barryamd everyone at the shop :) good meeting up again and visiting your great shop, I'll have those others done in about two weeks so looking forward to seeing you all again soon.


Thanks for the great feedback to, see you soon



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  • RMweb Gold

More top work here Paul :paint:

Thanks Neil, I've not goin to use those warehouses on this board though, I've been thinking and had some more ideas, in the real ELJ is there it's a large factory but I think I'm goin to build the obligatory bus shed on board one, I'm not a huge bus fan but I've a soft spot for green Leyland atlanteans since I travelled everywhere on them as a kid. So there will be other warehouses on boards 2 & 3, once I've got the bits I need I'll reviel more ;)


Thanks again, Paul

Edited by PjKing1
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  • RMweb Gold

Sounds good to me Paul!!

Ive ripped out my depot on the home layout thread!!

Have more ideas now for the depot area.. :scratchhead: :mail:

Just edited my post buddy :) I'll take a look at your thead once I've cooked the Mrs her roast, should only take me three hours :O


Scary ripping stuff up though been there an done that but I'm sure it'll look good matey :D


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Im looking forward to my roastys too :locomotive: :locomotive:

Haven't had one in ages an I quite like cooking so I banish the Mrs from the kitchen an I go to work :)


Hope yours is as nice as mine mate ;)


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Well fingers crossed!!

if not ile come to you for my "roastys"... :sungum: :locomotive:

Your more than welcome mate, although we've ate them all, but I'll happily cook you some more :)


David thank very much, sorry I haven't updated much lately but a lot is going on at the moment in normal everyday life that should be sorted soon. I'll be honest it's been a tough few months as I've took my ex mrs to court over the kids and it's coming to a head hopefully tomorrow. I'm only mentioning it as there could be fellow peeps out there in the same boat feeling really fed up and there's no hope. All I can say is do your best. My modelling and the great comments I've recieved and encouragement I've got of everyone on here have got me through this including the great support of my lovely better half.


Anyway sorry if I've rambled on but it might help someone in the same boat feel there's light at the end of the tunnel. So plenty of modelling coming up soon on ELJ.


Thanks again, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

How was your "roasties" Paul :locomotive:

Not to bad buddy, but I do make nice roasties even if I do say so myself ;) just watched a scary ish film, so a look on tinternet then bed, I'm to old for scary film now :)


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally the bits n bobs have arrived to make a start on more of the backscene so I'll be cracking on with that this week, I'm also launching into the tree market so I've been busy setting verious things up on that front.


Here's a couple of pics of some of the trees I was working on last week, their n gauge but could be used as small OO.








The sun was out to this week so managed to get some shots of the layout, no tinkering at all with the pics 100% as it was.









Cheers, Paul

Edited by PjKing1
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  • RMweb Gold

I always enjoy looking for all the extra fine detail... :senile:

Realy makes big difference...

Defo even the fishplates, you can hardly see them but at least I know they're there :)


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Well it's been a busy week making trees, as some of you will know I'm hoping to start taking orders in the next few weeks and Barry of Widnes Model Centre has kindly allowed me to do a small display for the shop, so any spare time over the last two weeks have been spent doing that.


I did take a break from them tonight though and I've made a start on one of the warehouses for the backscene, hopefully I'll have some pics up by Sunday, looking forward building an weathering this one as it's not just bricks!! ;)


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

No modelling as such over the weekend again apart from a bit more on the signal box but some big decisions have been made. It's something some of you will know has been bugging me for a while, while I'm happy with the scenics an how everything's coming along I've always had doubts over the track and after speaking to Martin with his layout Kinmundy on Saturday and Jinty I've decided ELJ will be going EM.


It's not a decision I've taken lightly and I've been thinking about doing it for months and now I've decided it's a weight of my shoulders. Why EM? Well I want to have hand built points and with EM I can tweak the wheel sets of most rtr were as if I went P4 it's whole new wheel sets. For now though I'll be carrying on with the scratch building but there will be updated regarding the track planning to.


I'm also going to follow the original prototype track plan so I can hopefully make it as accurate as possible, so here's to the future and ELJ EM :)


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Not so much modelling over the last week but a lot of research into the world of EM and track building, it's a pretty scary thing, but I've been reassured it's pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it by Jinty and Brian and who's building his own 2mm track, also Martin has been giving me a lot if advice into the world of EM.


The hardest part I'm finding is Templot, it looks a great program if you know how to use it, which I don't :( So it's been a very frustrating week in front of the laptop, which nearly got launched a few times!!


Anyway hopefully so track diagrams soon and an update on the box :)


Cheers, Paul

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